Showing live on the television screen was a row of young men lining up in military institutions, filing up for conscription the day after Alexander's declaration of war against Europa.

All of them were cheering, laughing, and waving their application form in front of the cameraman hoping that their family and friends, or the whole of Ruthenia would see them fight for their country.

One of the reporters on site interviewed one of the men who were enlisting in the military.

"It's because I love my country, everything is good, the life, the food…I don't want to lose them all!"

After that, his friends cheered as they huddled together with him. A few cried openly, while others laughed at his expense. The reporter couldn't help but chuckle at their enthusiasm.

One of them even grabbed the telephone and stood in front of the camera.

"Hello, mama! I'm sorry for sneaking out of the house last night! But don't worry, I'm in good hands," he said.


The next scene on the television showed the formation of T-25 Bear rolling in droves alongside other military vehicles such as the Sleipnir, Tarantula, Iron Sow, Ox, and Polkan Jeep from a bird's eye view.

In the sky was a squadron of Zhar-Pitsa, Kolokol, Black Stork, Tupolev Bogatyr, and Pazlov Tugarin.

At the sea, the Black Sea Fleet and the Pacific Fleet were flexing their muscles in their area of responsibility, sending a clear message to the Anatolian Empire and the Yamato Empire who might consider joining the coalition against the Ruthenia Empire.All of it was being shown in a split view from the LCD screen of the Command Ops. Alexander smiled in satisfaction after seeing that the people were willing to sacrifice their lives for the motherland against the invaders.

"Your Majesty, the number of citizens enlisting is now 240,000 thousand. It is increasing by five thousand every hour," Alexei reported, reading the papers in his hand.action

Alexander nodded, knowing that this would happen. During his rule, he made sure that the people would love him as their leader by giving them the opportunity to change their lives. Transitioning from autocracy to constitutional monarchy and implementing the Ruthenian Dream, where common folks can rise through the ranks.

Not only that, Alexander lifted millions of peasants out of poverty by giving them jobs through a series of construction projects spearheaded by the government. He improved the quality of life of every citizen to the point they are willing to do anything for the Emperor.


Now, they heard his call for help, and that call was immediately answered by patriotic men and women willing to serve the country in its war efforts.

"How's the situation in Warsaw? Did the Deutschland or the Austrean Empire take it?"

Alexei shook his head. "Fortunately, Your Majesty, the Fifth Air Force arrived on time and conducted a series of airstrikes and strafes on the Deutschland and Austrean lines, and were forced to retreat. As you can see on the screen…"

Alexander looked up at the screen as Alexei brought it up. Video footage from a reconnaissance aircraft showing Deutschland and Austrean troops running from every direction, routing.

That is to be expected. Those young boys who were sent to war by their country…or rather, the Black Hand, had never encountered a cold-war era war machine in a real battle.

It is certain that there will be a psychological shock. Just like how the Germans reacted when they encountered a new technology known as tanks charging into their trenches. And despite their efforts to take it down with their machine guns or rifles, the bullets would just bounce off the metal and ricochet in the air around them.


Even if the Deutschland Empire or the Austrean Empire were marching with their latest tank models, they are nothing but practice dummies from an attack aircraft, Mjolnir.

"The citizens living in Krakow were evacuated promptly by the arriving ground forces. They are now setting defenses around the city for a future attack. We might be facing the whole of Europa, Your Majesty, but the fact that it's been a day means their forces are not yet organized. We should simply take this opportunity into our hands and beat them one by one," Alexei said.

"What are you proposing?" Alexander asked.

"I propose an invasion of the Deutschland Empire," Alexei declared.

"Okay…how are we going to do it?" Alexander promptly inquired.

"With the coordination of our air and ground forces, they will make their way to Berlin, the Deutschland Empire's capital, and force them to surrender. But first, we have to shake the morale of the citizens living there. I suggest that we conduct air raids on the city itself. After that, we will seize strategic cities such as Königsberg, Wilhelmshaven, and Hamburg. From there, we can go up and invade Copenhagen and eliminate one of the barriers that prevent the Ruthenia Empire from having free access to the Atlantic, the Danish Straits."

"We are going to bomb a city that is definitely not a military target. Hmm, it's a complete violation of the Hague Convention," Alexander shrugged. "Well, who cares anyways. We are in a war, and the rules will be ignored and disregarded, so there's no point in worrying ourselves about the repercussions and I'm sure, they'll bomb St. Petersburg too. So, let's do it, let's go with that," Alexander granted him permission.

"Understood, Your Majesty. We will draft a plan for an invasion right away," Alexei saluted before taking his seat and discussing the operation with the Joint Chief of Staff present in the Command Ops.

"Your Majesty, assuming we had defeated the Deutschland Empire, are you going to annex them or simply occupy them temporarily?" Sergei inquired.

Alexander leaned back in his seat and stared up at the ceiling. He contemplated the answer to Sergei's question.

"I don't know, Sergei. We shall discuss it when the Deutschland Empire surrenders to us," Alexander said flatly.

"But Your Majesty, this question is important. I have full confidence in our military that they are going to take Berlin in just a week or two with adequate preparation. If we discuss at the time of their surrender, this will cause slight chaos to the government and to the troops."

Alexander sighed. "I suppose we will take their colonies in Africa and Southeast Asia. Set up foreign military bases to protect our interest in the region."

"But what about the Deutschland itself? How are you going to deal with that nation?" Sergei asked another.

"Hmm, we will take their naval ports and use them as the new naval base for the Baltic Fleet. I'm not going to annex the whole country. The Ruthenia Empire is diverse enough that controlling it would be a hassle," Alexander said.

"Thank you for answering, Your Majesty," Sergei bowed his head and returned to his duties as Foreign Minister.
