With everyone ready to continue the meeting, Witte begins first.

“After careful consideration, the Ruthenian Senate Armed Forces Committee has decided to accept the budget increase proposal of the Ministry of Defense to fund the new Space Agency.”

Alexei and Alexander placed their hands on their chest as they heaved a sigh of relief. Thankfully, they accepted the proposal. With that settled, Alexander can now initiate the new space program that will take humanity to greater heights.

As he was celebrating inwardly, Witte continued.

“However, The Ruthenian Senate Armed Forces Committee would create a new committee to oversee the development of what you call Space Agency and how the budgets are being used. This simply means, Your Majesty, that you shall allow one or two people that we will pick to visit the classified military installations in the Ruthenia Empire.”

“Fair enough. In fact, you can hear it from the Minister of Defense himself,” Alexander said, glancing to his right where Alexei sat.

“Of course, I’ll prepare the necessary arrangements to give authorization for the two people you will select.’


“Very well,” Witte struck the gavel. “The meeting is adjourned, thank you for both of your time, Your Majesty, Sir Alexei.”

Alexander and Alexei rose to their feet and bowed courteously and left the budget hearing chamber.

As they walked along the long hallway of the Imperial Council Building, Alexander and Alexei struck a conversation.-.

“So, Your Majesty. May I ask, would that rocket be as useful as the Tugarin strategic heavy lifter?”

“Ten times more of that,” Alexander grinned.

“If not by hundred-fold. Just having that alone is enough to solidify our standing as one of the most dangerous military powers in the world, what more when we have teleradio instruments up in space?”


With the funding for this secret program, the sky is not the limit anymore.

Alexander imagines ICBMs hitting countries outside of what his enemies thought to be safe ranges from current long-range bomber planes.For Ruthenia, the Cold War and Space Race has begun in secret without others knowing.

“I’m looking forward to that development, Your Majesty. You never fail to amaze the military. We are glad that the military is now having the recognition it deserves for what you had done for us. Before you took over as the head of state, the Ruthenian Military was in a pitiable state. We are underfunded and under-equipped. Most of our soldiers are made of illiterate conscripts and officers that rose through nepotism. With your reforms, I can say with confidence that if we are to engage in a war, know that our country will come out victorious.”

“You should be,” Alexander replied as if it was the common thing to say. “I’ve invested billions of rubles in the military. I will be disappointed if you fail to do your job.”

“We will never let you down, Your Majesty.”



Exiting the Imperial Council Building, Alexander stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at the edifice before him.

Alexei, who’d noticed that Alexander was not walking by his side anymore, glanced over his shoulder and saw him staring at the building.

He walked backward until he got close to Alexander before turning around.

The Imperial Guards that were scattered throughout the perimeter watched the two of them with curiosity all the while scanning intermittently the surrounding, looking out for unwanted threats.

“Your Majesty?” Alexei called.

Alexander blinked back into reality and with just a cursory glance out of the corner of his eye, he replied. “What?”

“Nothing, Your Majesty. I’m just curious why you stopped so suddenly only to look up at the building?”

“I have something in my mind, Alexei. I’m just wondering if we can, you know, improve the Imperial Council Building?”

“I beg your pardon?” Alexei questioned.

“The Imperial Council Building is small to represent the 170 million people of the Ruthenia Empire. It is supposed to be the representative of the people across our 22 million square kilometers of land and yet it is small compared to the United States White House. I want something better than that, like the United States Capitol.”

“I think I’m getting you now, Your Majesty. Do you wish to expand it or build a new administrative building for the Imperial Council?”

“That is correct. Though it wasn’t my idea in the first place but theirs,” Alexander said, glancing up at the building again. “This building is supposed to be a temporary one for the Imperial Council to use. Since we have never had a representative government before my reign, my predecessors see no use in building one. This was once a private residence that was overhauled and renovated. Now that the Imperial Council has laid a foundation for my reign, their building must be as flamboyant as my residence.”

“Did they already pass a design?” Alexei asked.

“Yes, but I’m afraid I don’t have it with me. I must say, it was glorious or mighty. But as all flamboyant palaces are in St. Petersburg, they cost a huge sum of money. But with loads of improvements as with all the newer buildings, and I see it as a good investment.”“I understand, it’s just a shame that I don’t get to see what it looks like,” Alexei let out a chuckle. “Anyways, Your Majesty. I have to get going now, I have a meeting with the Secretary of the Navy about the warships that will be sent to our Pacific Fleet.”

“Is that today? I can’t wait to see the reactions of the Yamato Empire who had once thrashed and almost completely humiliated us in the Pacific. When they see what we’ve been building for four years…Ah…I can already imagine.”

Alexander remembers when the Baltic Fleet finally came home after circumnavigating about two-thirds of the world and back.action

Unlike Earth’s history where the fleet sailed back in a sorry state with nearly all the ships sunk or captured and most of the crew dead or prisoners.

The Baltic Fleet sailed into fanfare from the locals at the port, it was surreal to see the least.

Some ships still have heaps of coal from allying refuel ships on the deck itself, the sailors bearded and with exotic animals only found in warmer climates.

Being the early 20th century, many of the sailors part the ship with their pay, a sack of coal, and their exotic pets.

The homecoming is like a sea adventure story come to life, with the sailors becoming local celebrities in their hometown by telling stories about their year-long trip to attack the Yamato fleet and getting recalled back.

Alexei laughed. “That is something I look forward to seeing, Your Majesty. I’ll take my leave now.”

“Okay, I shall get going as well. I’ll have to check the blueprint for the new Imperial Council Building. They’ve been waiting for my authorization.”

Alexander turned around and ambled down the stairs. The Imperial Guards quickly head to their designated position. Rolan opened the car door for Alexander, who then climbed inside. After settling down, Rolan closed the door and opened the driver’s side door. He climbed into the driver’s seat and took out the keys and started the engine of the car.


The engine roared to life like a sleeping beast awakened by its master’s voice. Rolan put on the seatbelt and started the drive.

The Bukavac drove off into downtown. As Alexander gazed out the window, his mind swirling with ideas he planned to make into reality.

After thirty minutes,

The car came to a stop in front of the Winter Palace. Rolan parked the car and exited the vehicle. He went around the car and opened the passenger door for Alexander.

“Thank you, Rolan.”

“It’s my pleasure, Your Majesty.”

Alexander climbed up the stairs and quickly headed to his office. Upon stepping inside, he powered up the switch of the heating system in his room. Four years ago, Alexander was complaining of the harsh cold of St. Petersburg, even if it was summer. So, he authorized a renovation with a new HVAC system to adjust and regulate the temperature inside the Palace. This way, they won’t have to rely on a hearth fireplace.

He removed his coat and hang it on the rack of coats that hung on the walls. Then, he headed towards his desk, taking out a folder from underneath. Alexander pulled out a stack of papers and placed them on the table.

“I believe it’s here,” Alexander rummages through the stack of papers in search of the blueprint. “Aha….found it.”

Once he found the blueprint, Alexander unfolded it. A smile appeared on his face. The architecture and the design are similar to that of the Volkshalle which was planned by Nazi Germany but was never constructed due to circumstances. Though he never liked the Nazis due to their extreme nationalism and policies, there’s no denying the fact that they are good at designing things such as this.

Space program and Volkshalle? This is exhilarating.
