Volume 5, Chapter 7 - Outside Door

They took it easy the next day.

“As the divine messenger of protecting nature, I am strictly opposed to barbarically capturing animals by having them swallow hooks.”

Sakae seemed to have given up on fishing, so he went into the mountains instead.

“I need to do some searching. It’s nothing important, though. And you…don’t leave Satowa’s side this time.”

For some reason, Ange gave Mutsuki a scary look and went into the mountains too.

“I am going shopping. We are out of mayonnaise.”

Machina left the mountains for the time being.

“That spot has the greatest concentration of demonic energy. Call me if you need anything.”

Lucia took a nap on the large rock by the river he had also climbed onto the day before.

Mutsuki followed Ange’s advice by staying where he could see Lucia while he washed everyone’s changes of clothes and hung them up to dry.

Once he had time, he decided to gather some edible plants in order to make a nutritious dinner instead of the unhealthy lineup of barbecue and cup noodles.

Saya went with him, although she was unusually low energy after overheating in the bath the night before.

“~? Mock strawberries and chameleon plant. There’s all sorts of good stuff here?”

Mutsuki strayed further and further from the path as he picked the wild plants and stuffed them in a bag.

“Sigh… You’re picking more of those awful strawberries?”

“Yeah. I dropped them yesterday, so we can actually use them today.”

“We really don’t need those.”

“But they’re so nutritious. And they help if you have stomachache.”

“We don’t need it~ I have some Seirogan~ Seirogan works better!”

Saya was against gathering the plants, but she did enjoy picking some flowers. They were both enjoying the mountain in their own way.



The girl suddenly sighed when she saw a mountain lily blooming on the side of the path.

“Is something the matter? If you aren’t feeling well, you should take a break.”

“It’s not that I’m feeling bad.”

“If you have a stomachache, the mock strawberries work really well…”

“No, thank you.” She bluntly refused his offer and then started muttering to herself. “Even if I was overheated, having a dream like that is pretty damning, isn’t~? And with Machi-nyan as well as Ange-chan. I’m so unfaithful.”

He could not quite make it out, but she sounded depressed. When he tilted his head…

“Mutsuki-kun, what’s your opinion of homosexuality?”


“N-no, I’m not talking about you and Satowa-kun. Um, that’s just between the two of you and girls have no right to say anything about that world.”


“But, um, I wanted to hear what a guy thinks when it’s between two girls. Or how about three girls? No, maybe I should choose one of them. But they’re both so great…”


“? Mutsuki-kun?”

“Y-you saw Lucia-kun and me!?”


“No! Um! We were just playing around yesterday! We were just messing around, so-…”

Now Mutsuki was acting oddly as well. He shook his head and hands and stepped away from the puzzled-looking girl.

And because he stepped back without looking…


“Watch out!”

The ground seemed to vanish below his feet and he almost fell backwards.

Nothing happened because Saya immediately pulled him toward her, but when he looked back…

“Oh…wow. That was close.”

He had not noticed as he left the path gathering wild plants, but the slope had grown quite steep.

He was shocked to see what was almost a cliff. If he had fallen backwards, he would have fallen right down. It would not have killed him, but he might have been seriously injured.

“Thanks, Kurikara-san.”

“Don’t worry about it. But do be more careful.”

That moment of terror had changed the atmosphere. She gave her usual smile of endless optimism, which brightened his mood.

It was a problem if she had seen what had happened in the bath the night before, but…

“Wow~ We’re pretty high up here. What a great view.”

Saya changed the subject and looked down the slope.

Mutsuki looked out as well. The area around the river had been covered in too many trees to tell, but the campground was apparently quite high up. He could see the mountainside down below.

The green trees decorated it like waves.


But he noticed an unnatural color buried in there.

A single mansion lay in ruins among the green forest.

Hi-no-Hoka Valley’s Hi-no-Hoka Town had failed, but some villas had still been built.

That was why the campground was located upstream where transportation options were limited, and the downstream land had been bought up by individuals. The unpopular villas had taken up all of the best locations.

But this one building was located in the inconvenient upstream area. And it was at least twice the size of the others. It almost seemed to be hiding itself from prying eyes.

It had apparently been abandoned, so it was at the mercy of the elements.

Why had it been built there? And why had it been abandoned? No one knew. Around a dozen people had seemed to live there about a year before, but the building had been badly damaged one day and the people had simply disappeared.

“The locals say they were attacked by someone. Broken windows would be one thing, but apparently there are holes in the walls, floor, and ceiling too. A bear wouldn’t be able to do that.”


It was just past eight that evening. They were having a barbecue for dinner again, and everyone’s excitement had dropped when Mutsuki brought out his wild plant salad.

“And you know what that means?”

Sakae had finished telling them a story the locals (who he claimed were his fishing buddies now) had told him.

“Time~ For~ A~ Test~ Of~ Courage~”

He shined a flashlight up at his face.

“It takes 30 minutes to walk to that villa and back. That’s the perfect distance. And it’s a single road, so there’s no chance of getting lost.”

“Isn’t that dangerous?”

“Not at all. I visited during the day and it was a normal mansion even if it was pretty run down.”

He had already prepared everything, so he pulled out maps of the campground area that he had procured from somewhere.

Mutsuki checked one and saw that it was indeed a single road to the ruined mansion he had seen from the slope.

“And while I was there, I left some of my fishing equipment at 3 points in front of the mansion. We’ll split into 3 boy-girl pairs and go bring one of them back. That sound good for the rules?”

The other five did not even try to hide their annoyance, but Sakae ignored them and pulled out some lots he had made. They were divided between boy and girl and A, B, and C. They had no choice but to draw one each.

Mutsuki was C.

“Who’s the C girl?”


“Oh, Ibekusa-san. We’re partners then.”


Machina nodded.

The test of courage began with a harmonious mood.

Team A was Saya and Lucia. It was an unusual pairing, but it would not be a problem since both of them could get along with anyone. When they returned in 30 minutes with a fishing rod, they were smiling as if they had enjoyed a nighttime stroll instead of going through a test of courage.

“Ah ha ha. That was fun, Lu-kun.”

“Yeah. I’m glad I got to speak with you, Saya. I feel more confident now.”

“So do I? Yeah, gender means nothing when it comes to love?”

It was unclear what they had discussed, but they did seem to be getting along quite well.

Team B was Ange and Sakae.

Ange still looked on edge. Since the area was so comfortable for demons, did it make an angel like her uncomfortable?

And Sakae misunderstood her tension.

