Chapter Fifty-Three - Healpats
The first order of business the next day was classes. The weekend was over, the time she could ignore her school schedule was past. She had to keep her grades up, and that meant paying attention in her lectures and doing all of her work.
It was... surprisingly difficult to sit in the back of the class and listen to a lecture about some long-dead author’s work being dissected for meaning that the author probably never intended for anyone to read into it.
It was empty. Not as exciting as the conspiratorial late-night phone calls with info brokers and the day spent patrolling the streets with real live heroes.
It was, essentially, not as fun as doing the whole hero thing, even if the hero thing was terrifying.
Emily returned to the dorm in the afternoon and found both of her sisters cuddled up together on the mattress, hugging each other close. Athena was wearing her leather jacket over her PJs and Teddy was drooling into her smaller sister’s hair.
She sat on her chair after setting her backpack to the side and made herself comfortable as she thought.
Was it worth it?
The risks were high. The rewards were kind of pitiful.
And yet she still wanted to do it.
“Was Teddy right?” she wandered to the near-empty room. Did the system give her villainy as a morality because she wanted that kind of freedom?
She kind of doubted it, and eleven in the morning was not the right time for navel gazing. There were more productive things she could have been doing.
Name: Emily Wright
Alignment: Villain
Alias: The Boss
Level: One
Sister Summoning
Create Sister
Rank 2
Level 1
Double Trouble
Level Max
Power Slots: 0
Skill Upgrades: 4
Skill Slots: 1