Alexander stretched his arms as they walked out of the showroom.

"Wooh, seeing a lot of stuff turning into reality is worth a trip," Alexander commented.

"What were you thinking back then when you drove that car brother? Suddenly entering the vehicle and driving it right away. You could've hit us," Tiffania complained.

"Hey, I honked right, that signals you to step away and make way for my car," Alexander answered simply as his eyes shifted to Sebastian who was following them from behind. "Good job gathering all of them in the showroom. Now I want them ready for the public to acquire."

"Don't worry, Sir Alexander, as I have said earlier, everything has been ready for mass production and selling," Sebastian said.

"Good, I don't want any delays whatsoever. Always remember, we must make our shareholders happy by making them a lot of money. Aside from my massive investment in this company, this thing wouldn't exist without the support of the elite nobility."

"You can count on us, Sir Alexander."


"Oh, by the way, this one slipped my mind. Where is Morschvich? I wanted to share my gratitude for handling the automotive department. But it seems like he's not here in the headquarters as he was the one who should show us the new products instead of you."

Working for five years as the emperor of the Ruthenia Empire and Chief Executive Officer of the Imperial Dynamics System, there are tendencies where Alexander forgot the smallest of things. He might have an eidetic memory but in reality, he is having a rough time remembering tiny bits of information that are stored in his amygdala, especially when he is always swamped at work.

"It slipped into my mind as well, Sir Alexander. The reason for his absence is that there was an emergency. His wife is experiencing labor, to which she asked for his presence. He handed me a formal letter which I should pass to you," Sebastian pulled out a letter from his pocket and offered it to Alexander.

Alexander tore the top of the envelope open and read the contents of the document. He frowned slightly after reading what was written within the letter before looking up at Sebastian again.

"Well, things happen. I would have done the same for my wife. Tell Morschvich that it is fine and that he can return to work without fear of getting fired.""Yes sir," Sebastian acknowledged.

Alexander closed the letter and looked back at Tiffania who was giving him an expectant look.


"I can tell what you want to hear by looking at your face, and the answer is no. We are returning back to the Grand Kremlin Palace and taking a rest."

"Eh?! I think there is a lot more to see other than those cars," Tiffania said glumly. Her melancholic expression tells him that she is not fully satisfied with the tour and that her thirst for knowledge is not yet satiated.

As much as she wants to stay in the headquarters, there's not much she can do. Her brother is the emperor of the Ruthenia Empire and thus has to perform his duties.

"Don't be sad Tiffania, there is still tomorrow and it will be a lot cooler than what I have shown you here," Alexander assured as he patted her shoulder softly while she gave him an understanding smile.

"Okay brother, thanks for the tour, I really learned a lot from this trip."

Alexander softly scoffed at her comment. "To the point that you want to learn computer engineering? This is my suggestion, there is nothing wrong with studying two fields at the same time, but in the end, you must choose what type of engineering you would like to be. Engineering courses are difficult so it is important to figure out what you really prefer. Computer engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, or electrical engineering."


"If it's that hard, then how could you possess an enormous amount of knowledge in all those fields, brother? If I may ask," Tiffania posed a serious question.

Alexander was silent for a little bit before answering her. "That is because I'm different Tiffania. Remember when I was in a coma? I think it has something to do with my intellect," Alexander began leading her away from the truth.

"But there are no published research articles that support that," Tiffania argued.

Tiffania was about to add something to her comment until Alexander cut him off.

"Can we talk about this later privately, Tiffania," Alexander raised his voice slightly.

Tiffania shut her mouth obediently before nodding her head slowly in agreement. What's with that sudden change of demeanor? Did the topic of their conversation trigger something inside him?

They walked in silence for a few more minutes until they reached the exit where the motorhome that took them to the headquarters was waiting for them.

"It was a good tour, Sir Alexander. I enjoyed it," Philip remarked, standing behind Alexander as he watched the two members of the imperial family board their transport.

Alexander didn't turn his head around but stopped to make his reply. "Good to hear that. You may now return to your work."

After saying that, Alexander resumed walking into the motorhome and the door behind him made a hiss as it closed.

Tiffania stared for a moment at her brother from her seat. Alexander noticed it and asked. "Is something troubling you?"action

"Yeah," Tiffania clenches the top of her dress as if preparing herself to speak. "Are you mad at me brother? I'm troubled, was our topic earlier about your knowledge too personal?"

"Ah that," Alexander bit his lower lip and sat next to her. "You misunderstood it, Tiffania, I am not mad at you, it is just that I'm not comfortable talking about it around someone whom I'm not in a close relationship with."

"Oh, you mean Sir Philip and Sebastian?" Tiffania heaved a sigh of relief hearing that. She thought he was mad at her.

"Yes. And to answer your question, it is indeed true that there are no studies supporting my unprecedented knowledge but comatose is the only plausible explanation behind it right now."

"It still doesn't explain where you got that knowledge from. The concepts and the technology your company is producing are beyond the concept that has been introduced so far. Also, brother, if I'm not mistaken, you're not that really into books, are you? For you, studying and reading a book is a waste of time that you would rather spend your time on something like your hobbies. So where do you get that knowledge from?"

Alexander gulped inwardly. Tiffania is getting closer and closer to discovering his secret. Should he tell her the truth that he is not Alexander but a different person from a different world? No, that would be disastrous and risky.

"I'm afraid that is something that I cannot disclose. Consider it as my deepest secret that if unveiled, I will be in great trouble."

"If you really don't want to talk about it brother then I won't pry any further," Tiffania said, not pushing the subject any further.

Alexander silently thanked god for that. He knew that if she pressed the matter any further, he may be forced to reveal himself. But for now, that's enough for him.