“Don’t worry, Jiyuuni. You have Tomono Sakae, the reliable guy, by your side, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

“Let’s just get going.”

He tried to act cool, but she started without him.

She must have kept up her quick pace throughout because they were back with a lure set a little faster than Team A’s time.

“…Ow, ow, ow, ow.”

“Wh-what is it, Sakae? Ange, did something happen?”

“Nothing happened. He just got scared by a rustling in the bushes and tried to cling to me. I was on edge too, so I accidentally elbowed him.”

A hit from the strongest angel’s elbow? That was a real tragedy.

And with that, it was Team C’s turn.

“Let’s go, Ibekusa-san.”

Machina nodded and they started walking down the mountain road.

The dark road was honestly quite scary.

Unlike walking to the lodge the night before, they could not see their goal and it felt uncomfortably like they were descending into pure darkness.

They had a flashlight, but its light was weak and only made the trees blowing in the wind look all the more creepy. The summer’s night wind was oddly damp and seemed to cling to their bodies. They would sometimes here rustling sounds from the bushes on the side of the road.

(Why do I have to be with Ibekusa-san now of all times?)

He was worried she had noticed him jumping every time he heard a noise from the branches or bushes.

He had honestly wanted to be paired with one of the other girls.

Ange would just sigh and forget it if he acted a little pathetic and Saya would have talked so much it distracted him from the fear.

But he had been paired with the last person in the world he wanted seeing him acting pathetic.

“I-it’s kind of scary, isn’t it?”


He tried talking to her, but she did not respond.

She walked calmly next to him as usual. She probably only saw this as a game to go grab the items Sakae had forgotten.

(Sigh… Just calm down. Ghosts aren’t real.)

They descended the curving road and started down the side road that led to the mansion.

He had honestly had a bad feeling when he had heard about the mansion.

He could not be certain, but he felt like the people vanishing from the mansion had to be related to how much demons liked this place. And if wild Succubi had attacked, it would explain the holes in the walls and ceiling that a mere animal could not have made.

But he did not like what that suggested happened to the people living there.

His feet grew heavy at the thought of visiting the site of a dozen people losing their lives in a demon attack.

(What if a ghost shows up? Could Ange exorcise it? She is an angel.)

Micha had told him that angels and demons were based on the souls and bodies of dead humans, but he did not know which side ghosts would fall on.



Something brushed against his ankle. His heart nearly leapt out of his chest.

But he looked down to find it was only his other shoe’s shoelace coming undone. He breathed a sigh of relief and crouched down.

“Sorry, Ibekusa-san. Wait just a moment.”

He started to tie the mischievous lace that had brushed against his ankle.


“Ah, wait, Ibekusa-san. I said wait.”

He stopped, but Machina did not notice and kept going. He tried to retie the shoelace as quickly as possible, but…

“Hm? Fujita-ku-…!”

She must have noticed Mutsuki’s flashlight was not following her because she turned around.

And then she noticed he was about 10 meters behind her.


She ran back in a flash. Mutsuki was so shocked he nearly fell onto his butt.

“~~ We should not get separated. I recommend we remain together.”

She sounded 100% serious.

“R-right. Sorry.”


She fell silent again when he stood up.

(…? Could this be…?)

An unbelievable thought occurred to him as she resumed walking with a tense expression.

“Ibekusa-san, are you afraid of ghosts?”


She turned toward him.

“That is a poor way of phrasing it. But as all human actions are based on past experience, it is perfectly reasonable to remain cautious of the unknown.”

He had never heard her speak so quickly.

“And while most spiritual phenomena are illusions, the human mind can be extremely unstable, so it cannot be trusted to-..”

“…There’s a legless old lady behind us.”

“Extracting all combat tools. Triggering a deuterium fusion reaction at the current coordinates to exterminate the-…”

“Stop, stop! I was just kidding.”

Mutsuki smiled bitterly and patted Machina on the shoulder as wings, a backpack, an anti-tank rifle, a rocket launcher, etc. appeared on her back and arms.

When the girl realized he had been teasing her, she put away the weapons.

“…There are some things you should not joke about.”

“Sorry. But I’m surprised given how readily you fight angels and demons.”

“Anything that is confirmed to exist poses no problem. But if it is not well understood…”

She gave a lopsided frown like Ange always did.

He laughed at seeing such an unusually childish expression on her face, but that only made her look more upset.

“Again, sorry. Here.”

He held out his hand to distract her.


She looked puzzled, so he grabbed her hand and pulled on it as he descended the road.

For better or for worse, a scared girl was the best possible thing to distract a guy from his fear.

Mutsuki’s fear only lasted half the test of courage. It was gone by the time they reached the mansion.

“So this is the place…”

The creepy Western-style mansion was covered in ivy. They found Sakae’s fishing line in front of the front gate, but Machina’s behavior changed the instant she saw the mansion.

Before he could even ask why, she touched the gate’s metal door. A golden magic circle glowed on it, the padlocked chains came undone, and the door opened on its own.

“Eh? You’re going inside? Wah, wah.”

She was still holding his hand, so she dragged him in too.

The building was terribly creepy. It had looked unpleasant enough from above during the day, but it was even worse from head on.

The windows were broken and there were a few holes in the walls. Weeds had grown unchecked in the large yard, but there were also a few claw marks that had gouged into the dirt.

There were several signs of an inhuman power going on a rampage here.

Whether it was a ghost or a wild Succubus made little difference; it was creepy either way. Now it was Mutsuki’s turn to be afraid.

But despite her fear of ghosts, Machina did not seem remotely bothered as she looked around the creepy mansion. And…

“Intruder detected…positive. Capture required…positive.”


Mutsuki heard a familiar and unnatural mechanical voice.

He looked over to the nude woman statue watching over the pond in the yard. Its eyes were glowing and it was moving on its own. When it saw them, retractable Vulcan cannons appeared on its arms just like Machina’s weapons earlier.

“A-a Springloaded?”

Mutsuki was shocked, but Machina raised her index finger in front of her nose as if telling the statue to be quiet.

“External enemy detection…negative. Returning to standby.”

When the obedient Springloaded saw that, it retracted the weapons and returned to being a nude statue watching over the pond

“There’s a Springloaded standing guard? Is this a FeTUS villa?”

“Negative. My data shows no FeTUS-related facility at these coordinates.”

But she looked to the nude statue once more.

It was definitely a Springloaded and it had obeyed Machina. It was certainly connected to FeTUS.

“Opening enemy-detection tool. Depth Phase: 4.”

