The next day was, predictably, more walking. Brin spent the morning off by himself with one ear surrounded by a silencing spell while he practiced his sound magic. He worked on trying to change the timbre of the magic away from computer-sounding beeps and boops. With a little work, he managed to put a little bit of character into the beeps, making them sound a little more EDM and a little less MS-DOS. They still sounded heavily electronic, though, and no one would ever mistake it for a real musical instrument.

He got some shrill sounds together with a basic boom-tss drumbeat and thought it sounded kinda cool, but it stretched the limit of his multi-tasking. It would be even better if he could play his half-lute along or even sing, but that would have to wait until he got [Split Focus].

Even so, the System seemed to think it was worth the effort.

[Call Sound through Glass] has leveled up! 24 -> 25
