The journey from the Port of Kronstadt and the Port of London took four and a half days at a speed of fifteen knots. To pass the time, Alexander will take a tour around the battleship, visiting various places such as the combat information center, where crews operating the electronics systems are located. The engine room to survey if the parts are well-maintained. The bridge is for sightseeing the sea and as well as observing how the crews on the deck performed. And lastly, at the deck, where the four main batteries with a caliber of 406 millimeters are mounted.

For him to stay for four days on the ship and do literally just that bored him.

Normally, if he's bored, he will open the television and watch something that will wash his exhaustion from reading piles of documents. Or he will spend time with Sophie and Anya at the Palace Grounds marveling at the flora of the palace.

But the television, Sophie and Anya, are not on the ship. Usually, the Ruthenian Empress would come along with the Ruthenian Emperor to visit Britannia and attend the crown ceremony of Her Royal Highness, Diana Rosemary Edinburgh. However, due to her circumstances of being pregnant, Alexander decided that she stays in the Winter Palace for her safety.

He knew more than anyone that the Black Hand threats are still present and a grand event such as the crown ceremony of the new Queen of Britannia Empire presents a huge opportunity for the Black Hand to commit evil deeds.

That thought alone made him remember a particular movie where Gerald Butler starred as the chief security detail for the United States President. If his memory serves him right, the title was London has Fallen. He hoped that a movie plot wouldn't happen during the crown ceremony, otherwise they would have to fight their way out of the country and use deadly force to guarantee his safety.



The date is April 1st, 1929. On a chilly morning at the Port of London, Alexander sat at the captain's chair on the bridge deck. He was peering through the binoculars and saw festivities occurring on the port. There, he can see the flags of the Ruthenia Empire and the Britannia Empire fluttering on the wind.

"Captain, how much longer until we dock at their port?" Alexander inquired, keeping his eyes on the binoculars.

"In twenty minutes, Your Majesty," the captain replied, who was standing behind him, looking in the direction of where Alexander was looking.

"Good. I'll let you be captain," Alexander handed the captain the binoculars he borrowed as he stood from the captain's seat. He signaled Rolan and Sevastian, who were also on the bridge to prepare for arrival.

Twenty minutes later, just as the captain had estimated, the battleship as well as the two destroyers of the Ruthenia Empire docked at the Port of London.

The sheer size of the battleship alone made citizens of the Britannia Empire feel intimidated. They imagine a worst-case scenario like a Ruthenian battleship leveling the capital city of the Britannia Empire with their long and powerful cannons.


Hopefully, they'll stay only in people's minds as imaginations.

The gangway was lowered and the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire descended the gangplank of the battleship, accompanied by an entourage of Imperial Guards dressed in black suits.

Alexander waved his hand at the people waiting at the dock. They are waving the flags of the Ruthenia Empire and the Britannia Empire which symbolizes friendly relationships.

The journalists at the port captured the moment with their cameras and broadcast it live throughout the country.

Among the crowds of people and a band of journalists, Her Royal Highness, Diana Rosemary Edinburg, was watching Alexander's arrival from inside the state vehicle.

A man knocked on the window of the car, prompting Diana to roll it down.


"Your Royal Highness, you should come out now and greet His Majesty," Lancelot told Diana.

She nodded at his words. She breathed deeply, calming her nerves. Many years had passed since their last meeting. It made her nervous to see him again after all these years.

Lancelot opened the door and Diana stepped out of the vehicle. She maintained her gaze on Alexander, whose eyes gaze back into her.

Diana gave him a small smile and then averted her glance in embarrassment. She doesn't know why but it just happens that if she stares at him for too long, something weird is happening inside her. Could it be that her feelings for him are not gone yet? No, Alexander already has a loving wife and child, there's no space for her in his life. Ah~moah!action

"Greetings Diana,"Before she even noticed it, Alexander was already standing in front of her, calling for her name in a soft tone.

Diana slowly turned her head up, finally allowing her eyes to look upon the face she missed so dearly.

"Alexander..." Diana called out casually, prompting Lancelot, who was standing behind her to cough intentionally to snap her out of her reverie.

Diana snapped out of her momentary trance and cleared her throat and started acting formally. "Your Imperial Majesty, welcome to the Britannia Empire. I'm the Crown Princess of the Britannia Empire, Diana Rosemary Edinburgh. A pleasure to see you," she lifted up the side of her dress and curtsied down in front of Alexander.

Alexander smiled warmly and returned the gesture before giving a slight bow to her. "A pleasure. May your reign in the future be prosperous and your rule is just." He said.

When they were done with the pleasantries, the two walked to the center, where two flag poles stood proudly. On the left side was the Ruthenia Empire and on the right side was the Britannia Empire.

The military band of the Britannia Empire readied their musical instruments to play the national anthem of both nations. The crowd in the port shut themselves up to respect the ceremony.

The Britannia Empire's national anthem was played first and the harmonious sounds echoed throughout the port. As a result, the crowd placed their hands on their chest as they hummed along to the melody. Every Britannian citizen in the port could feel the patriotism and nationalism filling their heart, and soon their mood was high in spirit.

After one minute and thirty seconds, the Britannia national anthem ended. The military band readied themselves for another, this time it was the national anthem of the Ruthenian Empire.

The selected crews of the battleship and the destroyers of the Ruthenia Empire stood out at the edge of the deck wearing their dress uniform. And as soon as the national anthem of the Ruthenia Empire started, everyone held their heads high in resoluteness.

While the national anthem of the Ruthenia Empire was playing, Diana heard a murmuring sound coming out from Alexander's mouth. He is singing along with the anthem. She found it cute and adorable at the same time.

The Ruthenian Empire's national anthem ended and Alexander and Diana ambled toward their transport.

"So, I guess we will have dinner later, Your Royal Highness—No, Your Majesty?" Alexander teased, smugly smiling.

Diana rolled her eyes as a form of response. "I'm not the queen yet so you can still address me like before. I just hope that nothing will happen on the day of my crown ceremony."

Alexander sighed. "I hope so too. I'm just fed up with the syndicate ruining all things. I suppose you know who I'm referring to, huh?"

"The Black Hand," Diana replied. "Yeah, I'm aware, and don't worry, we will keep you and every attendee safe while you are in Britannia."

"That's good to hear," Alexander responded.
