Brin pushed from a crouch up to his feet, feeling the burning in his muscles. “One.” He’d done sets of ten of these before System Day, and before he’d been bed-ridden for more than a week. His legs still tweaked from the wounds he’d taken, but he was determined to push through. Five. He would definitely do five.

Meanwhile, Marksi stood right next to him, holding a stone in his little gecko-hands. He didn’t really have the body shape for squats; he still had the long snake tail, but he wanted to try anyway. He curled up and down with his rock, determined to do whatever Brin was doing..

Brin squatted again, and pushed up against the yoke. Davi had made these things, based off the yokes they put on their ox, and weighted them with heavy buckets full of iron tools. They were pretty clever, but mostly they were infernal instruments from the pits of hell and Davi had a sick mind.

“Two,” said Brin as he rose up. He went back down. He strained to get back up, and his muscles just couldn’t make it happen. He pushed anyway, determined to make it happen. He’d done sets of ten at this weight. He could at least do three. He got halfway up, and his legs started to feel like they were going to collapse.

He felt his load lessen a bit, Davi was behind him helping a bit, and he pushed the rest of the way up. “Three!”

He dropped the yoke and started walking it off, pacing back and forth in front of the Pimental family barn and sucking in huge gulps of air. Marksi dropped his rock and collapsed on the ground, although it was hard to know if he was actually exhausted or just playing it up.

Through training, you have increased the following attribute:

Strength +1

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