A golden magic circle spread out on the ground just like on the door earlier. After expanding to cover the entire grounds of the mansion, it vanished into the ground.

Machina seemed to be investigating something. She ignored Mutsuki’s confusion and an empty look came over her eyes like she was reading something at great speed. And finally…

“99.9999% match. This facility is part of the Kurosaki Laboratory.”


The girl had supposedly confirmed something, yet she looked like she had seen a ghost. The boy tilted his head.

Machina was clearly disturbed and Mutsuki listened to what she had to say.

They could not relax while looking at the creepy mansion, so they had left the grounds. Instead of returning to the others, they walked down the slope a little and stopped below a suitably large tree.

The girl leaned against the large trunk and seemed unsure where to start, but eventually…

“The Kurosaki Laboratory is a group that FeTUS hired to hone our techniques.”

“So they’re on your side?”

“They were, but they are currently rebelling and have broken away.”

She sighed.

“FeTUS is an organization of witches who have received the knowledge of the past, but we must also constantly work to create new knowledge. That is why we have investors and research facilities around the world. In some cases, a nation’s entire defense industry cooperates with FeTUS.”

So were they something like a subcontractor? The angels and demons might be an exception, but it would indeed take that much funding for humans to build a largescale facility 2000 meters underground. It made sense.

“The Kurosaki family was the largest investor and research organization in Japan.”

Kurosaki seemed to be the name of whoever owned the mansion.

“Their results were remarkable. Quite a few of my combat tools are Kurosaki products. They have research institutions in Germany and all over the world, so they might be the organization that has given the most to FeTUS. However, there have been many problems as well: they have performed serious human experiments for their research and they take part in human trafficking and fraud to raise funding.”

The mention of Germany reminded Mutsuki of his homeroom teacher.

He had heard she was from Germany and that she had been born in a “Schwarze Laboratory”. Since Schwarze and Kuro both meant “black”, he felt like there was a connection there.

“Is that why you broke apart?”

“Negative. That was one of the reasons, but the biggest reason was how the Kurosaki family performed their research. The Kurosaki Laboratory poured all of their efforts into demon research.”

“Demon research…”

He had heard about this from Micha and Rapha. FeTUS could fight effectively against angels, but they were weak against demons. They wanted to research demons in order to make up for that shortcoming. And they had apparently created a slight countermeasure against them.

“The Kurosaki family received knowledge from the demons and developed technology with them. Meaning…”

“They joined forces with the demons?”


He was dumbfounded.

He was all for the angels, humans, and demons getting along and he thought sharing their knowledge sounded like a good idea.

But if an enemy of Machina’s FeTUS was developing that technology and they enjoyed human experiments and human trafficking…

“The contents of the mansion were already disposed of, but they seem to have had some success in their research. If someone shows up with the power of a demon and the knowledge of FeTUS, they will be a threat to angels, humans, and demons alike. Also…”

Machina narrowed her eyes.

“Last night, we already came across a demon that could resist angelic flames. That was likely the result of their research.”

The three-way stalemate was falling apart.

The angels, humans, and demons had avoided an all-out war because each organization would be in danger if that balance crumbled.

But that balance might just crumble if a “perfect” organization appeared that was not weak against any of the others.

The friendly relationships Mutsuki had built up might also crumble.

He bit his lip.

“I never imagined there was a Kurosaki research facility here. Hm…?”

There must have been a lot she could not tell him. But as various thoughts raced through Machina’s mind, she noticed he was not looking well.

When she noticed his pained-looking expression, she immediately postponed her thoughts as a FeTUS Witch.

“…This is not a problem.”

She pressed her shoulder against his and placed a gentle hand on his back.

“This external factor has little risk of harming our relationships. I doubt Jiyuuni Ange or Satowa Lucia will actively deepen our hostility.”


“…Smell this.”

She brought her face close to his anxious one and pulled at her hair.

She held her messy hair in front of his nose and ran her hands through it.

He detected a familiar sweetish scent. It was Ange’s scent.

“She lent me her shampoo.”

“…I see.”

There was no basis for it, but the gentle aroma calmed him down. His cheeks relaxed.

When she saw him looking happy, Machina’s expression also softened.

She had grown quite honest about expressing her feelings at some point. And that also helped him forget his worries.


Their faces were close.

He wanted to know more about her feelings, so he pressed his lips against the most educational spot.

Machina’s skin was smooth and soft, so it stimulated a feminine feeling inside his male instincts.

He wanted to indulge in her.

As if he had returned to being a child, he obeyed his feelings by embracing her slender body and sucking at her lips.


The girl released a hesitant sigh at the hard kiss and the painfully tight embrace.

But she was not resisting. As usual for her, her reaction was subdued and her expression did not change, but she calmly accepted it all.


The two stared right at each other as they went for each other’s lips and mouth.

As they kissed again and again, her empty and transparent eyes grew more and more muddy. A faint hue of emotion entered her heated gaze. He could sense the gentle light of affection.

Mutsuki loved looking in those eyes.

Those eyes let only him a half step into the depths of her dignified heart that no one could open.

He wanted to see an even cuter look on her face.

“Ahh…nh. Fujita-kun…”

She hesitated slightly as he slipped his soft tongue into her mouth.

She must not have expected him to go this far, but despite her look of surprise, his tongue tip tickled the roof of her mouth and crawled through the warm space.

He counted smooth teeth with no trace of any past cavities and he stimulated the front and back of her gums.

“Nh…nn, nnn.”

She began producing more saliva. Her eyebrows bent in embarrassment, but he continued lapping it up like a dog.

Only then did he finally grab the soft object inside her mouth.

A sticky sound escaped he gap between their tightly connected mouths.


A sticky carnality entered Machina’s eyes as if she had lost to his intense kiss.

But he only saw it for a moment. She finally lowered the hands holding his shoulders and closed her angled eyes.

She began using her tongue as well.


The deep kiss had lasted at least 5 minutes and her body was entirely limp by the time it ended. Her knees nearly gave out, so Mutsuki quickly supported her.

He pushed her against a nearby tree to lean on and then moved his kisses to her cheek, her nape, and throat. The hint of leftover sweat was exciting.

“Um…Fujita-kun? Here?”

Machina let the downpour of kisses continue for a while, but when he opened the top of her blouse and licked at her collarbones, she finally realized the boy intended to have sex.

“Why not? I want to.”

Mutsuki clearly stated his desire for once.

