One thousand and seven hundred kilometers away from London is the capital of the Ruthenia Empire, St. Petersburg. The country is also experiencing the winter season, congealing the surroundings of the Winter Palace in a white blanket which makes everything seem muted.

Alexander was in his personal gym, doing pull-ups as he performed his daily exercise before starting his day at work. The air was cold, but it was not too cold for his spores to stop him from sweating. He could feel the perspiration trickle down his face as the muscles in his arms, chest, and back tensed each time he lifted his body up. This routine had become normal ever since he became Alexander but was stopped temporarily when he got shot in the chest four years ago outside the Imperial Council Building where he signed the Infrastructure Bill that transformed the empire from a backward nation to one of modernity.

He breathed in deeply and then exhaled slowly as he continued doing pull-ups. After a few reps, Alexander let go of the bar and landed on the floor. He grabbed a towel and wiped all the sweat off of his body and face as he walked towards the shower room. As he entered the shower area he faced the mirror and flexed his muscles.

His body was like that of a greek god that he had been working on by following strict dietary plans and workout routines. It seemed to have worked out well. After seeing the development of his body, he smiled in satisfaction and entered the shower.

Two minutes later, Alexander got out, looking at the mirror again as he grabbed a razor and a cream shave. His beards are growing in a way that is not befitting his royal disposition. So he decided to shave it by applying a cream shave on his chin and jaw and shaving it off. The blade smoothly ran along his facial hair. A minute later rinsed his face and looked in the mirror.

And there, he looked young again. If an average person were to see him outside walking, they would think of him as a young man who is still attending the university. Not a man who already has a wife and daughter.

He donned his usual outfit for work before proceeding to his office with his briefcase.



The sun was bright against his pale skin as Alexander walked in the hallways of the Winter Palace. He stopped in his tracks when he noticed a woman waiting by the door.

"Christina?" Alexander called.

Christina jolted in her spot and turned around to face him. Her eyebrows scrunched up as she noticed something different. "Brother?" she doubtedly said with confusion.

"Did I really change that much after shaving my beard?" Alexander sighed and gave her a small smile.

"You looked younger, brother," Christina said softly. She stared at him as her eyes tracedevery inch of him, taking him in.


Alexander noticed the scrutiny and chuckled a bit awkwardly. "I'll take that as a compliment, sister." They both laughed before turning into awkward silence. "Do you need something, Christi?" Alexander asked, breaking the tension.

Christina nodded and fidgeted with her fingers. "Yeah, I've been wondering where Rolan is. It's been like a month or so since I last saw him. He's not in his office or your office either so where is he?"

"Rolan? Well, he took a four-month break," Alexander answered.

"Wait what? Since when?" Christina exclaimed with shock.

"Since one month and three weeks," Alexander said. "Why are you looking for him anyways?"

"No, it's nothing," she somberly replied. Then she sighed and looked down. "Why didn't he inform us?"


"I don't know either, even though he informed you about his leave," Alexander shrugged. "Well, don't worry, he is going to return in two months. He is probably enjoying his vacation somewhere in Ruthenia?"

"Can you tell me where that is, brother?" Christina asked, her eyes twinkling in hope.

Alexander smiled fondly and replied, "I believe he is in Moskva, you still haven't answered my question, why are you looking for him?"

"Nothing...I'm just asking that's all," Christina mumbled as she fidgeted with her fingers once more. The lightness of their conversation disappeared as the atmosphere grew awkward.

They fell silent again until Alexander noticed something.

"Hoh? I think I know what's this all about," Alexander said, grinning.

Christina glanced up questioningly. "What do you mean?"

"You, do you like Rolan by any chance?" Alexander dropped the bar and immediately, Christina's face turned crimson red.

She averted her gaze as she stammered, "Wha-what are you talking about all of a sudden..."

"So that's it huh?" Alexander mused. "You're so easy to read, Christina."

"'s not like that brother...believe me!"

"Be honest with yourself, sister. I know you like him, that explains your behavior and reaction just now," Alexander said matter of factly.

"I told you it's not like that...!" Christina still insisted on denying her feelings to Rolan.action

Alexander gave up. "Fine, if you don't like him then it doesn't matter who he is with right now, right Christina? Like you know, he might be hanging out with a girl right now."

The moment he said that the surroundings went cold as Christina's face grew grim, her eyes gleaming coldly. A shadow cast over her and made Alexander reflexively take a step back. What's this ominous aura she is emitting all of a sudden?

"Brother, is what you said just now true? That Rolan is hanging out with another girl?" Christina asked, her voice laced with malice.

Alex winced at her tone and responded, "That's an assumption I just made up on the spot. He could be hanging out with another girl or not. We can confirm that by asking him. Do you want me to call him to find out the truth?"

"That would be great brother," Christina's voice softened slightly. "Please do inform me right away after you speak to him, please. I'll be back in my quarters now, I will take my leave. Sorry for interrupting you, brother."

"It's alright," Alexander said. "Don't worry, I will let you know as soon as I speak to him."

Christina nodded once at him and left without another word. As soon as she left the hallway by turning to the right, Alex sighed and entered his office.

What a scary aura that was, it made him subconsciously shudder. But the fact that she reacted in a way that triggers that aura means she likes Rolan and is acting jealous. Well, Christina and Rolan? A man of a noble rank and a woman of an exalted rank, such a relationship is unheard of. Sure, society might see it as taboo but if the feelings are mutual, who is he to interfere?

Alexander set down the briefcase on the desk and opened the television to watch the latest news happening in the Ruthenian Empire. He opened his briefcase and grabbed a notebook. Inside the notebook, there's a list of schedules he'll have to attend for the month of January.

. Meeting with the Choson Empire's King on January 5. 2. On January 7, Alexander will visit Moskva to inspect one of the research facilities as well as meet Philip to discuss the development of lasers and credit card machines.``

"Let's get to work," Alexander muttered as he closed the book.
