The ground suddenly erupted in a deafening explosion, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The first explosion set off a chain of detonations that ripped through the soil, unleashing devastation in their wake.
As it turned out, the Wolfen Army had prepared for the possibility of the Imperial Army somehow crossing the river and had rigged the banks with Explosives. Now that the Imperials had crossed it, they acted like they were being pushed back, while in reality, they were baiting the Imperial soldiers to cross a certain threshold.
Thankfully, Amiyah had paid extra attention after she noticed the Wolfen General making repeated attempts to target her eyes, and she had commanded her soldiers to retreat.
This allowed them to evade the worst of the blasts, nevertheless, Amiyah was prepared for casualties as the explosions were very powerful, enough to destroy everything within a kilometre square of land in an instant. Evan's powerful ice was also destroyed as well, showing just how much power was contained in these blasts.
However, when the dust settled and the sound of the explosions faded into the distance, a figure emerged from the smoke and debris. Clad in a hooded cloak, his masked visage concealed his true identity as he stood before the GEE Vanguard.
In front of him was a barrier of crackling energy, its gravitational power shimmering in the air
Though the blasts had managed to breach the barrier, its weakened state spared the lives of the GEE soldiers, shielding them from the full force of the explosion.
Nevertheless, hundreds were taken out of commission and had to be quickly moved off the battlefield by medics while the remaining unaffected soldiers rallied their resolve.
Newfound determination burned in their hearts as they charged forward to avenge their fallen comrades.
'But they're not dead though?'
Evan kept that thought to himself as he didn't want to kill the momentum of the soldiers who mistook their injured and unconscious comrades to be dead.
Instead, he sent a signal to Bourne and the man nodded before disabling his barrier and disappearing. Immediately, Evan also disappeared, a few seconds before the sound of a sonic boom rang out in the area.
Just like there were GEE soldiers around the other Bridges of the Cudjour River, so were there Wolfen Soldiers.
The Wolfen Brigades there consisted of at least 1500 men each, and they were assigned there to watch the GEE soldiers, however, now that the battle had begun, they were fast approaching to rejoin the main army.
Evan and Bourne, went forth to make sure that didn't happen.
The young hero went Eastward, spamming his 'Glacial Ember Encasement' on these soldiers, downing a juice pack potion after each one.
He didn't hold anything back, summoning his spirits to aid him and dispatch the inferior grandmasters who served as the Brigade Commanders while he froze the foot soldiers.
On Bourne's side, the man used his Gravity Manipulation abilities which had improved by leaps and bounds to make short work of the two Brigades on his side.
Once he had defeated them and tossed them into the river, he turned around and dashed back to the main battlefield, meeting up with Evan who had also dealt with the two Brigades on his end.
"You done?"lightsnοvεl "Yep. I was 30 seconds faster. I win the bet."
Evan clicked his tongue as he put his hand into his inventory and pulled out the rare gravity essence orb he had before tossing it to Bourne and saying.
"You wouldn't win next time."
"Looks like someone's a sore loser."
Bourne laughed as he pocketed the orb, feeling very satisfied that he tagged along with Evan to come here as he just got a ticket to attaining Tier 5 in Gravity Magic.
Considering Tier 5 was the level of magic meant for Legendries and Sovereigns, it could be seen just how valuable this orb was to make him attain it at the Epic Level.
"Look at you, relying on tools to reach Tier 5 while Jenson who's less than half your age achieved it naturally. And in Multiple Elements at that!"
Evan's response to Bourne's statement was very effective in dealing mental damage to the man, evidenced by how his body twitched when Evan spoke.
"Oy! I did the same with Fire Magic!"
"He did it earlier than you with Lightning Magic! And he also did it with Space Magic as well! THE Space Magic!! The super cool, super destructive attribute!"
"My Fire magic is stronger than his space magic!"
"I can bet you my second heart that it's not!"
"And I can be—! Hold Up! Wait a minute! You have two hearts?"lightsnovel
Bourne cut his words short when his brain fully computed Evan's statement and he couldn't help but ask the boy for confirmation.
