"What? You can't contact Mikhail? Not even the other countries' legation?" Alexander's voice was raised reflexively after receiving the information.

"Unfortunately, Your Majesty, it seems as though the Boxers have probably cut off their communication lines. Sergei was the last person in contact with Mikhail and he too was surprised when the line suddenly cut. Your Majesty, we have no way of reaching the International Legation Quarter until the special forces arrive in Beijing. But we can still see what's happening through the surveillance aircraft flying over the International Legation Quarter. Although the resolution is low, we can tell from thermal imaging that they are preparing for the siege."

"I see, so they'll be without contact for the next forty-five minutes, is that right?" Alexander asked.

"That's right, Your Majesty. About the position of the Boxers, they are closing into the International Legation Quarter at the southern part of the legation called Beijing Wall. Also, there are videos still being relayed showing houses near the Legation being burned by the Boxers. It's only a matter of time before our surveillance aircraft loses visibility."

"Tell me about the defense planned by the eleven great powers," Alexander ordered.

"As you wish, Your Majesty. As for the defense of the Legation Quarter, we have no sufficient information about it. But according to the movements of each military guard, they seem to be protecting their own legation."

Alexander was just imagining every piece of information he was getting from Sevastian. And from that alone, he can tell that the Legation Quarter won't even last a week if there was no unity among their own forces. Well, not that he is claiming it is easy, but there are factors to be considered such as language barriers, cultures, and doctrines. Not to mention, this won't be the same as the Siege of the International Legation that happened in his past world. They are not peasants armed with stakes and fires, they are peasants who are armed with firearms and cannons.


"I know we already discussed this but what can we do to help? I want to send a strike package right now and bombed their location before they can put up their artillery and mortars. Thousands could die."

"Your Majesty, just as you stated, we already discussed it and my suggestion would always be no. We have to wait for the special forces to arrive and then send the strike package. That way we will have justification."

Alexander knew that Sevastian didn't have to repeat himself. But still, he has the executive power to send the strike package right now and ultimately lessen the casualties. However, that's not how that works. As the emperor of the Ruthenia Empire, he must first work for the national interest of his country and for the safety of his people. There are Ruthenians in the Legation Quarter that are desperate for help yet he can't provide it yet.

Sevastian noticed the silence on the telephone. He sighed and made another proposal. "Your Majesty, how about this, if one shell struck or exploded near the Ruthenian legation, we can use that as a justification to send out a strike package. We will be watching closely and notify you at once when that happens."

Alexander smiled, that was a good suggestion. "Okay, please do."

When he was about to hang up his phone, Sevastian's voice blared.


"Your Majesty! The Boxers…they are now attacking with long-range artillery."

"Keep an eye out for the Ruthenian Legation, if anything lands on it, transmit my orders to send the strike package."

"As you wish, Your Majesty,"action

Everyone present in the Command Ops watched as the Boxers started raining down shells on the International Legation Quarter. Some were mouthing a prayer while others watched in horror.***

In the International Legation Quarter, the alarm sound blared across. People frantically ran for their lives as they sought cover. The earth quivered as the explosive shells from the artillery of Boxers crashed on the ground.

The military guards stationed at the walls fired back with their long-range bolt-action rifles. The noise of their gunshot alone was enough to disrupt the flow of communication.


"Sniper! Kill the Boxers operating the artillery!"

"I'm trying! I can't get a clear sh—"

Blood splattered on his space as the sniper's head was blown off by an enemy sniper. A horrified expression blanketed his face as the body fell dead. It took him a moment to calm himself down and return to the task at hand.

"Everyone keep your heads down! There's a sniper among their ranks!"

"What?! I can't hear you—"

They both flinched as an explosion occurred near their position.

"I said keep your heads down!"

While his back was resting against the wall, not wanting to look up, he could see before him the people running amok. Billows of smoke filled the air and fire started to spread in the Legation.

"This is madness…"

Inside the Ruthenian Legation, the houses creaked and dust that was built up from the ceiling started

settling around.

"Hide under the table!" Mikhail ordered Denise."When is the military going to arrive?" Denise asked.

"They'll arrive any moment now so brace yourself for now. Our military guard is helping with the other countries' military guards." Mikhail assured and continued. "Shit, at a time like this, they should send fighter jets to our location."


Back at the Beijing Wall, the Ruthenian military guards, armed with FN Fal, fired short-burst at the Boxers, taking down five to ten Boxers in the process. Despite the darkness blanketing the night, they can see the enemy's position from the muzzle flashes of the artillery as well as from their weapons.

Next to him was a Yamato military guard armed with a Type 92 machine gun.

"KONOYAROOOO!" he yelled as he pressed down the trigger.

"Oi, you stupid! Conserve your ammo!"

"URUSAI! You don't tell me what to—"

Suddenly, a point-blank explosion sent one of the Ruthenian military guards flying across the battlements.

He groaned and his ears were filled with ringing. His vision began to cloud with spots as he tried to regain balance. Just as he managed to get himself upright again, another explosion rocked his surroundings, one of the legations has been struck but he can't tell what legation was it.

"Shit!" He cursed and got himself to cover.

Bullets fired from the Boxers whizzed overhead.

"We can really use some help right now, Ruthenian!" a Sardegnian officer shouted to him.

"Okay!" he complied and started returning to his position. He pressed the rifle butt against his shoulder as he takes aim. The one he is aiming for is the artillery personnel who keep bombing their position.

With a pull of a trigger, the bullet traveled through the air. A crimson splash was left on the enemy soldier's chest.

"Take that you fuckers!"

The moment he yelled that there was a clang in his helmet. A bullet just struck it, knocking him down.

"Fuck I'm hit! I'm hit!" he shouted as he frantically removed his helmet to check if he was bleeding. Fortunately, there was none.

"They are really hitting us hard!"
