Hearing the recent development going on in the International Legation Quarter, Alexander was now feeling a little bit off. His work is not giving him some time to spend with his daughter.

He is starting to notice it. Whenever they are having fun with one another, there will be emergency news that will prompt him to leave Anya to the servants of the palace to take care of her.

"Papa, are you okay? You have been silent for a while?" Anya remarked, looking up at her with her bright blue eyes.

"Nothing, I was just enjoying the moment in silence. There's nothing to worry about. Though there will be some visitors who will be entering this office soon."

"So you are returning to work?" Anya asked and continued. "Will I be asked to leave papa?"

"No, you can stay here. It's not that important anyways," Alexander said while gently stroking her hair. reassuring her that he won't send her away if Sevastian were to come into his office.

One minute later, Sevastian entered his office with a file clutching in his chest. "Your Majesty, I've come as soon as I received the call from the Minister of Foreign Affairs," he bowed and lifted his head up as he noticed a child sitting on the emperor's lap.


He bowed again, "Good afternoon, Your Imperial Highness. You have honored me with your presence."

After saying that, he drifted his eyes to the emperor. "So Your Majesty, shall we begin?"

Sevastian tilted his head as if trying to get Alexander's attention. Alexander took notice and read his expression. He was telling him if it would be fine for them to discuss something that can be considered classified in front of his daughter. Alexander shook his head, beckoning him to sit down.

"Sergei had already briefed you about the sudden change of Mikhail's decision to stay in the International Legation Quarter."

"Yes Your Majesty," Sevastian said as he took his seat. He sat straight and adjusted his tie. "Your Majesty, conducting a direct military operation against the Boxers might not be a good idea."

"Hmm?" Alexander leaned forward, his interest piqued. "I wonder why is that? If we help the great powers, our relationship with them will be strengthened right?"


"That is right, Your Majesty. But you also have to think about the national interest of the Ruthenian Empire in Asia. We already have the Choson Empire under our control and have been exporting their large reserves of iron to us, which fuels our industry. If we retaliate, then the perceptions of the Hanese towards us would be precarious if the Kuomintang emerged victorious. All I'm saying is that we have to remain neutral in the conflict all the while helping the Kuomintang behind the scenes."

"So you are saying that we do nothing?" Alexander inquired, his tone firm.

"Papa, what are you two discussing?" Anya asked, her head resting on his chest.

"We are discussing work, Anya. You might find our topic of conversation to be tedious but that is because you are still a child."

"Eh?" Anya tilted her head up and stared at her father who sighed deeply, "Maybe you are the right father."

Meanwhile, Sevastian is troubled to chime into the conversation as the two were speaking. It would be rude for him to interrupt them so he waited patiently to conclude their brief chattering.


Seconds later, it concluded. Alexander gave Sevastian a prompting look, ordering him to continue.

"As I was saying, Your Majesty. The Ruthenia Empire will give the Kuomintang vital information from the air and relayed it to them to win the civil war. We are avoiding a direct conflict with the Hanese Government or any other factions. So if you wish for my counsel, I'm suggesting that we do nothing and just evacuate the staff and the ambassador."

"But the International Legation Quarter would be a battlefield before our forces can arrive. This can lead us to an inevitable choice to fight back, isn't it?"

"You're not wrong about that, Your Majesty. I agree with your observation. Yes, we can order our troops to fire at the Boxers if and only if our forces and the Ruthenians are under fire. However, such conditions will be met as the Boxers will definitely unleash hails of mortar upon the International Legation Quarter. Knowing the capability of our military, why don't you authorize a pre-emptive strike on the Han as soon as the extraction team arrives at the International Legation Quarter?"

After hearing that, Alexander pondered momentarily. Sevastian made good points about engaging the Boxers directly. The Ruthenian Empire's goal is to control a foothold in Asia, which the Britannia Empire has a lot of influence on, especially in India. The great game they are playing, he is serious about winning it. He already had the Choson Empire under his control; if the Han Dynasty were to collapse and the Kuomintang emerge victorious, then his grip in Asia would be so strong the point the Britannia Empire would break a sweat.

"You are right. If there are casualties on the pre-emptive strike, we can just tell the Hanese public that we have done it to ensure the safe evacuation of our personnel in the International Legation Quarter who wish not to fight with them. However, should we go for that route, what will the ten great powers think about us leaving them?"

Sevastian was silent for a moment before his lips turned to a grin. "Your Majesty, I think it's time that we stop worrying about what the other great powers think about us. We should only focus on ourselves. As a gesture of friendship, why don't we, for one last time, offer them aid in evacuating them? That way, they can't tell our faces that we leave our fellow great powers to fight in Beijing. We have given them a chance to evacuate."

Alexander pursed his lips and contemplated for a while. So, to sum it all up, Sevastian suggests that the Ruthenia Empire shouldn't join the conflict and remain neutral while all the while helping the Kuomintang. This way, the Hanese won't see them as tyrannical foreign evils who wished to colonize their lands. Even though they purchased Manchuria, it was not technically their fault, it was their government's.

Alexander can order a pre-emptive strike to cover the evacuation of the Ruthenian staff and civilians and those who wished to come along. After that, the ten powers are on their own fighting the Boxers.

With a nod, Alexander agreed to his suggestion. "Go to the Command Ops and relay my instructions to the Minister of Defense and Joint Chief of Staff. Contact Mikhail and tell him that we will be evacuating them."

"As you wish, Your Majesty. If there's nothing else, I will take my leave," Sevastian rose to his feet and bowed once again before taking his leave.
