A rhythmic clatter broke Zeke’s concentration, making him open his eyes and blink around in confusion. The surroundings had been relatively silent, causing the noise to feel all the more jarring. He got up from his seat and looked out the small carriage window. It became immediately clear where the noise originated from.

The wide wheels of the carriage, which had previously glided like sled runners over the sand, were now gripping onto firmer ground. The seemingly endless desert terrain was gradually transitioning into a more solid surface. And though the landscape was still predominantly golden, Zeke could already discern the promising greenery on the horizon.

Zeke rolled his stiff shoulders and stretched as much as the limited space allowed. At this point, he had been cooped up inside for over a day, and he craved a breath of fresh air. After working some feeling back into his numb legs, he made his way to the curtain separating the interior of the carriage from the driver’s perch.

The bright light of the sun momentarily blinded him, but when his eyes adjusted, Zeke was able to make out the two silhouettes sitting at the front of the carriage. The first one belonged to Ash, who was driving the carriage. The Chimeroi had turned out to be a surprisingly competent driver and had taken to the job with ease. He had an uncanny ability to command the sandstriders, making the large lizards appear downright docile.
