Brin woke up the next morning with barely a trace of any headache at all. That was a nice change. Even in his old life, four glasses of wine would’ve been enough to give him the beginning of a hangover, but he really felt nothing other than the feeling that dawn was too early and he’d rather sleep another four hours.
He’d already packed the night before, but really there hadn’t been much to pack. Just his clothes, some glass things that he’d made, a few odds and ends that he’d collected. All that went into an ordinary backpack. He’d carry his wooden spear and use it as a walking staff.
The most important things he owned he already wore on his body all the time. The enchanted armband of invisibility, and the ring of storage. Inside the ring, he put his glass spear, mostly because there wasn’t much else he needed it for. He’d also put his last potion of no-sleep. Calisto hadn’t been able to give him any other cool potions, but only because he’d been so busy making things for Hogg. Brin had managed to beg an exploding potion off of Hogg, which also went in the ring. Alchemical potions were deceptively small, so he still had a pound and a half out of his five pounds. He decided to put a bottle of water in for now and call it good. If he somehow got separated from everyone and had to survive in the wilderness, clean drinking water would be more valuable than anything else. At least, that’s what he would tell himself until he thought of something cooler to put in there.
They left the house without ceremony. Marksi climbed up on his shoulders and Hogg walked next to him, not carrying anything. Brin knew that Hogg loved to keep an entire armory in an enchanted backpack whenever possible, which meant that he’d probably already left his bags with the caravan.
It was a nice morning. The sky was clear, and a cool breeze moved through the air with no sign of the intense muggy heat that came along with the later day. He wondered if he should feel a bit nostalgic. This was the last time he would make this trek for a good long time. Instead, he was impatient. He'd seen these same boring trees and this same bumpy dirt road so many times that he was thoroughly sick of it. He wanted nothing more than to see something else, to go somewhere new. That was exactly how he should feel at the start of a journey.
"Oh, right." Brin remembered something. "I promised Zilly I would talk to you. She's banned from coming with the caravan, but I get the feeling that was on Kevim's insistence and not because the caravan has any problem with her. Do you think we could get them to change their mind?"
"Sure," said Hogg. "But why should I? The fact that she thinks she can do whatever she wants whenever she wants and expects the rest of us to do nothing but bend over backwards is starting to wear. She's got [Survival], don't she? Let her sleep on the ground with the bugs climbing all over her for a week or two. Maybe that'll build some character. Nothing else has worked."
"Ok, but..."
Hogg rolled his eyes. "I'll keep an eye on her.”
"Thanks," said Brin.
After they got through the forest, they didn't bother to walk through town. They just walked across the clear area where the walls would soon be built towards the north gate where the caravan was waiting. A few odd stones had already been set in place for the wall's foundations, but in other places the ground had been dug down a little. It looked like they'd started building, but then one of the new arrivals who actually knew what they were doing had convinced them to stop and make a foundation first. The trench wasn't any deeper than five feet anywhere, and even with the rare obstacles it was still easier than trying to cut through town. If they did that they'd have to say hello and talk about the weather to a dozen different people. Maybe he should take the opportunity to enjoy one last morning talking to people in town, but honestly he was just ready to be going.
He'd promised himself that he'd travel in this new shot at life he'd gotten; that he'd see the world. He'd delayed on that promise long enough. It was finally time to travel.
The caravan appeared as they walked around the bend. The wagons weren't huddled around in a circle any more; they were all in a single file that stretched down the road. Most of them were hitched to horses or oxen, but one of the wagons attached to a giant boar. [Inspect] called him "Big Ron", and he was level 37. The animals had all been grazing with the livestock of Hammon's Bog, so Brin hadn't seen them before except from a distance.
The lead wagon wasn't hitched up to any animals at all.
"What's going on with the wagon in front?" he asked.
"That's the caravan leader's wagon. I'll save you the trouble of [Inspecting] him. He's a level 56 [Caravan Master] named Zerif. He's got the Skill to make the wagon move on its own. [Guide Wagon] is a base Skill of the [Caravaneer] Class, mostly for avoiding potholes or helping give a little nudge when it's stuck in the mud but he's evolved it a bunch of times and he's got the mana pool to keep it moving all day."
"That's awesome! How many Classes are there that can move vehicles? If I got a small lightweight car, could I get a Class that would push it for me? How fast can it go?" If there was one thing Brin missed most of all from his old world, it was cars. Well, no, it was pizza and then computer games, but cars came in as a solid third place.
"Stop getting distracted. The thing you need to know about the leader of a caravan is that he's equivalent to a captain at sea. His word is law. Do what he says during the travel, or you risk being hanged on the spot for rebellion."
Brin snorted. "I'd like to see him try that with you."
"He won't have to. I listen to the advice of experts in their domain, and out here that's him. We're not in Hogg Town anymore."
They approached the lead wagon, and a merchant wearing colorful robes stepped off the front to greet them. Zerif was a short man, barely taller than Brin. He had darkly tanned skin and a short goatee. He spread his arms wide as he approached. "Welcome! Welcome!"
Hogg stopped. "Permission to join the caravan, sir."
"Of course! I welcome you. Truly, sir, it is an honor. I am completely at your disposal. Please do not hesitate to tell me anything that I or my people might do to serve you better." The [Caravan Master's] obsequious behavior was completely at odds with what Hogg had led Brin to expect, to the point that Brin couldn't help but wonder if this was the wrong person.
Hogg nudged Brin with his elbow.
"Permission to join the caravan, sir," said Brin.
"Yes, and the young master. Welcome!" Zerif grasped Brin's hand with both of his. "Anything I can do to make your trip more comfortable? You must sleep in my wagon. Yes, only that will do. I will take Pio's wagon and he can sleep with the--"
"That won't be necessary," said Hogg.
"If you're sure? Well, you must store your things with me at least. Only my wagon is safe enough."
"He can keep his things in the open cart where the laborers and guards put their stuff," said Hogg.If you stumble upon this tale on Amazon, it's taken without the author's consent. Report it.
"Only if you're sure?" Zerif stretched out the word, and when Hogg didn't change his mind, he nodded. "Very well. We'll depart shortly. Brin, I'll have Pio show you where you can store your things. Pio!"
Pio appeared like the wind. He wore the same short goatee as Zerif, but other than that they couldn't have been more different. He was huge and his muscles were on full display as he wore nothing but a pair of colorful striped pants; he didn't even have shoes. Where Zerif wrung his hands and nodded his head with a smile, Pio stood domineering with his hands clenched at his sides.
He fixed Brin with a wide-eyed stare. He looked at Marksi on Brin’s shoulders with a more complicated expression, then firmed his eyes and stared back at Brin. He tilted his head to the side to indicate he should follow. Brin looked to Zerif who gave him a deferential smile, and Hogg who looked quite pleased. Brin gulped and followed Pio.
Pio turned and walked quickly. Looking at his back, Brin took the opportunity to do a quick [Inspect].
Pio Melo
Beast Master