Ruthenia Empire, St. Petersburg Winter Palace.

Three o'clock in the afternoon, Anya and Sophie were strolling around the Winter Palace along with the Imperial Guards and servants.

It has been their afternoon routine walking around the Winter Palace, especially for Sophie, who uses this opportunity to freshen her mind and gather her thoughts.

It gave her a sense of tranquility and gave her motivation and inspiration for her next craft.

"Mama! When will papa return home?" Anya looked up at her expectantly.

Sophie looked down and gave her a reassuring smile. "Papa will return after the crowning ceremony of your aunt, Diana Rosemary Edinburgh. But it will take time as papa didn't take an airplane but a boat," she explained.

"I see...papa has been busy lately with work and I'm worried about his health. Mama, I thought we were going to see my grandmother and grandfather in Bavaria. When are we going together with papa?" she asked again.


"Hmm," Sophie hummed as she thought. To be honest, she too doesn't know when they are going to visit her family in Bavaria. But it was planned. Sophie wanted Anya to see her grandparents as it was also the wish of her parents. Before they die, they'd like to at least see their granddaughter. She's certain that Alexander would make that happen.

"We'll ask papa once he returns home...hmm...How about this, why don't you ask papa personally? I'll come with you," Sophie suggested as they strolled forward.

"Really?! Yay!" Anya cheered as she bounced happily.

Sophie giggled as she watched her little girl run ahead of her. But just as she was running carefree on the walkway of the Winter Palace grounds, she stopped in her tracks as she saw Imperial Guards running towards them.

"Eh?" Anya got scared of the big imposing man heading toward her so she ran back to her mother and hid behind her.

"Your Imperial Majesty, Sofia Feodorovna Romanova." The Imperial Guard said as they stopped in front of them.


Sophie protectively held onto Anya's delicate hands and stood firm in front of the Imperial Guards.

" there something that matters?" she said nervously, almost stammering as she had no idea why the Imperial Guards walked up to them.

"We have an emergency, we need you to come with us," the Imperial Guards said.The Imperial Guards who were trailing behind the Empress and the Grand Duchess stepped forward.

"What's the meaning of this? I haven't received any notification of you coming here and picking up the Empress. I'm sorry but we will not allow you to take the Empress from our protection."

The Imperial Guards guarding Sophie and Anya brought their rifles to show that they were serious.

"Your Imperial Majesty, please stand behind us."


The Imperial Guards who are ordering Sophie and Anya to come with them sighed.

"It is indeed correct that you didn't get a notification. But that is because we didn't have the time to make one as it is urgent to bring Her Imperial Majesty to the General Staff Building."

"General Staff Building?" Sophie repeated and continued. "Why do you want to take me to the headquarters of the military? My husband told me that I shouldn't leave the Winter Palace?"

"I wish I could explain it here, Your Imperial Majesty but the people around here don't have clearance," he walked forward, reaching to Her Majesty. "Please just come with us and we'll explain it on the way--"

A slapping sound echoed in the Winter Palace grounds as the Imperial Guard's arm was swatted away.

"Take one more step and you are not going to like how this would end," the Imperial Guard protecting Sophie threatened the man. To show that they were serious, they aimed their rifles at them, threatening to pull the trigger.

"Stand down!" a voice sounded from behind the Imperial Guards. "Stand down," he repeated as he walked forward.

Sophie recognized the man. It was Sergei, the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

"Your Majesty, I apologize for the sudden visitation in the Winter Palace. And I apologize for this unnecessary interruption," He bowed his head toward Sophie.

The man then turned his attention towards Anya and his eyes softened when he noticed that she was hiding behind Sophie. A scared expression was plastered on her face, looking apprehensive towards him and the Imperial Guards who barged in.

He flickered his gaze to the Imperial Guards he ordered to get Sophie.

"You, why did you scare the Grand Duchess? Do you want to get beheaded?" he chided.

"Uhm...more important than that, Sir Sergei but what's happening?" Sophie asked.

"We'll explain it to you once we are in the General Staff Building. Your Imperial Majesty, you have to come with us as soon as possible. Something has happened in the Britannia Empire that concerns the Emperor."

Sophie's eyes widened. "What...what happened in the Britannia Empire? What happened to my husband?"

​ "Come with us!" Sergei urged again.

He glanced towards the Imperial Guards who seemed confused over the situation. "Didn't I say stand down?"

"It's fine," Sophie added. "Everyone stand down," she commanded.

Since it was a command coming from the Empress, they complied immediately.action

"Sergei, I will come with you," Sophie declared.

"But Your Imperial Majesty!" one of the guards tasked to protect her tried to protest. "We don't even know their intentions..."

"Sir, I know you are responsible for my safety but Sir Sergei is a trusted advisor of my husband. Please take Anya with you inside."

Well, it was true that Sergei has been working with Alexander for five years and it was already clear that his loyalty remains to the crown. So there's nothing for her to worry about. His coming here means that she won't easily go with the Imperial Guards he sent. So knowing that he was a trusted personnel of Alexander, it is certain that Sophie would go with him.

"Understood, Your Imperial Majesty," the Imperial Guards gave up and prepared to carry out her orders.

Before leaving, Sophie knelt down and faced Anya.

"Anya, I will be coming with them for a while. Don't worry, I'll be back before dinner."

"Okay...mama," Anya said with uncertainty in her tone.

Sophie patted Anya on her head affectionately and left with Sergei.

On the way to the General Staff Building, Sophie took the chance to ask Sergei about the real situation in the Britannia Empire.

"So, Sir Sergei. What happened in the Britannia Empire and to my husband?" she asked, this time worryingly. Her heart started to race as she wondered what had happened.

As if sensing her anxiety, he replied, "There was an attack during the crown ceremony and your husband went missing after his helicopter crashed."

Sophie's heart sank and her expression turned blank. "What..."
