The C-17 Globemaster is one of the iconic planes of the United States Air Force. The development started in the 1970s to replace the Boeing C-130 Hercules as its primary tactical cargo aircraft, which increases the Air Forces' airlift capabilities as well as to fulfill the rapid-deployment airlift requirements. The contest began when giant aerospace companies in the United States started submitting their proposal to the Department of Defense. McDonnell Douglas proposed the YC-15, the enlarged C-141 design for Lockheed Martin, and Boeing proposed the YC-14.

The McDonnell Douglas won the contract and started working on the proposal. The design met and exceeded all Air Force design specifications, until, in the 90s, things weren't looking good for McDonnell Douglas as technical issues, development cost overruns, growing unit costs, and delays led to the termination of the A-12 Avenger II program, a program which they pour billions of dollars, a significant loss.

Such a thing was not needed when the cold war ended. You see, the McDonnell Douglas invested a lot in military aircraft whereas its competitor, Boeing balanced civilian aircraft and military aircraft. Without the cold war, the United States loses its justification for building fighter aircraft to counter the Soviet Union, which leads to the curtailment in military procurements combined with the loss of the contracts for two major projects, the Advanced Tactical Fighter and Joint Strike Fighter, which Lockheed won.

Well, even with all that calamity, the McDonnell Douglas managed to build the final product, the C-17 Globemaster. Despite a lot of technical failures during the developmental phase, especially on the wings where they have to spend 100 million dollars to redesign it.

The McDonnell Douglass merged with Boeing in 1996 and ceased operation in 1997, making Boeing the manufacturer of the C-17 Globemaster for the United States and its allies.

Alexander learned a lot from this debacle, never place all your eggs in one basket. Is a saying that fits the McDonnell Douglas downfall. This led him to think of the future, the Imperial Dynamic Systems will not only develop military aircraft but civilian aircraft as well.

The only thing that is keeping the air defense program is geopolitics, with the Army, Navy, and Air Force purchasing his product to fulfill their duty of safeguarding the Ruthenian Empire's sovereignty and interest.


Alexander needs a lot of money, he can get some by selling aircraft to foreign nations and potentially becoming dependent on their industry for civil aviation and defense.

If one were worried about foreign nations using Ruthenian technology against the Ruthenian Empire itself, there is an easy way to convince the Imperial Council. The Imperial Dynamic Systems Aeronautics Division will build an export model, a model that is inferior to the current inventory of the Ruthenian Armed Forces inventory.

"So, how do you like it, Sir Alexander? We started designing it three years ago and one month after that, we began its construction. Thanks to the new concepts you have introduced to us such as the metallurgy, the manufacturing process, as well as the tools we need to build it, we finished it."

Alexander simply smiled at his praise, which he was already accustomed to receiving after introducing modern engineering concepts to the scientists and engineers of the Ruthenian Empire. Though it can sometimes be a pain in the ass when they ask him about the source of his knowledge, to which he can only settle by saying he is thinking outside the box.

If you are wondering why the Imperial Dynamics System managed to build an aircraft that took the McDonnell Douglas sixteen years to build is thanks to Alexander's knowledge about its production history. He knew the plane failed at the wing stability test where its wings buckled under stress. Not only that, cost overruns and not meeting the design specifications led the company to spend nearly five billion to fix it, or else they'll face contract termination. Alexander's solution is to inform the aeronautic and mechanical engineers involved in the project about the prospective failure and how to solve it.

It's like having an answer sheet on a test, Alexander simply gave them an answer to a certain test question.


"The more I go with you, the more I learn how cool you are brother," Tiffania commented. "I mean I can't count how many engineers or scientists we met who praised your knowledge in all disciplines of science."Alexander ran a hand over his hair, combing it back and out of his eyes. "I'm just being me," he said proudly.

Tiffania cringed at her brother's self-deprecation before changing the topic.

"Anyways, these aircraft before us, can they fly?"

"Of course, Your Imperial Highness," Nikifor stepped forward. "These aircraft just finished their flight test and passed it with flying colors. Making it air-worthy and fit for service."

