In front of them, they saw two women standing behind the reception desk. Their faces paled, shocked by the sudden entry of the Ruthenian soldiers.

One of them fainted and the other screamed as her life flashed before her eyes at the sight of heavily armed western-looking people barging into the building.

Just ten meters to the right of the reception desk, there is a dining hall filled with Yamato soldiers in states of undress and drunkenness surrounding women wearing torn hanbok dresses and molesting them with intoxicated glee.

And, to the disgust of the Ruthenians, some Yamatos seem to have a taste for children. A spectacled Yamato has his hands up the skirts of a rather young girl who has a blank look on her face.

The Yamato soldiers widened their eyes as they saw the party crashers are not some angry local fathers, brothers, or husbands that barged in the last few weeks they can just beat them into submission.

Tonight, vengeance came in the form of the well-trained Imperial Ruthenian Army armed with assault rifles and staunch loyalties to the crown of Ruthenia.

They sprang into action to get their weapons but before they could even do so, the Ruthenians were first to open fire.


The degenerate decadent moment was interrupted by the sound of gunfire. It turned into pandemonium. The Yamato soldiers found their topless bodies being riddled by the 7.62×51mm rounds while the others quickly used the screaming and crying women as body shields to protect themselves from the hail of bullets.

With extreme weapon discipline, the Ruthenians didn’t use burst fire or pull the trigger at innocent civilians. Rather, they waited for the perfect opportunity to neutralize them without harming the civilians.

“WHO ARE YOU?!” one of the Yamato soldiers shouted angrily in his language. “Ruthenians huh?! Don’t do anything stupid or else I’ll kill this woman!” he frantically added as he grabbed the Mauser C96 from the table and pressed the muzzle onto the woman’s temple.

Anxious cries from civilians and agony from the soldiers filled the first floor of the hotel.

The Alpha squad leader, with his FAL trained at the Yamato soldier, waved a finger to the other squad, signaling them to sweep the second and third floors of the hotel.

They acknowledged the order and immediately stormed up the stairs.


“I TOLD YOU NOT TO MOVE!” The Yamato soldier roared distraughtly as he fired a round at the squad. It missed and didn’t stop the squad from climbing the stairs.

The Alpha Squad leader remained unfazed by the threat as he kept his bead on the Yamato. He doesn’t have a clear shot and couldn’t risk pulling the trigger as it may endanger the lives of the woman he is holding hostage.

He’s the only last man standing. The rest of his comrades were shot down in the one-sided gunfight.

The Alpha Squad leader waited patiently for him to make a mistake. And since the man is terrified, it’s only a matter of time before he succumbs to fear.

“Drop your weapons!” the Yamato soldier shouted at once. His eyes widened from fear as he stared death at his fellow soldiers’ lifeless bodies.

The Ruthenians didn’t comply with his order. Instead, they only looked down on him with their gunsights, smirking deridingly. It’s not like they can understand a word coming out of his mouth anyway.


The woman on the other hand deserves sympathy as she is scared of dying from getting shot by either party.This angered the Yamato soldier so much. He pointed the Mauser pistol toward them threateningly.

“YOU DAMN RUTHENIANS!” He exclaimed savagely, he is going to pull the trigger.

The Alpha Squad Leader smirked as the Yamato soldier finally made a mistake. With his head not hiding behind the woman’s head he got a clear shot he longed for.

The Alpha Squad leader pulled the trigger before Yamato could. His head was blown off instantly as the bullet cavitates his skull.

His brains showered the wall behind him, adding to the gore from other dead Yamato soldiers as well.

His arm jerks haphazardly and shot at the ceiling before his body goes limp on the woman and slides off her into a crumpled body.

Blood splattered all over the woman’s cheek. She stood there shaking in horror, unable to react to the bloody scene. The rest of the women were also stunned at the gruesome sight of their occupiers. The ones that molested and abused them sexually now lay around them on the ground in a growing pool of blood.

“Make sure the Yamatos are all dead. Mercy kills.”

“Yes sir!” The rest of his squad saluted and carried his orders.

They approached the dining hall and checked the corpses. And there they confirmed that the Yamato soldiers are dead. Meanwhile, the women who were shivering in fear stared blankly at the Ruthenian soldiers.