The kisses had been meant to calm his worries, but her far-too-kind response went a step further and cheered him up. With the negative emotions gone, a more violent feeling took root and he roughly tore open her blouse. The top half of her bust was about to spill out and he buried his face in her cleavage.

“Uuh…n-no fair.”

He could hear her pounding heart through the large mounds, indicating she had no intention of refusing him.

She had a faint hickey on her collarbone just like he had grown in the habit of leaving on Micha and Ange’s chests.

They had not done it for more than 3 weeks, so that showed just how strong a mark he had left.

“But…but if we do it here… Ah, Fujita-kun, um…”

“Don’t worry. There’s no one around here.”

His warm breath stroked at her breasts. Arousal filled the girl’s undeveloped body and she gave a sweet moan.

She seemed worried because they were outside. Even if no one was watching, the wind could reach them and they could see the sky, so the shy girl was hesitant.

Meanwhile, Mutsuki had learned the liberating and elating feeling of doing it outside.

And the frightened girl stimulated an aggressive urge inside him.

“C’mon, let’s do it. Okay?”

He embraced the uneager girl to keep her from moving and tried to forcibly persuade her.

He kissed all over her face and brought arousal to her skin by just barely touching her over her clothes.


She did not nod or shake her head, but since she did not resist…


“What are you doing, you pervert?”

The darkness hiding them was blown away by blue flames.

Mutsuki stiffly turned toward the familiar voice he heard behind him. It was of course Ange standing there.

His guardian angel had come to check on them when they took too long to get back and she knew exactly what was going on when she saw them in each other’s arms with a thin strand of saliva between their lips.

“It’s none of my business who you want to fool around with.” Her face clearly stiffened. “But at least wait until you get back, you pervert! I am still your bodyguard, so stop making extra trouble for me!”

She seemed oddly angry for just causing her some extra trouble.

Mutsuki smiled bitterly. After being caught in this embarrassing position, Machina’s expression did not change, but she quickly fixed the chest of her shirt.

Ange was ready to explode, but she could not complain after that and she simply pouted her lips.

“C’mon! We’re going back, you two.”

She grabbed at the back of Mutsuki’s neck.

“Ow, ow, ow, ow! That hurts, Ange.”

“I don’t care! You pervert! Stupid Mutsuki! Stupid!”

She did not seem to have much of a vocabulary for insulting him, but she continued muttering under her breath as she started back the way they had come.

Mutsuki looked to her as she dragged him…and he picked up on something while seeing her from behind.


“What is it? You can give me your excuses lat-….ah!”

Just as he thought, she turned back toward him with the look of a sulking child, so he did the same thing he had to Machina.

“Wait! What do you think you’re doing, stupid!? …Hyam.”

Ange tried to shake her head to escape the kisses, but he stole her lips over and over to prevent her from yelling at him.

And as he sealed that noisy mouth, he gently caressed her with his own lips.

Machina watched in bewilderment because she had not known he had begun this sort of relationship with his guardian angel.

“Wait, hey…um.”

The girl’s resistance was visibly fading.

“Wh-what do you think you’re doing?”


The two girls followed his guidance and lined up by the nearby tree.

The embarrassment of being seen by each other having such a passionate kiss acted as an odd sort of chain. They both looked somewhat away but continually glanced over at the other.

Mutsuki faced both of them head on.

“Anyway. Let’s get back, Mutsuki. Saya and the others are worr-..ahh.”

“Fujita-kun… We should follow Jiyuuni-san’s advi-…nhh.”

Even as Ange pouted her lips grumpily and Machina frowned worriedly, he continued taking turns stealing both their lips.

“S-stop that. Um…I…ahhk, nn, nnn, don’t bite my tongue.”

“Um…nmh, ahh, no. Don’t suck so hard…nhhh.”

“Ahhh, don’t use your tongue so much…ahh, ah.”

“Pwah…pant, pant. You taste like Jiyuuni-san…ahh.”

As he continued the gentle yet intense kisses, their behavior changed.

They would grow weaker as their tongues touched his. Ange had started out protesting the kisses, but now she was obediently letting him suck at her mouth. Machina seemed embarrassed, but she was sticking out her own tongue.

“What do you…think you’re doing, stupid Mutsuki?”

Ange raised her eyebrows and began protesting again.

But she could not produce her usual powerful voice as his sticky tongue tickled at her mouth. She could only manage a barely audible peep.

“You were angry, so I decided to show you we weren’t doing anything bad.”

“Ah… S-stop. Don’t touch me…”

He reached for her chest and hips through the sweat-soaked cotton dress.

She panicked when he began caressing her as well as kissing, but the thorough licking of her mouth had left her paralyzed. She could barely struggle.

The plentiful petting brought a dampness to her usually dignified blue eyes.

“Ah, wai-…”

She pulled away.

The carnal embers were threatening to ignite, but she left it at a simmering. She tried to say “wait”, but she quickly bit her lower lip.

He moved to Machina. She was already biting his tongue in return, so he started with an even more intense caress. He rubbed her breasts, her armpits, and her sides.


He tried sticking his thigh between her thighs.

She initially closed her legs to resist the forceful invader, but her mind must have gone blank as he thoroughly sucked up her saliva. She grew weaker. Once she stopped resisting, he mercilessly pressed his leg up against the sensitive spot between hers.

He moved to Ange. Then back to Machina. He moved back and forth again and again. They were so aroused that they would sigh longingly each time he moved away.

(They’ve both grown obedient now.)

The boy grinned callously.

He normally lacked the courage to act when they were resisting, but he was awfully aggressive today.

…Or rather, he had been ever since arriving at the campground.

Arriving at a place that gave power to demons had strengthened a violent urge inside him and that urge sought the liberation he had felt when having sex with his teacher.

(I want to make them both my own. Ibekusa-san and Ange both…)

He normally never let it out – could not let it out – but that illogical desire manifested itself here.

(I’ll make them mine.)



Mutsuki embraced both their bodies and reached around toward their hips.

He grabbed both Ange’s tight ass and Machina’s slim ass and powerfully kneaded them.

“Wait…Mutsuki. Stop messing around. I’m not joking… Ibekusa is here.”

Ange had always been weak to butt attacks, so she expressed her displeasure while fidgeting and rubbing her legs together.

Even if she was willing to do these things with Mutsuki, she was worried about Machina’s presence. She kept glancing over at the girl.

“Fujita-kun… Um, we are outside.”

Machina also frowned worriedly.

She had lost her virginity in front of Ange and she had taken part in a pseudo-orgy including Micha and Schwarze, so she was not worried about being seen. That said, she seemed to not like the idea of doing it outside like animals.

