When Liu Yan landed on the ground, the members of Team Origin were still arguing with the members of Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang's squad.

Both sides were at daggers drawn, and it seemed like a battle was about to break out at any moment.

On Team Origin's side, Shi Hao and the others were in the lead, while on the other side, there were over ten people from Huang Yuan's and Lu Dajiang's squads.

"Why can't we leave? Are we restricted in our actions now?"

"Yeah, we worked together to defeat the Lakonian before. How come we're being treated like prisoners now?"

"We're from the Lighthouse Territory. Do you think we're afraid of you?"


"Don't think we're afraid just because we're in your territory!"

The members of Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang's squads were expressing their discontent, feeling greatly wronged.

Shi Hao and the others also wore unpleasant expressions.

Nevertheless, Shi Hao persisted, "You're not prisoners of war, but you can't leave at the moment. That's the order I received. If you try to leave forcibly, don't blame us for being harsh!"

Shi Hao and the others had already put their hands on their weapons, prepared for combat at any moment.

At this moment, the members of Team Origin, Huang Yuan, and Lu Dajiang's squads heard the commotion and gathered to assess the situation.


Upon learning that Shi Hao and his group were restricting the members of Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang's squads from leaving, they also expressed dissatisfaction.

After all, they had just cooperated with Team Origin the day before to resolve the Lakonian issue. They had agreed to come here for rest, so why were their actions now being limited?

Most of them came from the Lighthouse Territory, a Level 5 territory, and naturally held some contempt for a new territory like Origin Territory.

However, at this moment, a new territory like the Origin Territory had imposed restrictions on their actions. This made them feel aggrieved and uncomfortable.

"What's going on? They're restricting our actions now?"

"That's right. We were allies yesterday. Isn't this a little inappropriate?"


"We can fight if necessary. Our squads are strong."

"No, we can't. Liu Yan is here, with formidable 18-star combat strength. We're no match for him.""But we can't tolerate this treatment. When have we ever suffered such grievances?"

The members of Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang's squads were all expressing their dissatisfaction.

They had reached this level of skill due to their talent and strength, and they carried themselves with pride. When had they ever experienced such mistreatment?

Meanwhile, the members of Team Origin were discussing among themselves, completely unaware of the situation.

After all, Liu Yan had only informed the core members of Team Origin about the Lakonian matter, not the ordinary members. They had no idea what was going on.

As for the orders to restrict the actions of Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang's squads and prevent them from leaving, Liu Yan had only given those orders to the core members of Team Origin. The regular members naturally had no idea about the details.

Therefore, the members of Team Origin were currently perplexed, unaware of what was happening.

At that moment, Liu Yan had already flown down to the ground.

Upon seeing Liu Yan's arrival, the members of Team Origin quieted down.

Even though they didn't know what had transpired, they had full trust in Liu Yan.

With Liu Yan present, there was no need to worry excessively. Everyone believed that Liu Yan would handle the situation accordingly.

As for Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang's team members, they were originally complaining and even clamoring to start a battle.

However, when they saw Liu Yan's arrival, Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang's team members quieted down.

This was primarily because Liu Yan's strength was incredibly formidable. During the previous battle, Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang's squad members had personally witnessed Liu Yan's terrifying power.

At that time, Luo Feng was still able to restrain Liu Yan, but Liu Yan still caused huge casualties to Team Lighthouse.I think you should take a look at

And now that Luo Feng was dealt with by Liu Yan, he instantly became the most powerful individual present.

Confronted by Liu Yan's terrifying strength, they dared not show any hostility.

If they angered Liu Yan, they might meet their end right there.

This was the aspect that Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang's squads currently feared the most about Team Origin. The other members of Team Origin were manageable, they were not as apprehensive since their numbers exceeded theirs, even if their strength was inferior.

However, Liu Yan was a genuine top-tier expert, an entity they simply could not provoke.

Upon Liu Yan's arrival, the crowd fell into silence.Liu Yan glanced at Shi Hao's group, as well as the members of Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang's squads, and inquired, "What's the situation?"

Shi Hao remained composed since this was Liu Yan's order, and he had no reason to panic.

"Captain, they intended to leave on their own without permission. I suspected their intentions were dubious, so I prevented them from leaving. If they wished to depart, they needed the approval of you, as well as Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang. Who knew they would become impatient and even demand a fight?" Shi Hao reported straightforwardly.

Shi Hao's report was skillfully worded, avoiding emphasizing that it was Liu Yan who had given the order to prevent them from leaving.

Instead, he emphasized that these people's behavior was abnormal and seemed to have evil thoughts, which was why he prevented them from leaving.

The leader of the opposing group was trembling in fear when he met Liu Yan's gaze, but he gathered his courage and said, "Captain Liu, my name is Wang Long. I'm a squad leader under Lu Dajiang. I wanted to leave, but they stopped me. We thought we were allies with Team Origin."

The members of Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang's squads nodded in agreement and whispered among themselves.

"Yes, we are allies. We don't have to obey your commands."

"We were told yesterday that we came here to rest. Logically, we should be able to leave on our own."

"Wang Long is right. We are free."

"It doesn't make sense. We are not prisoners. Why can't we leave?"

Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang's squad members, despite fearing Liu Yan's terrifying strength, voiced their resistance in hushed tones. They didn't want to provoke Liu Yan's displeasure but also hoped for fair treatment.

After learning the general situation, Liu Yan nodded and admitted, "The order to prevent you from leaving was issued by me. No member of your two squads is allowed to leave!"

Upon hearing Liu Yan's words, the squad members of Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang were taken aback. They hadn't expected this to be Liu Yan's order.

For a moment, everyone felt dissatisfied, but they didn't dare to show it due to Liu Yan's terrifying strength.

Liu Yan calmly looked at the original members of Team Lighthouse and said, "I will explain everything to you when your two captains, Lu Dajiang and Huang Yuan, arrive."

As soon as Liu Yan finished speaking, Lu Dajiang, Huang Yuan, and the others arrived at the scene.

When the members of Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang's squads saw their captains, Lu Dajiang and Huang Yuan, they looked at them expectantly, as if they had found a lifeline.

At that moment, in Team Origin's temporary camp, with the formidable Liu Yan present, their only hope lay with Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang.

Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang understood the specific situation.

Lu Dajiang looked at his squad members and reassured them, "Everyone, there's no need to panic. Once you know the details, you will understand."

Huang Yuan also looked at his squad members and simply said, "Let's not argue. Stay quiet."

With those few words, Huang Yuan's entire squad fell silent instantly.

After all, Huang Yuan's squad had been training and fighting alongside Huang Yuan, experiencing numerous battles together.

Huang Yuan's squad members were more disciplined as a result.

In this situation, Huang Yuan didn't need to explain anything. A brief command was sufficient to control the situation.action

At that moment, Liu Yan, who stood in front, looked at Sun Wen and said, "You explain the situation to everyone!"