Believing and knowing that, all soldiers will claim them for their victory feast later or worse, kill them for various reasons.

They hushed as they calmed them down.

“It’s okay, we are from the Ruthenian military, we won’t hurt you.”

It was useless, there was no way they could understand what they were saying. Nevertheless, the Ruthenian soldiers were disgusted at what the Yamato soldiers were doing to them.

The little girl from earlier is hugging a woman crying in her sleeves, her molester dead on the ground with multiple bullet holes.

And there are other children as well. Even little boys know that the Ruthenians are not busy shooting enemies.

“This is fucked up,” one of the Ruthenian soldiers remarked.

“Yeah it sure is,” his fellow soldiers said before reporting back to the squad leader. “Sir, all 70 tangoes are neutralized.”

“Good.” the Alpha Squad leader said. “Take the civilians away from there and take them here,” he ordered.

“Yes sir!” The Ruthenians saluted and offered a hand to the Chosonese women.

At first, the Chosonese women didn’t respond but gradually relaxed and allowed themselves to be lifted by the Ruthenian soldiers.

The soldiers helped them walk over to the reception table. Once they got there, the Ruthenians beckoned them to sit down. There are 40 of them in total. 30 of them are somewhere between 18-25 while the rest are 8 to 15 below.

The Ruthenians were well aware of the atrocities the occupying forces of the Yamato Empire were committing against the Chosonese. One of them is raping women and children. But to see it for themselves on their first mission? Just how low can the Yamatos get?Such heinous crimes are unthinkable. To think that the politicians of the Choson Empire betrayed them by selling their county to the Yamato for cash and social status.

The medics attached to the Alpha squad approached them and checked for wounds or injuries.

While doing so, the Alpha squad can hear intermittent gunfire and screams from the floors above. It seems like there are Yamato soldiers there as well.

“What’s their condition?” the Alpha Squad leader asked the medic.

“Well, there are bruises on some parts of their body, probably caused by blunt force such as a punch to the body. However, there aren’t any serious wounds anywhere that require immediate medical attention.”action

“I’m gonna report our findings to Overwatch, see if we can get them out of here, and take them to our medical facility. For now, keep an eye on them.”

“Yes sir,” the Medic acknowledged the order.

“Now, I need someone who can speak Ruthenian…”

“I speak Ruthenian sir…!” a feminine voice sounded from behind the receptionist’s desk.

“Show yourself,” the Alpha Squad leader demanded in his native language.

A young beautiful woman slowly rose from behind the desk with her hands up in the air and a frightened expression plastered on her face.

“How many Yamato soldiers are staying here?”

“One hundred, sir,” the girl answered.

“Do you know the other hundred? We have information saying that there are two hundred Yamato soldiers here.”

“They are in another hotel sir,” the girl replied nervously.

The squad leader pulled out his radio and reported his findings to Overwatch. “Is that it?” he asked once more.

“Yes sir,” the woman responded.

“Sir!” someone yelled out from the stairs, getting the attention of everyone down the reception hall. “You will not believe what we just saw,” on the stairs, Ruthenian soldiers are dragging down a Yamato soldier by the hair.

The Yamato soldier’s face was battered to the point he was no longer recognizable.

“What happened to that guy?” the Alpha Squad leader asked.

“Well, this guy was in a room with four tied-up children with ages ranging from ten to thirteen. But don’t worry, we already beat the shit out of him,” the soldier said as he dropped the Yamato soldier onto the ground and gave a hard kick to his ribs, resulting in a groan from the beaten-up pedophile.

“Let me see him,” the Alpha Squad leader said as he stepped forward. Just as he was about to question the guy with the aid of a translator, the receptionist, a scene of four children shakily in bath towels descending down the staircase stopped him midway. He looked up to meet the girl’s gaze.

Their faces were covered in bruises, some teeth were broken and they walked like they have pain somewhere he should not know.

There are young, like his daughters. As a father, he can’t imagine a scene where one man sexually assaults his daughters. The scene in his mind alone was enough to boil him in anger.

“Well…he just forfeited the POW protections of the Geneva Convention,” he said coldly as he pulled a pistol out from its holster and shot the Yamato soldier point blank in the face.

There was no complaint from his fellow soldiers. Thinking that the man deserved it.
