The Headquarters of the Imperial Dynamic Systems is not far from the Grand Kremlin Palace. The journey only took ten minutes, a convenient time to get lost in your thoughts. Or at least, that's what Alexander had expected.

As the buses they were riding passed by a major road, inquisitive gazes from the people walking down the sidewalks always caught his attention. It was probably due to the vehicle they were in, which is not supposed to exist not for the next sixty or seventy years. In fact, everything he is introducing in this world is five or six decades ahead of this world's time. Honestly speaking, he hadn't accustomed himself yet to the reactions people express when they see something fascinating beyond understanding.

The bus stopped at the main entrance to the headquarters, which is currently full of personnel doing their daily routine for today's work. Alexander smiled simply at the scenery that unfolds beyond the window. A lot of things have changed in the last five years.

"Sir Alexander, we have arrived at the headquarters."

Alexander shifted his gaze away from the scenery outside and looked at who was standing on the footpath. It was Philip.

Alexander casually sat up straight and glanced back as his eyes hung down to Tiffania, who was still fascinated at the instant camera he gave to her.

"Tiffania, we're here. Come here now," Alexander said sternly, with no hint of his usual teasing tone.


A few seconds after he uttered his words, the girl snapped out of her trance and hurriedly came to stand beside him. "Oh we're here?" she peered around as if trying to figure out where exactly they were. Alexander chuckled lightly and patted the girl's head lovingly.

He then treads towards the exit which Tiffania follows.

Upon their exit, Tiffania had expected something of a formal greeting from the workers before them. But instead, what they got was nothing more but disregard.

"Eh...?" Tiffania let out a hushful sound, unsure what to say.

Alexander raised his brow as soon as he noticed her troubled tone. "You might be wondering why no one is giving us attention, am I right?"Tiffania nodded her head slowly while still keeping her eyes locked on the employees.

"That is because I told them to," Alexander revealed and continued. "Such formalities are unneeded in this company as it reduces the productivity and production of the work by a second and every second counts here. If we stand around doing nothing but to receive their formal greetings, we will be losing money and that's why no one is giving us attention."


"I see," Tiffania muttered quietly under her breath. Her brother made a good point about the pleasantries the royal families often receive, as it is a must for any person of lower position to give their respect to those who are above them. In fact, she hates them, as she deems them unnecessary and a complete waste of time. It was a headache and she was glad that his brother solved such mundane stuff by ordering them not to.action

"Just stick next to me, Tiffania. The headquarters is huge and you might get lost," Alexander informed his little sister and began to walk ahead. Tiffania quickly caught up to him and silently followed behind until they reached a certain room.

It was a large room composed of long tables and people who are leaning and arching their backs as they scribble something on a white paper.

"That's the drafting room," Alexander introduced. "It is where engineers and architects working in the Imperial Dynamic Systems design their crafts. Though we already have a computer room that has computer-aided design software that helps them save time, there are those who insist on doing it the old-fashioned way."

"Ahh..." Tiffania murmured softly. She has never seen a drafting room before and how any engineering products are designed in the first place. Of course, she had seen sample schematics of clothes ironwork, but drawing them down from their mind alone can give her insights into how taxing it would be.

Just by watching them work, she can feel her lower back and neck aching from leaning and arching like that. But the passion they put into their work makes it inspiring for her to pursue her dream of becoming an engineer like her brother. Wait, is Alexander an engineer, does he have a license or a certificate that


supports that? Well, she must admit, her brother's knowledge of applied science is impressive and his inventions unorthodox and sophisticated. But still, he doesn't have a degree.

Alexander took notice of Tiffania's silence. He could sense her thoughts and decided to ask her, "Is something the matter, Tiffania?"

"There's none, brother. I apologize for zoning out a little," Tiffania responded apologetically and brought up her instant camera to take a picture of the drafting room.

"I understand. If you have a question, just ask," Alexander returned a smile.

"I do have a question, brother. What is a computer room? It's the first time I heard that word."

"Ah, that? Well, that's where the wonders happen. Just capture the scene before us right now and hold on to it. Our next destination would be that place. I am looking forward to your thoughts about it."

"The way you describe it feels like it's an important place, brother. Well as you say, I will be looking forward to it."

"Philip, lead us the way," Alexander instructed, glancing toward Philip.

Philip stepped forward and turned his body sideways while gesturing his arm in the direction in front of him. "This way, please."

They walked further towards a corridor where many people were passing by wearing lab coats and black suits. Five minutes later, they arrived at a door with a peculiar design. It has no door knob or anything that can be used to open the door. Suddenly, Philip whipped out a card from the inside pocket of his suit and swiped it down to an odd-looking small machine that beeped loudly and glowed green.

The door immediately opened sideways, revealing another hallway.

"Due to the nature of the technology, no one will be able to easily enter without the right clearance. Everyone working inside this hall is a loyal subject of the Ruthenian Empire and has sworn an oath to not disclose anything that they'll see inside." Philip explained.

Tiffania gave an understanding nod before proceeding to go through the doors and stopped at another door. Beside it was a sign that read "computer room".

"Okay Tiffania, this is it, one of the many grand reveals of the Imperial Dynamic System," Alexander remarked.

Tiffania just nodded in response, waiting for his brother or Philip to open the door with a magical card.

The machine beeps and the door opens. The first thing Tiffania saw was a group of people wearing lab coats operating what seems to be a small television. No, not just television, but a board with keys on it similar to the typewriter but more compact, smaller, and easy to type in.

They entered and Tiffania marveled at one of the screens where one of the engineers was working. There, Tiffania saw schematics similar to that of a blueprint but on screen. She also witnessed the features of the thing called "computer"; he can change the distance by rolling up and down a wheel of a small rectangular machine. Next is that there are letters inscribed on the screen, and then another pops up, and another and there she realizes that whenever the man pressed a specific key on the board, it would pop up on the screen.

Unbeknownst to her, she is looking at a computer with specs similar to that of the early 90s computers.

"Wow!" Tiffania gasped softly.

"Excuse me, may I borrow your station for a minute?" Philip tapped the engineer's back and showed him his ID. The moment the engineer saw the identification card he complied and left his seat.

"So that's a computer, Tiffania," Alexander introduced. "A tool that will revolutionize the world."
