At this moment in time, Rolan can't believe his eyes. The Grand Duchess of the Ruthenian Empire stood before him. He scanned her appearance by looking at her up and down. Just like any lady passing by the streets, she wore an ordinary beige Victorian dress that seemed to perfectly hug her body from neck to toe. Her silver glossy hair was pulled back into a bun that framed her perfectly beautiful face, a fur hat adorning her head. And lastly, her blue eyes were as clear as the ocean in the morning sky.

She looked beautiful to the point that her ordinary disguises were useless and that any man on earth would fall for her charm just by stealing a glance at her.

Okay, that's enough staring. He quickly got into action and tried to grab her arm. But before his hand could reach her arm, another person's arm took his, stopping it.

Rolan twisted the offending hand to the back of the unknown assailant and pinned him to the wall. "Who do you think you are?!" he growled.

The mood on the gutter instantly fell down as all eyes were now directed on Rolan.

"Rolan stop, he's part of my security," Christina said. She immediately went to his side and grabbed Rolan's hand and removed it from the other man.

Rolan gave Christina a suspicious look before going back to the mystery man.


"If you are part of her security detail then why did you do that? Didn't you know that I'm the Chief of Staff of the Imperial Guards?"

"Sir Rolan, you are on a leave, we are just being cautious," the man replied as he rotated his shoulder to loosen up the pain there.

"We?" Rolan took a step back and looked around to scan his surroundings. Ever since he became the Chief of Staff for the Royal Family, he has taken efforts to learn how to read people by just looking at them. And it paid off, there are fifty Imperial Guards disguised as civilians looking at him right now, some tip their hats while the others saluted covertly.

"Your Imperial Highness...I mean, Christina. Does His Majesty know that you are in Moskva?" Rolan asked after composing himself.

"No, my visitation to Moksva is unwarranted, my brother doesn't know that I'm here."

That clears all of it. Even if he's on leave, he is still getting updates from his colleagues about the members of the Royal Family's location. This one however took him by surprise, he didn't get an update about her sneaking out of the Winter Palace. When he returns, he will make reforms to the security of the Royal Family. But first, he has to find out why she is here.


"Christina, what you just did is dangerous, even if you are in that outfit," Rolan said sternly.

Christina was silent and looked down. Rolan immediately softened up when he saw that.

"May I at least know the reason why you are here in Moskva? If you want to surprise your brother then I will personally lead you to the Kremlin Pal..."

"No, he's not the reason why I came here," Christina cut off Rolan and looked straight into his eyes.

"Hmm? If not for him then what is the true purpose? Don't tell me, you just felt like it," Rolan said. His gaze is so sharp that it can pierce her.

"The truth is..." Christina started to fiddle with her fingers, her face turning hot from embarrassment. "...I...I came here for you!" she blurted out with all her courage and confidence at the same time.


"Me?" Rolan tilted his head, not getting the hint. "What could possibly be the reason for you wanting to see me?"

Christina looked at her feet. She didn't have words to explain herself. What could possibly justify the desire of visiting Moskva to see The Chief of Staff of the Imperial Guard?

"Should there be a reason?" Christina asked nervously. "I just want to know how you are doing....It...It's been a month since we last saw each other. I...I...I was worried about your sudden disappearance so I asked my brother and there I learned from him that you are on leave..." she began to pant, her cheek turning redder.

Rolan was unfazed, still staring at her as if to uncover something hidden beneath those bright blue eyes of hers. It was almost as if he was trying to read someone's soul through them."Please...don't...stare at me that much..." Christina averted her eyes away shyly. Her cheeks were still burning.

After a few moments, Rolan spoke. "Now that I think about it, His Majesty asked me of my whereabouts and if I'm seeing another woman. Was it perhaps from you?"

"Oh no..." Christina muttered her breath, how did he find out?! She remained silent, not wanting to look at him as she believed he would read her expression again.

"I see. I don't know what to say, for the Grand Duchess of Ruthenia to personally visit me in Moskva to check on me. I'm honored," Rolan said with the softest tone he ever used with her.

