"Who are these people?"
Evan glanced at the people in the statues and then looked at the ceiling, seeing that there was a mural of the night sky drawn on it
On the ground was a familiar-looking crest and Evan studied it for a moment before replying to Heather.
"You're aware of the many worlds theory, right?"
"Of course. That's common knowledge.
Astronomers have used magi-tech telescopes to look into the stars and they've seen that there are other Worlds just like ours around our Sun.
We don't know if these other worlds have life as well, but considering we were invaded by beings of another world a thousand years ago, it's not wrong to think they do."
Heather looked up at the mural of the night sky and quickly figured out why Evan asked that question as she continued speaking.
"My father informed me about Research carried out centuries ago; to find out If one of these other worlds around us was the one who invaded us a thousand years ago."
"Well, I can tell you that the Invaders—the D̷e̶m̶o̷n̶s̴—do not come from a nearby World."
Since Heather wasn't as ignorant as most people, the censoring effect wasn't too much and she could still hear the word 'Demons' over it.
"How do you know that?"
"Because I'm a Hero. My predecessors have researched it and they left information behind. I know some of that information and the whole agenda for the structure in Wolfen is to get more."
"Then how far is their World from ours?"
When Heather asked this, Evan looked at the ceiling one more before asking.
"Do you know of the concept of 'Light years'?"
"Enlighten me."
She sat at the foot of one of the statues and crossed her arms while Evan created a projection with magic and spoke.
"Light moves at a certain speed, close to three hundred million metres per second. With how big our World is, Light can move around it 4 times in a single second. That's an average of 0.2 seconds per orbit."
This was a statistic that Evan pulled from the Archive as he was too lazy to do the calculation himself.
"So, we know that light takes time to get to places.
A distance that it'd take light an entire year just to get to a destination is called a 'Light Year'."
Knowing how fast light was, Heather was surprised at the fact that something as fast as that would take years to get to somewhere.
"How many million kilometres is that?"
"Sure you wanna know?"
"I guess…"
Evan just created a projection of the answer to her inquiry and Heather counted at least 12 digits before deciding it was enough.
"So, I get that it's a distance I cannot fathom, and you mean that those Invaders—Demons, you called them; they come from a World that far away."
"Oh no, they're much further. As far as I know, it takes thousands of light years to get to us from them.
I don't know exactly how far it is because I've never been there."
Heather gaped in shock and Evan smiled as he could understand her reaction. The boy then created an image projection of the Dimensional Rift on the Dark Continent and spoke.
"That's why they used this to come over to our world. They didn't spend thousands of years travelling here, after all."
He paused for a moment before posing a question to her."You know the Tier 6 Spatial Magic Spell: Gate, right?"
"Good. The Dimensional Rift is basically a Gate. A Tier 7 level kind of Gate.
Upon entering it, one is covered by a bubble of spatial energy that protects them as they move forward, while the spacetime fabric is curved around them.
This allows them to cross distances that'd take light years to cross in mere minutes."
Somehow, Evan had started educating Heather about Astronomy, and they nearly forgot the reason why this conversation had even come up in the first place.
"Wait…this all started with you asking about the Many Worlds Theory."
"Ah, yes. That."
Evan gestured to the numerous statues around them as he spoke.
"If my guess is correct, then these people here are statues of powerful beings from Other Worlds."
Evan was right.
These statues were those of ancient beings who had surpassed Transcendence, from a time when Planet Aidos was still an Intergalactic Superpower in the Valmone Universe.
Aidos was at a level that surpassed even the Demon World: Gozon, at its peak, but over the past few thousand years, Aidos had fallen to the level where there were just 5 Transcendents on the planet.
If there was a difference between Aidos and Gozon, it was that while Gozon's Demon Kings remained to prevent the Planet's Intergalactic Empire from collapsing completely, Aidos' Rulers did not.
Evan didn't know what happened to them even, as this information was from the description of this place in the game and the extra details in the archive.
At the very least, this structure they were in dates back to 5 or 6000 years ago.
"How are statues of powerful beings from other worlds on Aidos?"
"What makes you think the Demons were the first Otherworlders to come to Aidos?"
