The next day, Hammon’s Bog was a flurry of activity. He’d expected to see weeping and depression. He’d envisioned sorrowful and depressed people idly picking through the rubble of their homes or openly sobbing on the streets. He’d expected mourning, and there would be mourning later, but for today everyone was busy.
The [Lumberjacks] and [Woodsmen] were gathering lumber, the [Carpenters] and [Woodworkers] were already rebuilding homes and businesses. Those townspeople who had sheltered in the temple worked twice as hard as everyone else, maybe feeling the need to make up for hiding during the worst of the battle.
Everyone did the things they were good at. The [Sweepers] swept, the [Bakers] baked. On every street he walked down, at least three people asked him if he was hungry, to which he always answered yes. He seemed to have a bottomless stomach today. A [Seamstress] asked him if he needed clothes to be replaced, offering to do it for free, and while he did actually need new clothes he figured he would hire Myra for that.
Several people directed him to Calisto the [Alchemist] or the [Midwife] for healing of the wounds they’d seen him take, which he really didn’t need. His wounds had already all scabbed over, and while the cut on his chest still twanged with a bit of pain now and again, it would only be a matter of time until it was completely fixed up and [Scarred, but Healing] would tick up a couple more percentage points.
The temple was busy, with Ellion leading a crowd in preparing the dead for funeral and cremation. He also tended to those still recovering from the curse who didn’t have anyone to bring them home, meaning just Prefit Elmon and the adventurers.
Children scurried around everywhere. The younger children played with sticks, imagining the war, which in their minds must’ve been the most heroic and glorious thing to ever happen. The older ones ran to and fro doing whatever they could to help, mostly acting as pack mules. They seemed energized and happy to finally get to do something useful after days of sitting idly while watching their parents fight for their lives.
It made Brin want to do something, which led him to Ademir’s shop. No, Ademsi’s shop.
He found the wooden man slumped over Ademir’s worktable, the puppet one, the place where Ademsi 2000 had probably been born.
Ademsi jumped in panic when Brin entered the room. He spun around, but his clockwork features softened in relief when he saw Brin.
“Oh, it’s just you,” said Ademsi.
“Yeah, just checking in. How are you doing there, big guy?”
“I sorrow,” said Ademsi.
“I know.” Brin wiped his face. “Listen, I hope you know that I am so, so—“
Ademsi held up a hand. “Do not! You will not regret my father’s choices. He did not, and neither shall I. You will be grateful for his sacrifice and you will honor him.”
“I will,” Brin said solemnly. “And I’ll do whatever I can for you. He’d want that.”
Ademsi nodded. “Tomorrow, I will attend my father’s funeral. I will do so with my face bare to the sky and all shall see me and know me and know that I fought for them. And fought valiantly! None fought more bravely than I!”
“I agree,” said Brin. “But don’t you think—“
“Ellion the priest came to me. He told me that he will speak on my behalf during the funeral. I do not need his words, but perhaps this will protect the people, because I fear no man and will brook no insult.”
“Ellion said that? I thought priests hated [Witches],” said Brin.
“Then they are fools. But I do not believe Ellion is a fool,” said Ademsi. “It is irrelevant. I am neither [Witch] nor familiar now. I am a free soul. Though I never asked for freedom, it is mine nonetheless.”
He’d need to ask Ellion about this, because Brin had always kind of assumed that familiars would sort of… deactivate after their [Witch’s] death. That clearly hadn’t happened, and Ellion expected Ademsi to live a full life if he was making plans to integrate him into the community.
He used [Inspect].
Ademsi 2000
Magical Automaton
Ademsi 2000 is the creation of a powerful [Crafter] named Ademir Sa.