"You are?" Christina finally looked up to meet Rolan's stare again. She found him smiling genuinely at her.

"I am," Rolan continued, leaning forward slightly. "I still can't believe what's happening. Have you already eaten? There's Ruthenia Fried Chicken over there if you want. I'll treat you."

"There's a lot of people inside, can we go somewhere else private? Like coffee shops or something..." Christina suggested.

"I see, no problem. I know just a place, please follow me."

When Rolan turned, Christina spoke. "Uhm...Rolan, this may sound silly but shouldn't a man offer his arm to a woman and walk together?"

"That would be improper, Your Imperial Highness. You are the Grand Duchess of the Ruthenian Empire while I'm only the adopted son of a baron. Our gap is like heaven and earth. We can't be seen doing things like that as you have a reputation to maintain."

"But I'm not a Grand Duchess of Ruthenia Empire here. Haven't you realized why I wore this outfit? That is because I want to experience a life with no title."


"Then let's do it this way. Rolan, you will obey my command, do you?"

"Yes Your Imperial Highness, as I work for all the members of the Imperial Family..."

"In that case, I'm commanding you to walk with me," she said firmly.

When she used her authority, there was no way Rolan could refuse. He looked at one of her security details. "Everything you see here from now is classified. No one, including the rest of your team, should speak or tell anyone about this under the threat of me ripping your insides out."

"Y-Yes sir!" The guard stammered.

With that all taken care of, Rolan offered Christina his arm.

Christina wrapped her arms around his elbow and her heart started to pound wildly from excitement once she heard his voice and the gentle manner he showed her.

They walked side by side as they headed toward the direction of the coffee shop.


"We are here," Rolan pushed the door open as they entered the coffee shop. "Uhm...Christina, you may now remove your arms from my arm," he said.

"Eh?" Christina looked puzzled. "Why?""Because we are already inside the coffee shop," Rolan whispered in answer. "In any case, we have to act normal like other people. Go find us a vacant seat, I'll meet you there once I'm done with the order. Anyways, what do you want in your coffee?"

"An original black coffee would do," Christina said.


Christina smiled and made her way to the empty booth near the window.

Rolan went to the counter and placed his order. Two minutes later, he returned with a tray that had two coffee cups on it placed on a saucer.

Meanwhile, her security detail is eyeing a possible threat that could harm the Grand Duchess and the Chief of Staff of the Imperial Guards.

"So, why don't we discuss something?" Christina began.

"Such as...?"

"Hmm...suppose that I didn't come unnoticed, where will you go?"

"Your brother said that I should have a normal life. A normal life consists of a person you love, a house, work, and children. I'm currently working on that. To answer your question, I will be browsing some vehicles I can use and then visit the building that will become my home in the future."

"So none of those you mentioned are completed, am I right?" Christina asked.

"That's technically correct," Rolan sipped his coffee.

Christina let out a sigh of relief. "I see..."

"Why are you so relieved, Christina?" Rolan asked.

" it that bad to sigh?" Christina chuckled nervously, playing with her hair.

"Not at all. So, how long are you going to stay here in Moskva? Are you going to visit your brother and your little sister?"

"No, I will be leaving at night. My brother would be mad at me if he found out that I left the palace without his knowledge."

"So you really came here just to see me?" Rolan asked again.

"That's right," Christine answered with a smile as she leaned toward him. "I just want to see you."

"Until now, I can't believe it," Rolan admitted with a smile. "I guess there must be something special about me that you had to go over here."

"There is..." Christina said equivocally. "Something...I...can't tell you yet."

"Is that so? Then, I can't wait to hear it. I just hope that it will be in two or three years," Rolan said.

"Why? What's happening?"

"I'm going to retire," Rolan replied simply.

"Retire? Isn't that a bit soon?" Christina said, frowning.

"That's correct but I still want to have a life other than watching your brother at all times. Not that I think that my work is useless, it's really a great honor to work with your brother."

"I see, I will prepare myself before that day arrive."