"Hmm..." Tiffania glanced at the two aircraft again, differentiating the two. The aircraft they named Moose utilized a jet engine design similar to her brother's plane. What was it called again? Ah, turbofan engine. Whereas the Super Bogatyr uses turboprop engines but the number of propellers is different from the original Bogatyr. Instead of four, it was six. What could be the reason for it? She wondered.

"Brother, what is the difference between the Bogatyr and Super Bogatyr?" Tiffania asked.


"Super Bogatyr is a better version of Bogatyr with a lot of upgraded modules including a glass cockpit and state-of-the-art avionics. It also has a high rate of climb, flies higher, farther, and takes off and lands in a short distance without the aid of rocket boosters and parachutes," Alexander explained. "The Ministry of Defense is ordering two hundred and fifty Super Bogatyr and two hundred Moose."

Tiffania's jaw dropped upon hearing the number. "That's a lot!" she exclaimed.

"Well our country is enormous so we need to transport supplies and troops," Alexander said before continuing. "And why the shocked expression? Everything is mass-produced. In fact, you should be in dismay at how low that number is."

"Eh really? That explains it..." Tiffania nodded understandingly. ", can I look inside?"

"Sure," Alexander agreed. A gaze landed upon him, it was from Nikifor, gazing at him meaningfully. "I'll have to talk to Nikifor first but you may go now. I will follow up after. Don't touch stuff you don't know, okay?"

"Okay," Tiffania replied before turning back and going inside the Moose accompanied by IDS personnel.

As soon as Tiffania was inside, Nikifor stood beside him and spoke. "Sir Alexander, with the strategic airlift program completed, how about we discuss a new generation of fighter aircraft?"

"The Advanced Tactical Fighter Program huh?" Alexander remembered. It was a program to field an aircraft more advanced than F-4 or the Wraith Fighter. Honestly speaking, the Wraith Fighter, in this era is an expensive aircraft where even the military advisors and generals are wincing at the cost. Now that Ruthenian has stepped up to another age of manufacturing, Alexander can now build aircraft beyond the 70s until the late 90s. Alexander already had fighters in mind that would cover the army, navy, and air force, the F-15, F-16, and F-18, F-35.

A parallel Russian Empire with modern American military technology, now that is something you will not see in another world.

Alexander believes in American technological superiority in terms of military capability, why adopt another country's design when there is already a superior force that is battle-tested and proven in a lot of wars? Yes, there will be some who will argue that American technology is overrated but have those tanks, aircraft, or ships been in a battle? Germany, South Korea, United Kingdom, France, Japan? No thank you.

Since he knows a lot of stuff about the military, this saves him a lot of money in research and development.

"Yes, Sir Alexander," Nikifor confirmed.

As much as he wants to discuss more it, there is something else that needs more attention.

"Not now," Alexander said. "There is a lot of heat happening in the Imperial Council right now which means it takes precedence over the military program."

"What seems to be the problem?" Nikifor inquired curiously.

"Finland wants to gain independence, illegal immigrants are flooding Manchuria, and a lot more that I am not yet informed about."

"That's quite saddening isn't it, Sir Alexander?"

"Yeah and also discrimination and racism are rampant. The Ruthenian Empire is a multilingual and multiethnic nation, should I continue to tolerate such behavior, it would lead to the Empire's ruin," Alexander sighed and continued. "It must be because an election is coming soon and everyone is making their moves to get re-elected again,"

"Typical politicians stuff," Nikifor remarked dryly.

"True," Alexander agreed.

There are only five days left for him to stay in Moskva and he already has a solution to the problems plaguing the Imperial Council. How long has it been since he last visited the Imperial Council? Ah, the budget hearing.

But it will be different this time, Alexander will listen to their debates from his throne in the Imperial Council Building until they agree with a vote.

"Brother! Are you not coming?" Tiffania shouted

"Coming!" he shouted back and once again turned to Nikifor. "So, let's schedule an appointment. Would I have to visit Moskva again or not?"

"You would have to, sir, to see it fly in the air."

"Fine. Then, I'll get going now."

"Please enjoy, Sir Alexander," Nikifor bowed.
