Stepping through the door, he had to stop and make sure [Know What’s Real] didn’t go off, because everything was different. Streamers hung from the ceiling, colorful paper covered Hogg’s more reserved wallpaper, and a big banner covered the living room window that said “Happy Birthday Brin!”
Confetti hung in the air by some magic, swirling around but never landing on anything, sparkling silver and gold. Marksi darted inside and jumped at it, but even the quick pounce of a dragonling couldn’t catch it.
“What? No! You can’t be in here!” Hogg shouted. Sitting on a stool near the oven, Hogg was looking a lot better, and he could even walk around for a little. He huddled protectively over a cake. “It’s still too hot to put the frosting on!”
When had Brin even told Hogg about birthday cakes? They didn’t do cakes here. Sweets, sure, but mostly birthdays here meant dumplings. He might’ve mentioned birthday cakes one time when talking about his world and the old dummy had remembered it.
“Whoa. You guys didn’t have to do all this,” Brin said, looking around in awe. He wasn’t sure what the confetti was made from, but it wasn’t an illusion.
“Nonsense,” said Lumina.
“You couldn’t keep him out for twenty more minutes?” asked Hogg.
“What would be the point? Come, lunch is ready,” said Lumina.
She sat at the table, and rested her chin on her hands with both elbows on the table. Apparently, lunch wouldn’t be a formal event. Did he even remember how to eat without quoting this world’s version of Shakespeare?
Then he saw what was on the table. It was all his favorite things. No, more precisely, it was a few of the things he’d mentioned to Hogg or Lumina that reminded him of home in his old world. Steak sandwiches with fried onions and a cheddar-like cheese, fresh fruit, and fried potato-like tubers. Best of all, absolutely no mato or cold pork gravy to be seen.
None of this was how Hammon’s Bog birthday usually went; they weren’t really a big deal here. The anniversary of their System Day was the main event, which meant that everyone celebrated together. For birthdays there would be dumplings, and maybe a few gifts but also maybe not. No, they’d done all this for him.
He’d missed this. Even in his old world, he’d missed this. His most recent birthday as Mark had been with a few friends that he’d invited out, and he hadn’t even told them it was his birthday. The year before that had been alone, although he’d gotten a call from both his parents. But here he was, a child again, celebrating a birthday at home.
The sudden lump in his throat almost made it so he couldn’t enjoy his meal. Almost.
After lunch, Lumina held out a small package. Too small to be a spear or staff, he realized with a bit of disappointment. In Solia’s name, was he really reverting into such a little brat? Whatever was inside here, he was going to be genuinely grateful.
He opened it, and found a golden ring.
“[Inspect] it!” said Lumina.
Brin did.
The bearer of this ring is Brin isu Yambul. He is a legal ward and heir of Her Radiance Lumina, Lady and [Archmage], peer of the realm in Frenaria.
This ring cannot be worn by anyone except Brin isu Yambul. This ring will notify the owner if stolen. This ring will sound an alarm if stolen.