Alexander left his bedroom along with Roland and five Imperial Guards and arrived at the palace ballroom of Buckingham Palace. The hall was buzzing with life, joy, and activity.

At the gate of the ballroom, many others are arriving, most probably noblemen and noblewomen who were invited to this exclusive ball. They all chattered happily and excitedly as they made their way inside. Some come in pairs, and some come in groups. Those who were alone quickly recognized others and joined them.

Their excitement was infectious, and Alexander found himself smiling as he watched them. It had been a long time since he attended a ball, and he was reminded of how much he enjoyed them, especially since the attendees of the ball are potential clients and investors.

Inside, was the opening foyer as grand as the ballroom of the Winter Palace in itself, where guests were able to give their coats to the attendants. Alexander did the same, and as he made his way to the entrance of the ballroom hall, he watched everyone naturally, analyzed and judged their attire. Everyone had dressed well, the men were looking neat and the women were beautiful. Many of them appeared nervous as they just got the privilege to join a ball that the head of state of the eleven great powers attended. Some fussed with a sleeve cuff, a collar, or a dress hem.

"So this is how luncheon works in the Britannia Empire huh?" Alexander observed as he followed the general throng of the people, and headed in the same direction as the music. The corridors themselves were as large as halls. The high ceilings and crystal chandeliers shattered the light into thousands of different colors and shards, reflecting off the stone pillars and marbled floors. It was as if the entire inside of Buckingham Palace was made of light.

As expected in one of the most beautiful palaces in the world.

Despite the steady throng of people, it had become apparent that a ring of emptiness encompassed him, as they steered clear. They certainly gazed and whispered, but when Alexander glanced toward them, they quickly looked away with a mixture of nervousness and awe.


Well, it's natural for them to have such a reaction. After all, he is the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire. A powerful person leading the fastest-growing nation. Everyone has their fair share of respect toward the empire they considered outdated.

Behind Alexander was Rolan, who was scanning the crowds. For him, this is a battlefield where a potential enemy lurks. Though he has been assured by his men that the ballroom was clear of unwanted elements, he can't be complacent as his emperor's life is at stake.

Rolan assured Alexander that he will be safe during his stay in the Britannia Empire and ensured that he'll return home after the crown ceremony. A day hasn't passed yet but Rolan is feeling the pressure weighing him down.

"Rolan," Alexander called and turned around gracefully. "Is there someone here in the ball that looks suspicious?"

Rolan shook his head. "There's none, Your Majesty but we'll keep our eyes peeled. For now, we have to get you to your table and join the rest—"

"Everyone! May I have your attention please,"


Someone suddenly interrupted Rolan's words. As if in reflex, Rolan and the Imperial Guards dressed in black suits surrounded Alexander and looked out for threats.

"You guys are overreacting," Alexander placed a hand on their shoulders, calming them down. "It's just an emcee I suppose."

"I have received news that the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire has arrived in the ballroom hall. Can we have a round of applause please?"

Suddenly, everyone's gaze was on him, and started clapping their hands.

Alexander smiled and waved at the crowds.

"Oh! The President of the United States also arrived at the ballroom hall! Let's give His Excellency a round of applause as well!"


Immediately after, everyone's gaze shifted away from Alexander and focused on the man entering the hall.

Alexander took interest and gaze at the man he had been suspecting. He was tall and emanated an intimidating aura. The Foreign Intelligence Services were on him, gathering information about him that could help them find the missing piece of the puzzle. The puzzle is about who is the mastermind of the Black Hand.

They knew Black Hand originated from the United States and was founded by one of the founding fathers. So far, the Black Hand is still investigating and looking up facts.

As his attention was focused on the man, he didn't realize that the man he is thinking of right now is standing before him.

"So, you are the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire. This is our first time meeting," the President of the United States, William Dudley Pelley, said. He extended his hand and offered Alexander a handshake."Well…well…if isn't the President of the United States himself. It's a pleasure to meet you here," Alexander said as he grabbed his hand and shook it gently.

"It would be rude to turn down the invitation of the Britannia Empire, so I'm here. Anyways, I have to get going, if you wish to continue our discussion we can do so at our table."

Alexander glanced over his shoulder and saw a long table ladened with plates, glasses, and some refreshments. His seat was also on that table so he understood what William was pointing out.

He returned his gaze to William and offered him a smile. "Very well, Mr. President. I'm sure we can have an amicable discussion over there."

Alexander moved out of the way and let William pass. As William was walking towards his seat, his eyes moved at the very corner, and muttered to himself.

"So you are the man thwarting the efforts of the Black Hand, huh? I hope you enjoy the remaining days of your life…"

Alexander felt a chill running down his spine and flickered his gaze at the President of the United States who was taking his seat.

"Is there something wrong, Your Majesty?" Rolan asked concernedly. He noticed his gaze was looking over somewhere. He looked at where he was looking and there he saw the President of the United States.

"Your Majesty? May I know why you are looking at the President?" Rolan asked.

"I don't know if it's just me but I'm getting cold vibes out of that guy. Be sure to look after him for my sake," Alexander said.

Rolan remembered something.

"Your Majesty, while I was heading back to St. Petersburg to be reinstated, I remembered reading a file where it said that you are having suspicions with the President of the United States? And that he is affiliated with the Black Hand?"

"Yes. The Foreign Intelligence Services has been looking for holes but so far there's nothing. Though I can feel that there's something with that guy," Alexander said and when he was about to continue his words, he was interrupted again by the emcee.

"Everyone! The Emperor of the Deutschland Empire and the King, Prince, and Princess of the Britannia Empire have arrived!" the emcee announced.

Everyone fell silent, including Alexander whose eyes were peeled at the royalty of the Britannia and Deutschland Empire.action

Alexander noticed his uncle who was being escorted by the Kaiserin. He then shifted his eyes to the members of the royal family of the Britannia Empire. One of them managed to grab his attention. It was a princess with long glossy pink hair fluttering behind her as she walked gracefully along. She was taller than Diana, who was walking beside her.

He had seen that girl before. Oh, they already met fifteen years ago. She was Diana's sister, her name was Anne.
