When Lu Dajiang and the others heard that Huang Yuan agreed with Liu Yan's suggestion, they were slightly surprised.

After all, it was extremely dangerous for any member of Team Origin to venture out at this juncture.

Once the people of Lakon Territory discovered this, the coordinates of Origin Territory might be exposed.

At that time, Origin Territory would be exposed to the formidable Lakon Territory.

Although Origin Territory was developing quite well, it was still a fledgling territory. It had not truly matured and gained power.

Facing the old and potent Lakon Territory, Origin Territory would be defenseless.


Hence, at this crucial moment, allowing Liu Yan to go out alone was indeed too risky.

Preferring stability, Lu Dajiang naturally hoped that Liu Yan would remain within the territory for the time being. This was the safest approach, and also the best course of action for Origin Territory.

However, Huang Yuan's current agreement to let Liu Yan depart the Origin Territory alone caught everyone by surprise.

When Liu Yan heard Huang Yuan's words, he looked at Huang Yuan in astonishment. He hadn't anticipated Huang Yuan's immediate agreement.

Lu Dajiang patted Huang Yuan's shoulder. "Old Huang, what's wrong with you? You're acutely aware of the dangers involved, so how can you agree to let Liu Yan go out?"

The rest of them regarded Huang Yuan with bewilderment, awaiting his explanation.


Huang Yuan offered a faint smile in response to the perplexed gazes. Then, he looked at Liu Yan and elucidated, "I indeed grasp the peril of this situation. At such a pivotal juncture, the safest course is for any member of Team Origin to refrain from leaving, remaining within the territory to avoid undue attention. Concurrently, they can focus on cultivation and improvement. However, when it comes to Captain Liu Yan, I have a different perspective."

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately comprehended that Huang Yuan hadn't arrived at this decision impulsively. He had meticulously and deeply thought it through. This piqued even more curiosity.

Huang Yuan continued his explanation, "The rationale is simple. Aside from ensuring safety, we must also foster growth. Our purpose in ascending to the sixth floor of the tower is to enhance our strength. This way, we can conquer the final trial and successfully ascend to the seventh floor. Stagnating here and making it our permanent residence is not our objective. Numerous teams in the Wind Barrier on the sixth floor of the tower are stuck. No matter how many years they endure, even if it's a lifetime, they can't surmount the final trial. This is because they've grown accustomed to a less ambitious life. Their sharpness and adventurous spirit have dulled. While they might continue growing stronger, many other territories and teams will inevitably surpass them."action

Upon hearing Huang Yuan's words, everyone couldn't help but ponder.Liu Yan, Luo Qingcheng, and Chu Long had recently arrived at the Wind Barrier, so they were less acquainted with its dynamics on the sixth floor of the tower. Huang Yuan's words didn't resonate deeply with them.

However, Lu Dajiang and the others were seasoned individuals. They had trained within the Wind Barrier on the sixth floor of the tower for two and a half years.

Having undergone extensive training, they naturally possessed a more profound understanding of the Wind Barrier's layout on the sixth floor of the tower.


Upon hearing Huang Yuan's explanation, Lu Dajiang and the others swiftly reacted. Upon careful reflection, Huang Yuan's perspective made sense.

Within the Wind Barrier on the sixth floor of the tower, numerous veteran teams were advancing steadily.

In the face of the Wind Barrier teeming with danger and experts, they increasingly opted for caution to avert peril and casualties.

As a consequence, they did indeed achieve a higher level of safety, significantly reducing casualties.

However, they also missed out on numerous opportunities. The rate at which their strength improved decelerated substantially.

This resulted in a clear scenario where they had dedicated ample time to training within the Wind Barrier, yet their strength fell short of even qualifying for the final trial, let alone succeeding in it.

The cause of this lay in their excessive prudence. Their overall mindset had shifted, causing them to overlook many opportunities. Consequently, their strength improved at an extraordinarily sluggish pace, with other territories inevitably outstripping them.

Wasn't the Lighthouse Territory facing a similar situation?

When Lu Dajiang and the others had initially entered the Wind Barrier, they were exceptionally daring and impulsive. Despite encountering numerous casualties, their strength also experienced rapid growth.

However, as time went on, they progressively embraced caution in their pursuit of safety.I think you should take a look at

The outcome was indeed heightened security and markedly reduced casualties. Nevertheless, the rate of their strength improvement significantly slowed down.

Over the past year, apart from Huang Yuan, who had consistently led his squad to complete missions, gain experience, and enhance their strength, the other squad had been steadily developing near the Lighthouse Territory.

Previously, the strengths of the two squads appeared relatively equal, but presently, Huang Yuan's squad had far surpassed Lu Dajiang's squad in overall capability.

Formerly, Lu Dajiang had been somewhat perplexed by the considerable gap.

