“If you would please look at the screen above, you’ll see the new warships that will join with the Pacific Fleet in the East Han Sea for this operation,” Alexei began, extending his arm out to the screen.

The LCD screen zoomed into the East Han Sea where it showed small blips symbolizing the new addition to the Pacific Fleet.

“They’ll play a major role in the special operation codenamed ‘Damsel’. But before we get into that, let’s dive first into the embassy staff and Grand Duchesses’ transport. A cargo aircraft Bogatyr in Vladivostok will fly 1,000 kilometers into Tokyo, entering their airspace and landing on their airstrip to evacuate our people.”

The screen then shows a large plane flying across the Sea of Yamato from Vladivostok to Tokyo.

In order for that cargo aircraft to safely arrive and depart, we will have to send a strike force from our Aircraft Carrier Petropavlovsk. They will provide escort for the Bogatyr by intercepting enemy fighter aircrafts and neutralizing anti-aircraft batteries. The AWAC flying over Tokyo right now will serve as the eyes and ears. Tapping into enemy radio transmission and feeding our fighter aircrafts data about enemy position and anti-aircraft installation.”

The screen animates a bunch of smaller planes flying ahead of the larger slower plane and providing air superiority above Yamato lands.

“What type of fighter aircraft are we using?” Alexander inquired as he narrowed his eyes, looking closely at the screen.


“This operation requires speed and precision, Your Majesty. We strike them before they even know what hit them. So, for this operation, prop planes are out of the question. We are considering dispatching twelve “Wraith” interceptors with multirole loadout from the Aircraft Carrier Petropavlovsk.”

The screen is then filled in with a green line old style polygon 3D render of the jet fighter-bomber that spun with janky animations, the image using the main processor to animate.

Alexander rubbed his chin as he hummed in thought. The F-4 Phantom II copy is Ruthenia’s main fighter aircraft and just like the Minister of Defense said, they are suitable for covert operations. They were developing it in secret for the last four years training pilots and producing a mass number of units. Should he give authorization for this operation, the “Wraith” interceptors, ruthenian name “Prizrak”, will make its debut and surely go down in history.“I understand, please continue,” Alexander prompted Alexei.

Alexei nodded and continued, “We have factored in the sudden development in the Ruthenian Embassy. The Yamato police force threatening to enter the embassy in an hour posed a significant threat to the operation. Therefore, we came up with a plan. We will use the Wraiths to bomb a derelict depot near the Tokyo Imperial Palace, causing the police outside the embassy to respond in the area immediately, a distraction. They’ll leave a few personnel but our special forces on the ground can handle them.”

As he goes along with his plan, the LCD screen is changing constantly, from the fleet in the East Han Sea to the capital of the Yamato Empire. It gave a bird’s eye view of the map showing the streets and the residential buildings.

Within the map, there was a building blinking in red. It is the depot the Minister of Defense is referring to. Moments after, two lines that act like a missile move across the screen and toward the depot. Upon contact, it exploded.


Hearing the plan up to this point, Alexander noticed several flaws.

“The Bogatyr from Vladivostok will have to cover one thousand and sixty-one kilometers. It will take them two hours to reach Tokyo. I’m concerned about the timing of the operation. Shouldn’t we strike the depot when the Bogatyr is already near to the airport? Because destroying it while the plane is two hours away doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense,” Alexander commented as his brows furrowed.

“That’s a good point you made, Your Majesty,” Alexei replied. He paused for a moment as he formulated a response. “Although what Your Majesty said is partly true, the fact that their depot exploded for an unknown reason is enough for the police to go and check it out. This will alert all the authorities, diverting their attention from the embassy to the depot. Yamato said one hour to hand over Zero, right? This sudden attack will give us another hour.”

“So, when do you plan to strike the depot?” Alexander dropped another question.

“We received the demand at 0930 HRS, so the Bogatyr will leave Vladivostok in 0940 HRS. We will bomb the depot at 1025HRS. At that moment of time, the Bogatyr will be one hour away. Assuming that it played according to our assumption, the police authorities will leave 10 to 20 police personnel. Our special forces on the ground can take them out and once they do, the staff and the Grand Duchesses will have to make a run for the airport and wait for the Bogatyr to arrive.”

Alexander leaned forward and sighed. “Is this the best plan you have, Alexei?” He raised an eyebrow and asked.


“Unfortunately so, Your Majesty,” Alexei admitted.

Alexander frowned. He had expected something better and safe. He looked up at Alexei and spoke.

“Can I share my thoughts about the overall plan?” Alexander questioned.Alexei nodded and answered, “Please do.”

,ᴄ-ᴏm Alexander straightened himself and stood to his feet. With the utmost care in his steps, he walked toward the center of the room, then looked up to the screen.

“You see your plan involves putting my sisters in danger. I don’t want to risk that. So, I’m going to call the Britannia Empire again to contact the Yamato Empire to extend the deadline from one hour to two hours. Ten minutes prior to the deadline, our fighter jets will blow up the depot as a diversionary tactic. Then we will blow their aircraft within two kilometers radius and cripple their anti-air defenses.” Alexander said and continued. “What’s the distance between the Ruthenian embassy and the Tokyo airport?”

“About 800 meters, Your Majesty,” Alexei said.

“Hmm…” Alexander muttered and turned to face the screen. “Let’s make some small adjustments. Tell the embassy staff to get ready for evacuation thirty minutes before the Bogatyr lands. Ten minutes before the Bogatyr lands, I want them all to be in their respective vehicles making their way to the airport. This way, they’ll arrive just in time when the Bogatyr lands.”

“But didn’t they say that there are only three vehicles in the embassy?”action

“The Britannia legation will lend us enough vehicle to accommodate the rest,” Alexander simply replied.

“Understood, Your Majesty.”

“Now, do you have any questions?” Alexander turned around and saw the Joint Chief of Staff and the Ministers nodding their heads in agreement.

“So, Alexei, should we go forward with this operation, what do you think will happen between Ruthenia and Yamato?”

“Taking out their aircraft and anti-aircraft defenses, and an intrusion to their airspace. A state of war will exist between Ruthenia and Yamato.”

“I guess this is time to show the world what we have been building for the last four years…am I right?” Alexander smiled and faced everyone. “Once Operation Damsel is complete, I will address the people of the Ruthenian Empire from the Imperial Council and declare war on the Yamato Empire. May god help us all.”


In the East Han Sea, southwest of Yamato.

The aircraft carrier Petropavlovsk receives its first ever combat mission order from Central Command.

The Air boss oversees the preparations as men fuel and load up the fighter jets for the operations.

The pilots and their co-pilots are taking one last toilet trip, so they don’t piss and shit inside the plane when airborne.

Some are praying for protection and victory over their enemies and forgiveness for the sins of murder of another human. The targets this time are not target balloons and remote-controlled planes. They are going to kill real living enemy pilots. The only thing is to steel themselves with hate, anger and by dehumanizing the enemy. The attempted assassination on their princesses and the pyrrhic victory in the previous Rutho-Yamato war is a good reason to for them to hate the enemy.