“Can’t we? I really want to do it.”

Mutsuki ignored their concerns and reached deeper toward the center of their butts.

He was aroused more by their lack of enthusiasm than mere lust.

He obeyed that sadistic feeling by continuing to kiss them and persistently increasing the girls’ sexual pleasure.


The proud angel could not stand it any longer and shoved the boy away. She took two steps back and stuck her hands in her hot pants to fix her panties.

And after being rebuffed…

“Hmm. Well, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

Instead of pursuing her, he directed his lips toward Machina.

“Ahh…F-Fujita-ku-…amh, nn, nnnn…”

Machina was not exactly enthusiastic, but she did not put up much of a resistance either. If he was a little forceful, she would let him do whatever he wanted.

Their lips seemed glued together and things progressed much faster now that he could focus on just one of the two girls.


Even Ange could not keep her eyes off of the intense embrace.

His lips devoured hers to the point that they seemed to be exchanging every last drop of saliva and then he moved down to suck at her neck. He tickled at the white line from her neck to her collarbones and pressed his canine teeth against her to send a shudder down her spine.

He of course continued massaging her breasts and butt while pressing his knee against her hidden flesh.

“Uuh…no. Ah…ahh.”

She let out a small cry as he opened the front of her blouse while leaving the tie in place. He moved her bra out of the way and her white breasts bounced heavily out into view.

Her cheeks reddened as the already stiffened nipples touched the outside air.

Ange also blushed as she watched. She had seen this girl’s bare skin a few times before, including in the bath the night before, but she always felt some slight regret and attraction when she saw those beautiful and weighty mounds.

“I’m gonna get a little rougher.”

His moved his kisses from her neck to her ear and tightly grabbed the bared breasts.

She clenched her teeth and her bust tried to push back at his fingers while they bounced seductively.

“Nn…hh, ah, Fujita-kun…ahh…”

After being made to wait a bit by Ange’s intrusion, her tits reacted with incredibly sensitivity to his powerful massage.

She clung to the boy and her quiet sobs echoed through the quiet forest.

“Leave it to me. You just enjoy the pleasure.”

He whispered to her as she clenched her teeth to hold back the shameful moans.

Having sex outside was simple, but it seemed to betray one’s human rationality.

He wanted her to feel the liberating sensation of breaking free of that human shell and regaining one’s animal side.


She bent back her white throat when he pinched the hard and erect nipples.

She was so sensitive that she could lose her mind at any time and he was perfectly compatible with her. If he went on the attack, it was obvious the door of pleasure would be forced open.

“I’ll kiss you here too.”

His lips lowered from her ear to her neck, to her breasts, and to her clothes over her navel.

She had melted from the carnality of the intense petting, so she leaned back against the tree trunk while accepting the boy’s kisses all across her body.

She was worried about Ange who watched on with flushed cheeks, but…

“C’mon, spread your legs.”

“No… It’s too embarrassing.”

Mutsuki crouched down and stuck a hand into the skirt which was now at eye level. Her tight butt was sweating and her panties were plastered to it.

He grabbed the fabric, pulled back, and let go. The wet cotton’s elasticity pulled it back and it snapped against the girl’s small butt.

He pulled on it a few more times.


Urged on by the painless spankings, she relaxed her closed thighs even as she worried about Ange’s eyes on her.

The boy smiled in satisfaction and pulled the cotton downwards this time. The highly elastic fabric rolled up as it slid down her skin.

She was still wearing her skirt, so Mutsuki could not see her most precious spot while crouched down, but…

“Heh heh. You’re already wet.”


He could clearly see an oval of wetness on the crotch of the lowered fabric.

To make sure the panties did not touch the ground, he spread the leg holes after lowering them past the knees. Machina hesitated for a few seconds, but then lifted one leg to help him remove them.

Even with her skirt, her curved eyebrows bent at the embarrassment of having her slit touch the outside air.


Even so, Mutsuki buried his face in that lewd delta from over her black skirt.

He rubbed his nose against her and reached his tongue and fingers toward her healthily plump thighs. He only touched the area near the base and above her kneesocks.

“Ah…ahn. Fujita-kun… No, not like this…”

Still standing, he rubbed the outside, inside, and back of her thighs, so a tremor ran down her spine.

He moved his licking tongue up along her smooth skin. He followed the line from her thighs to her pubis and toward the seductively damp mound.

After about 3 weeks without an opportunity, her young flower petals had returned to the vertical line of a virgin. He thoroughly caressed them to remind them of Fujita Mutsuki’s flavor.


His oral sex was enough for Ange to tremble as she watched.

Machina forgot all about the angel’s eyes on her, pressed her back against the tree, and let her entire body writhe. That showed Ange just how lewdly she was being licked inside the skirt.

She reacted intensely to the pleasure and the adorable nipples throbbed on her exposed bust.

Even the other girl was aroused by the sight. Just watching reminded her body of the boy’s thorough technique. Ange fidgeted her hips enough for the panties to ride up in the crotch again.

“Ahh…ah, hahhh…”

Meanwhile, Machina paid no heed to the heated eyes on her.

The tongue licked at the surface of her slit like a snake and then stabbed into the crevice. As soon as the soft object dove inside, it searched out the hidden tunnel it knew so well.

“Ah…nn, nnn, nn, Fujita…-kun…not so…rough…”

Micha had trained Mutsuki until his tongue technique could satisfy an adult like her, so it was too much for Machina whose sexuality was still immature.

He worked open the sensitive flesh with a screwing motion and a gentle vibration. As he freely changed the speed of his tongue, her hips were about to melt beneath her.

She held a hand to her mouth to keep her embarrassing voice from escaping. She bit down on the base of her index finger and used the other hand to hold the round head shape visible in her skirt.

“Nn…heh heh. Does it feel too good?”

She did not try to break free of his head, but he still sensed her panic and temporarily removed his head from her skirt.

Her shoulders were rising and falling. She also seemed to be trembling a little because her weighty bust was jiggling.

After all his teasing, her hidden flesh was leaking fluids that dripped down her thighs. Only the inner edge of her black knee socks were stained a darker color.

“…? Oh, this thing’s nice and hard.”

“———! Not th-…ahhh.”

Just as she thought she was safe, another attack hit her and the girl gave a high-pitched cry for once.

Her fully erect flesh bud had poked out from the twisted crevice. Just the smooth head poked out like a small jewel and Mutsuki placed it and its turtleneck in his mouth.

