When Exedra's blood dropped onto the blade, something unexpected happened.

A fierce wind began to blow around the two and only disappeared after several minutes.

The entire time the wind was blowing, Exedra could feel a sort of connection forming between himself and the blade.

< Legendary Grade weapon bound!

-Corrupted Shu's Razor.

'Corrupted?' He wondered.

< Corrupted Shu's Razor : Legendary Grade

- Form change.

- Summon a blizzard, a sea of hellfire, or a shroud of darkness.

- + 1,500 all stats

- Bound!

Exedra was incredibly perplexed.

Weapons weren't supposed to be corruptible or take on their owners characteristics.

Not legendary grade ones anyway.

Exedra frowned deeply.

It seemed like questions about who he was and what was special about him were piling up daily.

He was going to need answers and fast.

Chalking everything up to 'because I was transmigrated' was no longer going to cut it.

The unease he felt in his heart was steadily growing.

But where should his search for answers begin?

The information the system could give him was limited and after he was forcibly taken somewhere earlier, he decided to rely on the system as little as possible.

So where does he go from here?


Exedra watched as the sword in his hand changed to a large golden mace.

He spent a few minutes changing his new weapon into various different forms.

Eventually, he decided on having it take the form of a simple gold earring that he promptly equipped.

Exedra then turned his focus to the third and final item in the chest and his eyes widened in shock.


Bekka had finally begun to stir from her sleep and immediately went looking for the man she loved.

Upon seeing his wife's half awake state, Exedra forgot all about the third item and instead focused on his attention on her. "How are you my love?"

"I'm fine, but did we kill the boss already?"

Exedra immediately narrowed his eyes when he heard his wife's question.

"What boss?"

Bekka turned her head to the side in a confused manner before a glint of realization shone in her eyes. "Oh? Don't tell me the yeti king hit you so hard you forgot?"

By now Exedra had gotten a general idea of what was going on but he still couldn't believe it.

Did the entity give her false memories?

While he could agree somethings were better left unsaid, the thought of someone poking around in his wife's mind left a bad taste in his mouth.

This only increased the wariness he felt towards the system and beings like whoever created it.

If only Exedra knew that the entity only altered Bekka's memories because he felt it'd be easier and was trying to help.

No good deed goes unpunished as they say.


Soon Exedra and Bekka left the dungeon immediately began to fly home.

Even though Exedra felt like he'd only been gone a few hours at most, it was well into the night when they went outside.

While Exedra soared through the air with his wife in his arms, he decided to sort through his gains from the arena challenge.


< Exedra Draven >

< Race : Demonic Dragon (Hybrid)

< Status : Fine

< Level : 24

< Age : 17

< Times Evolved : 0

< Health : 23,160

< Strength : 5,750

< Endurance : 5,800

< Agility : 3,920

< Mana : 3,220

< Exp 746 / 2,400

< Affinities: Darkness, Fire

< Skills : Infernal Flames Lvl 1, True Dragon transformation, True Demonic Transformation, Pain Resistance Lvl 1, All Weapon Mastery Lvl 1, True Demonic Dragon (LOCKED), Grandson of Igrat.

< Spells: Abyssal Chains, Lightning Bane, Mana Manipulation, Hate Shield, Tempest Cutter, Frozen Hell, Mist Body, Glimpse of Oblivion, Gaia's Retribution.

< Total SC : 20,050

< Bound Weapons: Corrupted Shu's Razor.

'Looks like I'll be doing a bit of shopping when I have the time.'

Just because he wouldn't rely on the system for certain information or to gain his strength, didn't mean he wouldn't accept its rewards.


After they arrived at the castle, they were immediately told by the guards that little Mira wanted to see both of them as soon as they returned.

So Exedra put his plans to go and check on Lailah's progress on hold for a moment and walked with Bekka arm in arm to the training grounds were Mira was supposed to be located.

Bekka was wagging her tail so happily she actually hit Exedra a few times.

Training? Her daughter? Her husband? Those were all of her favorite things!

If she could get her daughter to spar with her then her husband to feed her and fuck her again afterwards she believed she'd die peacefully with no regrets.


Exedra naturally noticed the dopey smile on his wife's face and chose not to comment and just let her be happy.

He wasn't quite the same after his mind broke in the colosseum.

While he still loved his wives and cherished them very much, there was a coldness inside that had finally been released.

It was not directed at them per say, more so the world and himself.

The way he was now, only his family would be able to illicit any kind of warmth from him.

Bekka of course noticed his change but after observing him for a while, she felt no need to bring it up.

In short he was still the same he just spoke less.

But his eyes never left her.

His eyes that had become so cold and lifeless were overflowing with warmth when he looked at her bright smile.

He still treated her as tenderly as before and kissed her just as passionately so she simply wrapped her tail around his waist to let him know she was there for him whenever he was ready to talk.

Exedra naturally noticed this small gesture and leaned over to plant a small kiss of true appreciation on her forehead.

He was in deep thought himself.

Ever since he'd entered the castle, he'd noticed something strange in all of the women present.

Some were gazing at him and quickly turning away when their eyes met, others were just blatantly staring.

