`250 kilometers off the coast of Murmansk, on the deck of the Aircraft Carrier Petropavlovsk, two Wraith Jet Fighter Aircraft, a copy of F-4 Phantom II just took off and zoomed towards their designated location.

Meanwhile, back at the quaint town of Gällivare, the agent stationed in Sweden who reported the sightings of the stolen Ruthenian tech grabbed a map of the town with grid coordinates. He contacted the two Wraith Fighter Aircraft that are on their way to the town right now.

"Eagle 1, this is Alpha. Be advised I have eyes on the target. Eight-four-seven-two, three, five, six, one. How copy over?" The radio crackled with static before a voice came through.

"This is Eagle 1, I copy. Eight-four-seven-two, three, five, six, one. Over."

"Roger, fire when ready. I'll throw smokes on the enemy target for accurate targeting. Over."

"Copy that Alpha. We are two minutes away from the target so I suggest that you hail your ass on out and get it done. Over."

"Understood, Eagle 1," the radio crackled as an acknowledgment. The agent immediately retrieved something from the cupboard. It was a can-like metal. It is a smoke grenade used to conceal the presence but it can also be a perfect tool for the Wraith as a targeting system since they don't have a clear visual on the ground and risk civilian casualties.


He scuttled down the stairs and exited his safe house. He treads softly through the streets, heading towards the direction of the target which is the military vehicles stolen from the Ruthenian Military.

It is surrounded by enemy militia who seemingly have a good chat with one another. The reason for their stop here is unknown, maybe to rest? Well, his goal in this operation is to destroy the military vehicles at all costs, the reason why they are here doesn't matter to him.

One minute and thirty seconds later, the agent pulled the pin of the smoke grenade and threw it high into the air where the vehicles were parked. No one noticed the sound of it falling onto the soft snowy ground as it was muffled by their chattering.

Seconds later, the smoke grenade hissed as it began releasing smoke that billows high above the ground creating a cloud of gray in the clear sky and engulfing the military vehicles and the militias within it.

The agent walked out of the area quickly as he was in close proximity. He tried his best to lead away civilians who are in the area to back off as far as they could, to which they complied reluctantly.

It was at that time when the militias noticed someone just threw something at them and began to freak out slightly.


"What is that?"

"It's a smoke, sir!"

"What is it doing there? Remove that immediately."

"Who the heck did this?"But that's a little too late for them to figure that out as the Wraith Fighter Aircraft who are nearing the target screamed overhead.

The civilians and the militias on the ground heard the ominous sound of its engine. They don't know what it was but the shrilling sound was enough to send shivers down their spine.

In the sky, the two Wraith Fighter aircraft saw the billowing smoke.


"That's the target," Eagle 1 announced to his wingman, Eagle 2.

"I see it," Eagle 2 confirmed. "Arming air-to-ground missile,"

Under the wing of the Wraith Jet Fighter Aircraft, the AGM-65 Maverick air-to-ground missile was released from its hardpoint, igniting the rocket motor, launching it forward.

The missile carries 136 kilograms of WDU-24/B penetrating blast fragmentation and travels at the speed of 1,150 kilometers per hour, closing the distance from the launch point to the target.

Moments later, the agent felt the ground buckle underneath its feet as a powerful shockwave pushed him forward.

A series of deafening explosions roared behind him, causing his ears to ring and his vision to blurred. He groaned in pain as he staggered to rise from his feet. He didn't expect the explosive ordnance would be that powerful.

Turning around from the epicenter of the explosion, the Agent's eyes widened. The military vehicles and the militia that was there vanished from view. In their place was only a crater, completely destroyed. Despite his ear ringing, he can hear the muffled cries and screams of the people nearby.

Then seconds later, the shrilling sound overhead gets louder and louder, causing him to strike his head up and see two aircraft screaming overhead and passing above him at a blinding speed.

He was stunned, it was his first time coordinating and seeing the Wraith Jet Fighter Aircraft. It felt like a gift. And there he realized just how lucky he is that those planes are by his side. He can't imagine himself to be on the receiving end of that powerful explosive ordnance.

Seeing that no Ruthenian military vehicle survived the blast, he can safely assume that the objective was complete. He went back to his safehouse and reported the concluded operation to one of the higher-ups of the Foreign Intelligence Services.


Back at the Winter Palace, Alexei hung up the telephone and looked at Alexander.

"Your Majesty, the agent on the ground has confirmed, the targets are destroyed," he announced.

Alexander heaved a sigh of relief. "Great, now we don't have to worry about our tech getting reverse-engineered by our enemy. I hope this can never happen again after you implemented my suggestions,"

"Of course, Your Majesty. We will be stricter from picking up candidates and future servicemen from now on to ensure that would be the case."

Alexander stood from his chair and glanced at his subordinates. "The Swedish government would probably get pissed about this but leave the diplomacy to me. I am already expecting a reaction from them before I give the order to send in the strike package."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Alexei and the other generals nodded.

"Since the job is done, I will now leave the Command Ops. Also, I'm here to inform you that I will be leaving St. Petersburg for two weeks. I will be in Moskva and other cities to inspect my company. If anything arises, just call my staff directly. They'll inform me as soon as they receive your call."

"Yes, Your Majesty," once Alexei said that all the military officials present in the Command Ops stood up and performed a salute.

Alexander returned the salute and then turned around to exit the Command Ops.


Back at the Winter Palace, Alexander returned to his bedroom. Surprisingly, Sophie was there, sitting on a bed. Is she waiting for him all this time? Damn, that's some determination and patience she has.action

"Honey?" Alexander smiled. A hint of surprise laced his voice. "Are you waiting for me this whole time?"

Sophie nodded with a sweet smile adorning her face. Then she patted the space next to her on the bed as an invitation.

Alexander sat beside her on the bed. "So, what's it that you were about to say earlier?"

Sophie gathered the courage to answer the question. She took a deep breath and began. "Darling, I'm pregnant!" she said as she rubbed her belly with both hands while smiling widely.

Alexander's eyes grew wide with shock. A smile slowly crept upon his face that could reach his ears.

"Re-really?" Alexander stammered as if he was about to cry. His heart was beating wildly inside his chest with happiness and love towards Sophie, who was smiling widely, nodding happily.

And then...

He suddenly wrapped his hand around her waist and lifted her on cloud nine as he spun her around. "Yes!" he shouted excitedly with joy coursing through every inch of his body. "I'm the happiest man in this world right now!"

She giggled and clung onto his neck tightly, kissing his forehead and nose. Alexander placed her back on the bed and continued laughing as if he had not a care in the world. Then He bent over her and pressed his lips against hers lovingly.

Sophie responded passionately and opened up her mouth and welcomed him with her tongue. The two were lost in the world of emotions that enveloped them. Their lips were locked together with fervent passion until eventually, they broke apart. They lay facing each other and smiled tenderly.

"This is the greatest gift you could've given me, Sophie...I love you," Alexander whispered as he caressed her face with his fingers.

"I love you too, Alexander," Sophie whispered as she gazed deeply into his eyes.

"I'm going to tell Anya she's going to have a sibling," Alexander laughed softly.