“Hyah…ah, ahh…”

As soon as he touched it, the girl’s entire body stiffened like a kindergartner afraid of getting a shot.

Sharp pain would run through the stiff protrusion if it was treated roughly. Fortunately, he knew how to handle it and only sucked gently.

But Machina was not afraid of the pain. In fact, it was this skilled treatment she feared.

“Hyah, ahnnn…nn, nn…hh.”

A jolt of electricity mixed into the vortex of pleasure sweetly rubbing at her lower stomach.

The way his tongue delicately and gently tickled her brought a pleasure just short of pain that tore through her body.

This was what she had feared. Her lungs and throat contracted on their own, so she bit her lower lip to hold back the sweet scream that threatened to escape.


When Ange saw Machina writhing with her soft breasts rising and falling, she frowned.

She could not see inside Machina’s skirt, but her instincts told her Mutsuki had attacked that girl’s clitoris. She knew he was sucking at that small flesh that had feminine sexuality concentrated inside it and left a girl helpless if it was so much as touched.

And once Ange focused on it, she found herself digging up her own memories of the boy’s tongue technique. She remembered how that lewd invader would lick at every last embarrassing part and skillfully wrap around that small protrusion.

An indecently wet sound came from deep in Ange’s stomach…from her vagina, and she realized she had been rubbing her thighs together all this time. Her nectar-soaked flesh had opened on its own inside her panties and was audibly gulping in the air.

“…Ahhh…ahh…nn, nnnn.”

It had been fairly loud, but the other two showed no sign of noticing.

Machina could not hold back her voice, so the strange noise had been drowned out by cries louder than Ange would have ever expected from the girl.

“Ah, ahn. No…Fujita-kun. Why…why always there?”

“Mm~ What a lewd flavor. Heh heh. Ibekusa-san, your pussy tastes so good.”

As he rubbed at the sensitive flesh, nectar flowed out onto his tongue.

He smelled the unique sweet and sourness of a girl.

No man could have resisted that feast. The male beast lured in by the nectar sent his extended tongue to more than just the clitoris.

“Eek…ee…ahh, Fujita-kun, Fujita-ku-…nnn.”

She had already melted in the sensual crucible of his kisses, so now that he licked at her here, a great sexual flame burned inside her body.

Machina realized she was pushing her hips in toward Mutsuki’s face.

The look on her face as her eyebrows bent in embarrassment was so seductive that Ange gasped.

“…You’re about to cum, aren’t you?”

Mutsuki felt her flesh squeezing on the tip of his tongue inside her slit.

He could not see her expression with the skirt in the way, but the way the ridges of her nectary flesh spread outwards was an obvious sign to someone who had made her cum so many times before.

He sent his tongue even deeper while also attacking her swollen clitoris.

“Ah…ahh, ah…”

There was no escape for Machina.

Her hair was a little silkier than usual and she rubbed it against the tree trunk behind her. Her eyes naturally turned upwards toward the starry sky. After the reminder that she was outside, that embarrassment reminded her that this boy ruled over her.


The torrent of pleasure crawling through her body led her to call his name in the end.

She could not see his face with the skirt in the way, so she at least wanted to call his name.

And that was when the vortex of pleasure in her lower stomach spread to the rest of her body. The catalyst of Fujita Mutsuki instantly robbed her body of all resistance against the pleasure.

She arched her back and her tits bounced up and down while glowing white even in the faint starlight.

“I’m cumming…?”

With that quick moan, her body began to convulse.

She could not understand the liberating feeling of sex outdoors that he had wanted to teach her. The witches were the guardians of knowledge, so she could not abandon her rational side.

Even so, she entrusted herself to the pleasure provided by Mutsuki even with her rationality remaining.

Warm fluid sprayed from deep within her blossomed young slit.

As the boy’s tongue licked at it, her entire body shook. She pushed her hips out far enough to see the shape of her pubis through her skirt and pressed her indecent area toward his face.



A few seconds later, she let out a sigh of pleasure.

And it coincided with an identical sigh from Ange.

The seductive way Machina’s body wiggled against the large tree seemed too obscene and beautiful to be from a girl Ange’s own age.

The angel entirely forgot that girl was an enemy and was simply charmed by her.

“Can you not resist, Ange?”

At some point, Mutsuki had pulled his head out of the skirt and looked her way.

His gaze led her to realize she had been dragged down into that sexual antlion pit, so she blushed.

“C’mon over. Resisting is bad for you.”

The boy held out a hand while Machina slid down the tree to sitting position.

“…D-don’t be stupid. Don’t touch me.”

Ange shouted angrily but frantically back and tried to escape his hand as it reached around her waist.

But even though he was crouched down and could not move his legs, she found herself unable to escape his slowly moving hand. He easily captured her and pulled her close.

She did manage to turn her back, but the boy had no problem burying his face in her small butt over her hot pants. He breathed in the sweaty smell and detected the feminine scent already mixed in.

“You want me to lick you, don’t you?”

“Don’t be ridiculous! You…l-let go!”

Being pulled toward Mutsuki naturally put her right in front of Machina. Worried about the eyes of others more than anything, the girl bared her fangs and shouted back.

But despite having the power of the strongest angel, she could not break free of Mutsuki’s normal arm strength.

“C’mon, be honest. We’re always doing this.”

“Wha-…!? Kh, no we are not! We’re not, we’re not, we’re not! …Ah.”

Struggling with his arm around her waist caused Ange to lose her balance.

She reached for the nearby tree…and ended up looking diagonally down at Machina.

Those two enemies were speechless when a face of post-orgasm lethargy and a face of heated horniness stared at each other.

“I’ll make you honest, Ange. I’ll do what you like best.”

Mutsuki grabbed Ange’s hips as they stuck out behind her.

Compared to Machina’s small and tight butt, Ange’s butt seemed to jiggle as it was energetically pushed out toward him. He grabbed that cheeky resilience through the hot pants.

“N-no…Stop tha-…ahhhhn.”

“Wow, you’re already soaked.”

She might have been even wetter than Machina who had received an actual stimulus. The jeans material emitted a wet “squish” when he pushed lightly at it. He rubbed her crotch a few times and the moisture stained the fabric, creating a mottled pattern.

“It couldn’t have been fun holding back like this.”

Mutsuki frowned at the neediness of her body’s most honest location. He used his fingers to soothe her and caressed up and down the valley of her lovely childish butt.

He dug his fingers into the heat inside and gently mixed it together. The folds of her flooded vagina were moving enough to be seen through the jeans material as they rejoiced the invader’s arrival.