However, before Evan could even say anything, Amiyah appeared behind both of them and smacked the backs of their heads.
"Both of you! Wolfen Reinforcements are incoming! What are you doing?!"
Amiyah questioned Evan who had proposed the plan of him and Bourne dealing with the incoming 10,000 soldiers and the boy's reply only seemed to annoy her even further.
"I was trying to explain to this old man how talentless he was."
"Talentless?! If I'm talentless then the rest of the planet is Trash!"
Naturally, Bourne could not let that remark slide. Evan was about to retort, but when he saw Amiyah's twitching brows, he knew the woman was at the limit of her patience.
"I think we should get going now."
"Yeah, we should."
Bourne instantly got the hint and the two of them immediately disappeared into the distance, leaving behind Amiyah who sighed before backhanding the Wolfen Solider who charged towards her with a sword in hand.
She snapped her fingers and a lightning bolt descended upon the man's head, killing him in a blast that created a 50-metre-
wide crater.
As for Amiyah, she was already on the other end of the battlefield, giving orders to her Army Divisions.
◇ ◇ ◇
Meanwhile, Evan and Bourne were already where the Wolfen Reinforcements were. Evan started out with a Glacial Ember Encasement on the first Battalion he encountered, turning them into ice statues, before moving on to the next.
Bourne used the gravity spell, 'Grounded Embrace' on the ones he found, and the poor inferior master soldiers were effortlessly crushed under the weight of the Epic's power.
He only used enough force to knock them out before moving on to the next set and doing the same. The man was limiting himself to just Gravity and Lightning magic, as using one of his fire techniques would reveal that he was the 'Human Flame' and he certainly wasn't supposed to be in the War right now.
If Wolfen got wind of his presence, then they'd send out their Epics without hesitation and that'd mess up the plan that the GEE had.
Milena, Kuro and Kayla were with Evan, and he sent them out to wreak havoc across the Wolfen Forces, using the lure of Ethereal Essence Orbs (Fancy name for nutritional spirit candy) to draw in more ambient spirits.
As Evan's contracted spirits were all High Ranks now, the lower spirits listened to them without any issue and they were able to execute coordinated attacks on the Wolfen Army.
Evan had just finished telling some earth spirits to cave the ground beneath a certain platoon of soldiers open when suddenly, a pillar of ice emerged from the ground beside him and slammed into his side.
The Hero was sent flying through the air, but he regained his balance and landed with his feet on the ground. Immediately, a massive shadow overshadowed his, and he looked up to see a massive Ice Spike descending from above.
Unlike he who was only aiming to incapacitate the Wolfen Soldiers, they were trying to straight up kill him so they held nothing back in their attacks.
'But this is not enough to deal with me.'
Evan held out his hand and moulded a ball of prismatic flames in his palms, before muttering three words.
"Mesarthim; Red: Shotput."
The boy threw the weighted ball with all his might, sending it zapping through the air at supersonic speed and watching as it instantly collided with the giant ice spike and blasted it to bits instantly.
"Strike! Oh, wait…this isn't bowling!"
Evan chuckled lightly as he looked up at the Second Superior Grandmaster of this Wolfen Army Division, his lips curling into a grin as he spoke.
"Old Man!! I'd leave the rest to you!"
Before Bourne could even say anything in reply, Evan kicked off the ground and leapt into the air, running up void steps to meet Wolfen's Famed 'Ice General' in the air.
The Ice General didn't just stay there and let Evan reach him; he raised his hands and conjured sharp icicles, launching them towards the boy at sonic speed, yet Evan easily dodged them with paper-thin margins, all while still having a flippant grin on his face.
Each icicle collided with his void steps and exploded into an icy mist, and though he reformed the Icicles and sent them towards Evan from behind, the boy's elemental shield covered his back.
Once he got high enough, Evan leapt towards the Ice General and threw a punch, however, a shimmering hexagonal barrier of ice appeared at the last moment and blocked it.