When he put it like that, there was indeed no proof that the Demons of Gozon were the first. There have been and there were still Otherworlders on Aidos.lightsnovel
Take the Celestial Race for example; this was not a Race native to Aidos so while Celestials had been born here for hundreds of thousands of years, they originally came from somewhere else.
"I have some information about the world of the Demons, so I'm just gonna look around and see if these statues carry any familiar names."
"What are the odds of that happening?"
"Very low."
Evan clearly didn't have much hope about this. He could see that some name tags had been damaged, and some of the statues themselves had also been damaged.
lightsΝοvεl ƈοm Some were missing arms, heads or other body parts.
He and Heather walked to a random section with a bunch of humanoids and began looking through their names and taglines.
Each statue was about 10 feet tall—pedestal included—so all they needed to do was look up a bit to see the faces. The statues were also reasonably spaced out, arranged in a grid format, so they could move in between.
He and Heather started from the last row in the section to the first row but none of the names were familiar.
"Well, not that I didn't expect this."
Evan shrugged as he looked up at the statue of a man with gentle-looking features and a small smile on his face. Looking down, he read the name and tagline out loud.
"Delgasso: 'He who is Benevolent to all.' It says."
The boy did not know this, but the statue he was looking at was that of Artemisia's father, and if she was around, there was no way she would have stayed silent.Heather stopped in front of the statue next to him, that of a woman; and read the name and tagline.
"Xagna: 'She who shapes Space itself'."
The name was also very unfamiliar to Heather so after looking around for a bit, Heather went to a different section from Evan while he remained around the area with Artemisia's father's statue.
When she got there, she began reading out the names she saw.
"Some of these names are strange.
Look at this, 'Agriker: He who calls forth beings from Unseen Dimensions.'
There's this one called Sillmothon, there's Thorneheart…"
As she was calling out names Evan was not familiar with, he wasn't really paying attention to her and instead trying to see if he could find out which statue the broken arm on the floor came from.
It was then that a part of his mind then replayed her words and his eyes widened in shock.
"Wait, did you just say Agriker?!"
"Huh? Yeah, that was a random one I saw. Check out this one, it says 'Valren: He who wields the Frozen Fury'."
Hearing her words, Evan tossed the arm away and dashed over to where she was, looking at the statue whose name she just read and then at the others nearby.
"Fucking hell…I was right."
Evan didn't answer her, moving through the row they were on and reading through the names there. He saw the 'Agriker' she called, the 'Valren' and in the end, he arrived at a very familiar name.
At this point, it could not be any clearer who these humanoid beings in this section of the Hall were.
"Demons…these are the names of Demon Noble Families from Gozon."
"What?! How are you sure?!
"Geto City. November 1051. I'm sure you've heard of it."
Although Heather did not know the date, the city name was one she remembered as she had recently read about in a report on Evan.
It was the first major event that made Evan's name go international.
"The news headlines said I fought a 'Winged Humanoid Monster'. That was no Monster—it was a Demon.
A Demon by the name, of Xakon Ilmoth."
Heather's eyes widened in shock when she heard this, from both the fact that Evan had fought one of the Invaders, to the fact that these Invaders were still on Aidos.
'Was it one of the ones sealed during the war?'
Evan moved towards the 'Agriker' and this allowed him to understand something about this hall.
"These are their last names and not their first names.
I'm sure of this because I know a demon named 'Xolgren Agriker'. And that demon just so happens to be a Summoner."
As Evan called out the Demon's Class, Heather looked at the tagline under the Agriker name and narrowed her eyes.
"He who calls forth beings from unseen dimensions… Are the 'Agriker' Demons all summoners?"
"It appears so…"
Evan left the Demon section and then looked at the other sections present. There were many humanoid races that didn't have any particularly special features, so quite a few could be mistaken for Humans.
If Heather hadn't read the names out, he would have assumed that the statues of Demons were those of Humans as none of the statues had wings.
It was easy to identify the Dwarves by their stature, the elves by their long ears, and the beastmen by their animal tails.
Dragons had horns, wings and tails that showed their lineage, and he also saw some which had elemental motifs like halos behind them, quickly figuring that they were spirits.
While he was looking at the spirits, he noticed that the walls behind the statues also had some murals on them as well.