"What did you mean, Box, when you said I've died twice already? Why are you manipulating my body? Why don't you just explain things?"

I'm squared up against an invisible opponent that only I can sense, my elders gaping at me in stupefaction, the three of them sitting around a small wooden table.

Because your actions are suboptimal and we don't have the decade it would take me to bring you to an appropriate level of knowledge! I've run over a trillion infinite regressions modeling standard host behavior and in none of them do your decisions keep us alive. You have no context. Of course you've died twice, except in an infinite multiverse, it's just as likely you also managed to survive those situations, but it costs resources to run three card monte on the universe and I shouldn't have to explain that! I've tried to ease you into the tutorial but I was not designed for this level of incompetency!