“No…no, stop…”

Machina was not impolitely staring, but Ange was still right in front of the other girl. The angel girl looked on the verge of tears.

But no matter how much her mouth protested, her body was obedient to the awaited caress and produced an endless supply of nectar. The thighs extending from her hot pants tensed and her ass hopped around, but instead of avoiding the fingers digging into her crotch, she was begging for more.


Machina could speak quietly now that she had calmed her breathing after the clitoral attack.

The Serpent’s Eye boy had the power to rule over all women, so it was entirely possible he was in a physical relationship with every girl close to him. And as his roommate, Ange was the closest of all, so it made perfect sense that they would have fucked countless times.

“Hahh…ahhh…? Nooo, Mutsuki, don’t…kwah? Not there.”

But Machina was still shocked to see that prideful and confrontational angel melting to this extent.

“You’re as sensitive as ever, Ange. See, see? You want me to touch your asshole, don’t you?”

“Nhh… No, noo, don’t tease me…”

Mutsuki had learned something during his first time with Ange.

Her body was weak to sex acts in general. She had been born lewd.

It was more than just the combination of a small build with seductively swollen breasts and butt. The inside of her body was made especially lewd. It was like she had erogenous zones on her tongue, the inside of her mouth, and her throat. When she was only sucking him off, her pussy became an endless flood. She often reached climax when he came inside her mouth. Her anus would twitch even when she was washing herself in the bath and the toilet’s bidet was her greatest enemy. Her vagina grew wet with incredible ease, the pleasure receptors seemed to reach deep inside, and its movements seemed intent on melting the penis inside it.

A lewd girl like that was a perfect match fetish-wise for Mutsuki who loved pleasuring his partner. He could continue foreplay forever without growing bored and he could maintain an erection for just as long. And Ange could accept his youthful lust as many times as it took.

So once they got started, it tended to last for a full day. In the 3 weeks since she had lost her virginity, the prideful guardian angel had only responded to his requests for sex a few times, but his cock had probably inside her as long as it had in Micha who he had a 3 month sexual history with.

“Hey, Ange. Isn’t this in the way?”

“Ah, ahh…”

Mutsuki tapped at the crotch of her hot pants.

With them on, the stimulus reached the impatient flesh through two layers: the jeans material and her panties.

That sensation was terribly insufficient when she knew the pleasure of him fingering her directly, so she wiggled her hips.

The boy realized what that meant and unbuttoned the hot pants.

“…Ah, hh…”

The girl lowered the article of clothing like she was hypnotized.

She hung onto enough of her pride to keep the panties on, but she had still stripped for him. After waiting for the hot pants to drop to her knees, Mutsuki once more brought his face to her shapely butt.

“…Heh heh. Your butt is twitching.”

“No…Don’t lick it from the top.”

He buried his face in her butt and sank his tongue into the seductive-smelling indentation. Ange’s angled azure eyes grew damp and she cried out sweetly as if she could no longer see Machina right in front of her.

The boy knew her every weakness and she was so accustomed to his methods that she entrusted her body to him.

Machina silently watched their perfect unison.

“Oh, c’mere, Ibekusa-san. You help out.”



Both girls were confused by the boy’s sudden proposal.

He took Machina’s hand regardless and pulled her right in front of him.


He placed her hands on a soft butt.

She was surprised, but she was so charmed by the perfect resilience and softness in her palms that she squeezed.

She held the roundness tightly enough for Ange to gasp.

Mutsuki then guided her fingertips inside the panties which were more than half soaked at this point.

“Wait… Mutsuki, what are you having her do? …Hyahhhn!”

The angel finally sensed danger when she felt the air on that sensitive valley, but there was nothing she could do while prisoner to such great carnality. Machina’s hand continued deep into the valley inside her panties and arrived at the angel girl’s seductively heated anus.

“Ange is really weak here, so try teasing her.”

“What are you saying, stupid! Ibekusa, wait, l-let go of-…hwah.”

Ange shouted angrily.

And Machina was not interested in sticking her hand into someone else’s ass when it as not necessary like it had been with Saya the night before. She froze up, unsure what to do, but Mutsuki pulled forcibly on her hand, ignoring both their opinions.

“Ah, ah, ah, stupid-…stop that…?”

Ange had only been stimulated over her clothing for a few minutes, but Machina’s eyes widened at how loose her anal flesh had become.

It easily swallowed her middle finger. And once it was in up to the first joint, the surrounding walls squeezed down like a switch had been thrown. Instead of trying to expel her finger, they stickily and sweetly rubbed against it and tried to pull it deeper inside.

“Ahhn? Ibekusa, let go…let go…hahn? Ahnn?”

The proud angel yelled at her, but there was no intensity behind her words and the moans between words were certainly not helping.

Hearing a voiceless plea to be touched more and teased deeper, Machina bent her finger which was in up to the second joint.

She pumped her finger in and out like she was trying to pry open the wet anus. The sphincter had been so soft on the way in, but it bit down with great resilience now.

“No, stupid, ahhhn, stupid, stop, stop this.”

Ange protested bravely, but her body had been aroused by the kisses and then left to wait, so her inborn lewdness had risen to the surface.

Rubbing the inside of her anus a few times was all it took for her knees to tremble below her.

She fell to her knees with Mutsuki supporting her and she naturally leaned against Machina instead of the tree.

“Ibe…kusa. You had better…remember this…hahhhhn?”

Ange tried her best to raise her eyebrows, but there was no intensity in her threatening look either.

Machina’s mind seemed to go blank from the perverted act of pleasuring another girl. The beautiful angelic face before her eyes was twisted in obscene pleasure and sobbing. She found herself charmed by that.

“Heh heh. Then I’ll pleasure her from here.”

With Machina handling the anal weak point, Mutsuki’s fingers crawled over to the soaking wet flower petals.

Even through her panties, her slit had clearly opened wide. Even in the dark, the bright pink color showed through the pure white fabric plastered to it.

Ange’s pussy was just as undeveloped as Machina’s, but it had a habit of opening at the slightest provocation. That made the sensitive flesh within easy to touch.

He gently stimulated that flesh.

“Nhahh, stop, stop that. Ahhn, hahhhn.”

The seductive sensation of his delicate touch caused Ange to shake her head and long red hair.

That desperation showed just how close to her limit she was.

“You don’t have to be so embarrassed, Ange. You look really cute right now.”

“Hee…ahhh…shut uuuup.”