He couldn't understand it at first but gradually he began to feel it.

Their overflowing desire.

After using his demonic transformation for the first time, his heritage as an incubus bloomed and his charm had exploded to nearly heaven defying levels.

Bekka of course had noticed and they spent a few extra minutes in the dungeon indulging before they left.

While his outward appearance hadn't changed much, the incredibly seductive aura he exuded was almost too much for the women to bear.

If he wanted, he could have all of the women in this castle in his bed tonight.

And half of them had husbands!

Reaching the training grounds, the first thing they noticed was little Mira standing next to the head of the castle guards.

Hajun was an extremely well built man that bordered on looking like a freak of nature.

He was very tall with reddish orange hair and bright yellow eyes with brown scales.

Despite being a lesser dragon, Hajun was highly respected by the noble dragons for his many years served as the king's right hand.

Now he was retired and placed in the service of defending the kings favorite child.

"Did Mira do good old man Hajun?" Mira was slightly sweaty wearing a small training outfit and holding two wooden daggers.

"You did very well little one! If only my own kids showed this much promise!"

Out in the city six individuals took a small arrow to the heart.

"I wonder when mommy Bekka and daddy will come back…" Mira's voice was full of sadness as she looked down at the ground.action

Suddenly a furry black bullet scooped her up faster than the eye could see and twirled her around in the air.

"I have returned my sweet little butterfly I'm sorry for making you wait!" Bekka's heart was in tatters.

She actually put such a sorrowful expression on the face of her lovely daughter!

She had to fix this with an unparalleled amount of snuggles!!

She'd nuzzle those cute cheeks until they fell off!

"Mommy Bekka! You're home!" Mira quickly squeezed her mother back when she realized it was her.

Exedra silently stood back and appreciated this heartwarming scene.

Mira noticed her father standing a bit further back and quickly held her arms out to reach for him. "Daddy's here too!"

"E-eh? Is mommy not good enough?" Bekka's ears quickly drooped.

Exedra suppressed a chuckle when he heard his wife. 'She's my daughter too you know.'

"Mira missed you both!" she said as she lightly patted her moms hair to cheer her up.

"Young master I am glad to see you are in good health." Hajun bowed deeply and put on a respectful tone. "And you as well lady Bekka."

They in turn nodded respectfully back.

"What are you guys doing out here?"Exedra asked as he lightly stroked Mira's head.

Hajun briefly paused when he heard the way Exedra sounded.

Even when his young master was sickly he never sounded as cold and distant as he did now.

But he'd seen many things in his thousand years of life so he quickly shook it off and responded. "Princess Mira wanted to learn how to use a weapon my lord. Apparently she was inspired by the tale of your battle."

Bekka / Exedra : "Oh?" They turned their heads in unison to their daughter who wore a sheepish smile on her face. "Hehehe."

"How'd she do?" Exedra asked.

Hajun briefly wondered if he was hallucinating what he'd heard earlier because his tone was now much warmer than before. "She tried swords, bows, and spears earlier, but ultimately daggers suit her best because of her small and agile frame."

Mira poked her chest out with pride and held her wooden daggers up in the air. "Mira is the deadliest of all!"

"You certainly are my little pea, your cuteness could kill!"

"N-no! Mira is a strong and scary dragon like daddy!"

Exedra felt slightly warm inside when he heard what his daughter thought of him.

Every worthwhile father wants their child to see them as strong and dependable after all.

"Mira did good so can I ask for a reward?"

"Of course my little sweetheart do you want to spar with mommy?" Bekka asked eagerly.

"Old man Hajun told me if you asked that to tell you no mommy."


Hajun quickly looked away like he'd found something really interesting in the dirt.

Exedra chuckled lightly before he asked, "So what reward would my daughter like?"

"Eyes!" Mira cheered and pointed at her father.

He nodded in understanding before be bit his finger to draw blood and began to draw a symbol on Mira's forehead.

"Dono tibi, mi verissime, particulam meam." At the end of Exedra's chant, Mira's body began to float and was enveloped in a bright purple light.

Slowly Mira's eyes took on the same red and purple coloration as her father and her hair became an illustrious silky black, the same color as her fathers before his transformation.

Finally, she grew a second obsidian black horn on her head.

At the spells end she slowly floated back down to the ground.

She took out a small locket with a mirror inside and examined her new appearance thoroughly. "S-so cool…" she finally managed to say.

"I look just like daddy!" She quickly rushed toward him and gave his legs the biggest squeeze she could muster.

For the first time since they left the dungeon Exedra's face showed a small smile.

He quickly picked his daughter up and returned her hug.

Bekka was thoroughly entranced.

She'd seen her husband smile numerous times before but there was something about the way he smiled now that was just different.

It was a smile full of appreciation and warmth that left her desperately wanting to see more.

Exedra looked Mira in her eyes before speaking, "I gave you your eyes, but I do so to honor our prior agreement so you can ask me for something else."

Mira thought so hard her parents could swear they saw smoke coming out of her little ears. "Mira doesn't know." Was her final answer after much deliberation.

Exedra nodded slightly before he pulled out a small item from his storage ring.

"How about this then?"

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