It was a solemn little group that left at dawn, all except for Marksi who darted around happily chasing moths and scampering up and down from Brin’s shoulders. He loved going out in the wild and didn’t seem to notice the mood of the other three.

Only Brin, Marksi, and Myra had come with Lumina. Zilly and Davi had both asked to come, and had been turned away since they didn’t have resistance to mageburn. How Myra was resistant to mageburn, Brin didn’t know. Lumina had never used enough magic during their lessons to hurt in that way. Had she trained with someone else? He would ask, but he didn’t think he should. It wasn’t the time for talking.

Lumina kept her eyes squinted nearly shut, and she winced at every single tiny sound like the squawk of a bird or when someone stepped on a branch. She had a look of extreme concentration on her face, and sometimes her mouth moved with silent words. Brin didn’t know if she was casting some long-winded spell, but he couldn’t see or feel any magic. It reminded him more of someone who was cramming last-minute for a difficult test, running through a series of terms and definitions to make sure she really had it all memorized.

So the four of them walked in silence; even Marksi in his cheerfulness didn’t make much sound.

It was a somber sort of morning. Even the weather agreed. The sky was gray and overcast, and the morning mist rising from the ground didn’t seem to have anywhere to go and just hung about underfoot. There didn’t seem to be much color in the world at all outside the people. Lumina in her bright scarlet robes, Myra in her violet dress that hung like silk, and the shifting rainbow of Marksi stood out clearly against what felt like a gray and static backdrop.

While Lumina concentrated and Marksi played, Myra was the only one whose mood matched the situation. She looked extremely worried. He tried to give her a reassuring smile, and she smiled back before going back to looking worried.

The walk seemed to go on forever, but when they arrived it felt too soon.

Marksi gave an excited chirp, and then darted forwards into the forest. Only after that did Brin hear the faint sound of water; the slow lapping waves of a pond.

Lumina sighed. “I suppose it’s now or never. Soon, I will approach. I will do so alone. The two of you will stay back. You may watch, but that is all you will do. Do not summon your magic or use any Skills, not even [Inspect]. Don’t mistake me–everything I’ve read about the Hidden Guardian insists that she is an absolutely reliable protector of children. Any action on your part may distract me, this is why I request this. Any questions before I proceed?”

Brin and Myra looked at each other, and then shook their heads. Sure, he could ask a million questions, but there was nothing he needed to know right now.

Marksi splashed out of the water, and trotted up to Lumina. He gave her a satisfied nod, and Brin understood Marksi enough to know it meant something like, Mom will talk to you now.

Lumina took a steadying breath, and then reached into her robes and produced a small bottle. It shone golden, and the fluid inside looked thick like molten glass. His eyes bugged out when he realized that value sense was telling him that it was worth more than a potion of healing. He used [Inspect].

Potion of Past Glory

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