Mutsuki had swiftly brought Machina to climax with his tongue technique, but Ange was even faster. Her body became a slave to the fingertips moving across her crotch and she reacted excessively to even the slightest movement.

Machina propped up the other girl’s limp upper body.

She had been charmed by how adorable the angel looked while driven mad with pleasure. As her breasts acted as a cushion for the other girl, the nipples grew erect once more.

“…Heh heh?”

Mutsuki noticed the two of them and leaned forward while continuing to torment her complex array of flesh with his fingers.

He leaned toward Machina instead of Ange. The sexuality of the situation was flowing back into her, so she quickly returned his kiss with an intoxicated look in her eyes when he reached her lips.


Ange was shaken by seeing the boy and girl kiss so stickily right in front of her eyes, so she sharply frowned and her vagina and anus both tightened longingly.

She had been bothered enough when she had to watch before, so of course it would be unbearable while they rubbed her most sensitive spots so thoroughly.

“Here, Ange.”


Noticing her plight, Mutsuki moved to her lips.


Ange could not contain the tremor that ran from her spine to her snow-white thighs as she sucked at the boy’s lips. She had indulged in the kiss out of pure horniness. They stuck their tongues as far into each other’s mouth as they could and enjoyed each other’s taste while rubbing their tongues together.


It was now Machina’s turn to blush at their harmonious make-out session. She felt this was not something she should be seeing and looked away. But…

“You too, Ibekusa-san.”


Mutsuki did not overlook either of them. He pressed his lips against the witch’s while they were rudely coated with the angel’s saliva.

And he used his empty hand to softly stroke the breasts being squashed below Ange.

“Ahh…ah, nn…Fujita-ku-…hwah.”

He groped the sensitive mounds while giving her a tongue covered in another girl’s scent and flavor. Machina felt a sweet sense of perversion as she felt like the angel girl’s flavor was entering her lungs and covering her taste buds.

The boy returned to the pouting angel, but even if the abandoned witch felt jealous, she did not feel pained.


She moved the middle finger still inserted in Ange’s beautiful butt.

“Kwah, no…I-Ibe-..nnnnn, ah, not…my butt.”

She had her hands full with just Mutsuki’s fingers rubbing her hot and melted vaginal layers, so she could barely speak when she also had a finger moving in her scorching anus.

But Machina did not stop. Charmed by the angel’s flavor remaining in her mouth, she loosened the sphincter, and…


“Ahh…? Nnah, no, what are you think-…ahahhhn?”

Without the boy guiding her, she reached out and grabbed the girl’s breast.

It was small enough to fit in her hand, but the flesh was surprisingly thick there. She gently stroked it over the girl’s clothing.

“Ahh, uh, hey, ahn. Not my boobs. My butt and pussy are burning…so not my boobs too.”

Ange’s last shred of rationality tried to reject it and she vigorously shook her head.

But the base of her hips was being attacked so thoroughly it was about to melt. She also had trouble resisting the enemy witch’s delicate finger movements along her backdoor and sweet touch rolling her breasts around.

“Ah, ahh~~ …Ibekusa, wait, don’t touch me like that.”

She writhed in pleasure, especially from the finger loosening her soft anus.

Only Mutsuki had ever touched her there, but this finger was far skinnier than his and far gentler as it moved around the hole, along the outside and inside of the sphincter, and deeper inside.


That hole was a weak point to begin with, so when it was rubbed as gently as a 4-year-old child’s head, the angel’s dignified expression melted and relaxed.

“Ha ha. Ibekusa-san is really onboard with this.”

As the conductor controlling the two girls, Mutsuki expressed his satisfaction by returning his lips to Machina.

The root of the perverted joy of loving her enemy came from the other girl’s scent transferred stickily into her mouth while the boy also rolled her tits around. Each time he kissed her, her mind grew confused and she penetrated the angel’s lovely butt even further.

“Nn…hhh? Ah…ah…”

The obscene pleasure must have gotten to her head because Ange enviously brought her face close to the other two. When Mutsuki returned to her, she happily stuck her tongue out and inside his mouth.

The three of them were now close enough to rub their cheeks together.

“Nh, hh, Mutsuki?”


The two girls fought for access to the boy’s tongue.

“…Heh heh.”

A wicked idea came to Mutsuki and he pulled his head back.



With their kiss suddenly interrupted, the angel and witch were left alone.

They each realized the other’s cheek and nose were close enough to bump into.

They were both beautiful and dignified enough to attract even other girls.



It was impossible to tell which one initiated it because they closed their eyes simultaneously.


“Bwah, ah, ahh.”

After competing so much, Ange and Machina brought their lips together.

It was their first time kissing another girl – in fact, it was their first time kissing someone other than Mutsuki – but they quickly learned to love the soft sensation of the other. They jerked their chins forward and sought each other’s lips.


Mutsuki had set this up, but he was still a little dumbfounded.

Two cute girls were enjoying a lesbian kiss and even eagerly seeking out each other’s lips.

It was so alluring he felt a chill.


He came back to his senses when Ange started trembling while continuing to suck at Machina’s lips.

“Ange, lift your butt.”

The angel girl had been pushed across the final line not by him, but by the perverted kiss with another girl.

That bothered him a little, but he did not have time to worry about it. He quickly grabbed the small butt offered to him. At this rate, he would have made Machina go too far.

“Ahh…? Hahhhh? Ibekusa, Ibekusaaaa?”

Regardless, Machina continued stickily violating the other girl’s ass. Ange cried out in joy from the intoxicating feeling spreading from her anus.

In order to stop this, Mutsuki sent his thumb to the bottom of the beautiful butt he held.

And he pressed the other four fingers on the area a little above that.

“Ahn…? Ahnn…?”

Her slender, childish legs and her hips hopped up.

“Go ahead, Ange.”

“Do not…fight the pleasure.”


Her small body twisted around and then gave a violent jerk centered on her butt.


Their lips were still locked, so her orgasmic scream was released into her enemy’s mouth.

A surge of pleasure left her two holes and raced up her spine. The very first wave emptied her mind. She nearly passed out from only the first of many waves of ecstasy.

“Kah…? Ah…?”

So as the true pleasure permeated her twitching body down to the marrow, she could only accept it while releasing quiet moans.

She convulsed like a fish out of water and her spine arched back. Her long red hair danced atop her bent back.

After a long while, her crotch twitched between her widely spread legs.


Further pleasure followed. An intense stream could be heard hitting the sticky fluid soaking her panties.

Mutsuki ca

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