Upon hearing Huang Yuan's words, he promptly arrived at an understanding.

Huang Yuan's squad willingly undertook various risks outside, seizing diverse opportunities to enhance their strength. In contrast, his squad relatively comfortably developed and strengthened themselves near the Lighthouse Territory. Given such a substantial discrepancy in the level of danger, how could the outcomes be the same?

"It does make sense." Lu Dajiang couldn't help but nod.

However, Wei Feng still harbored some concerns. "That reasoning makes sense, but the Lakon Territory is indeed beyond our Origin Territory's current capabilities to contend with. Isn't venturing into such risk too dangerous in this context? After all, this gamble involves the safety of nearly 600 members of the Origin Territory."

Huang Yuan nodded upon hearing this and remarked, "I am well aware of this. The situation this time is indeed different. Regardless of the circumstances, the Origin Territory must not reveal its coordinates in the presence of the Lakon Territory. However, you should also understand that leaking coordinates pertains to other team members. As for Liu Yan, his strength is more than sufficient. We have witnessed Liu Yan's prowess before. His speed and concealment abilities are exceptionally potent. Given these circumstances, can the Awakened from the Lakon Territory truly pose a threat to Liu Yan? Even though there exists a substantial disparity between our Origin Territory and the Lakon Territory as a whole, this discrepancy doesn't hold for Liu Yan individually. He is not inferior to the individuals of the Lakon Territory. In fact, with his current strength, he ranks among the top-tier experts of the Lakon Territory. I firmly believe that with Liu Yan's capabilities, he may not be on par with some of Lakon's foremost experts, but he can undoubtedly evade and escape."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. After thinking about it carefully, it was the case.

If the other members of the Origin Territory went out and met the members of the Lakon Territory, especially the experts of the Lan Chuan planet territory, they would be captured. It would be very easy to expose the coordinates of the Origin Territory.

However, this did not apply to Liu Yan. Liu Yan's strength was extremely exaggerated, and he also had powerful speed and concealment abilities.

With such formidable prowess, Liu Yan did not need to harbor concerns regarding ordinary members or experts hailing from Lakon Territory.

Even if he encountered a top-tier expert from Lakon Territory, it was plausible that Liu Yan might not be their equal. However, his ability to evade and escape remained assured.

Liu Yan concurred with a nod. "Based on what I gleaned from the memories of Luo Feng and Luo Rui, the strongest warrior in Lakon Territory is only around combat strength of 25-star. However, he's always busy with important matters, so he probably won't come personally to investigate. Aside from this, the most formidable expert possesses a battle prowess of merely combat strength of 23-star. As long as the strongest with 25-star of combat strength didn't come, I had sufficient confidence to ensure my safety. If I encountered any danger, I would be able to hide and leave immediately. Then, I could resort to a One-click Recall returning to our city. This strategy would obviate the exposure of the Origin Territory's coordinates entirely!"

Upon hearing these words, the group found themselves growing increasingly intrigued.

Indeed, it seemed that as long as Liu Yan ventured out alone, his safety could be reasonably assured. Although it could not be said to be absolute, it was indeed very difficult to be caught and expose the coordinates of the Origin Territory.

Huang Yuan continued, "And for the sake of the essence pool, I believe it's worth taking the risk. After all, if we manage to locate the S-grade rare material, the Hallucinatory Demon Orchid, at an earlier time, we can expedite the construction of the rare and special essence pool building. This would lead to a swift enhancement in the talents of all our members and the territory war beasts within the Origin Territory. The potential increase in strength would be monumental."

Liu Yan nodded in agreement and added, "I'll be venturing into the deep of the Hallucinatory Forest. The individuals from Lakon Territory responsible for reconnaissance likely won't venture too deep. Various dangers lie within, but relative safety can be maintained."

Upon sharing glances and engaging in a brief moment of hesitation, Lu Dajiang and the others found themselves swayed by the proposal.

The allure of the essence pool was indeed immense. Moreover, the operation was entrusted to the immensely powerful Liu Yan, thereby ensuring a high degree of safety.

If they didn't even dare to take a small risk, they would be afraid of failure. The Origin Territory was bound to miss many opportunities. There was no necessity to be overly cautious.

"Alright, I agree." Lu Dajiang affirmed with a nod.

Wei Feng chimed in, also nodding, "I agree as well. However, I hope that the captain can be as careful as possible. This trip is to search for the S-rank rare material, the Hallucinatory Demon Orchid. You must not engage in battle to avoid being entangled."

Ning Shanshan couldn't help but smile, stating, "This is fantastic. If we manage to locate the Hallucinatory Demon Orchid and construct the essence pool, the entire team's strength will experience a rapid surge."

"I hope this trip is safe," Liu Qingrou added.

As for the remaining Luo Qingcheng and the others, they were already in favor of it, so they naturally strongly agreed.
