
Hey everybun,

I hope you enjoyed the actual end of Fluff volume one. No more big retcons, I promise.

Let me get the news you want first out of the way first: Yes, Fluff will continue. I intend to start posting volume two in January 2022. I will start in December, but... I have taken exactly 18 days off this year, so I’m planning on taking most of December off to decompress from my 12+ hour a day, 7-days a week routine. I really need a week or two off.

Weird timing, I guess?

In more interesting news. Fluff volumes one and two have just been sold to a publisher! They’ll stay up on Royal Road, no worries, but soon there will be actual, professionally-edited versions of the story out, both in Epub and in audiobook formats! That’ll happen... sometime in 2022!

In the meantime, if you’re looking for other fluffy things to read, well I have a whole library of cute things! Check out Heart of Dorkness, or Cinnamon Bun if you want to keep those sugar levels high!

On that happy note, I really-really hope you had a few good laughs with Fluff, and that you enjoyed Emily and her sister’s world! (And if you did really-really like it, then don’t forget to rate!)

Keep warm; stay cool,


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