Back Garden
"I definitely need a hair treatment," was Xiu's first agenda of the day. She set an appointment with a salon and for the time being, decided to wear her hair down. Playing it safe was playing it wisely. There was no way she was gonna give Dylan any chance to abash her.
"Ms. Bai, let's go," Dylan knocked on her office door and beckoned her to follow.
Xiu had no idea what he was talking about but she followed him nonetheless like any normal E.A would have done so. "What's that bag for Sir?" Xiu asked staring strangely at the duffle bag in Dylan's hand.
He grinned slyly and said, "You'll know. Soon enough."
Xiu shrugged her shoulders and didn't question again. However, when she saw him entering the secretarial department of his, she was surprised and more curious about what he was up to. Xiu was yet again taken aback when he slammed the duffle bag right on the desk and made the poor secretary flinch in fear.
"You must be Ms. Fu, right?" The secretary nodded her hesitantly and Dylan's brittle smile made her hair stand on ends. "And you're Ms. Liu and Ms. Wang. Am I correct?" Getting the answer in the form a simple nod. He seemed pleased.
Xiu was staring at him wide-eyed with a complicated look while he continued, "My shredding machine ate all my documents. But oddly, now I want them back. So, how about the three of you put every document back the way it was... Before going through a shredding torment." Xiu gaped at him in disbelief. There seemed a bulk of shredded papers in that bag. Woah! His way of teaching a lesson was really unique.
He seemed impressed by himself as he looked at Xiu and said, "Ms. Bai, what are you doing? Follow me."
Xiu nodded absentmindedly and walked behind him. As they got inside the elevator, she couldn't stop herself from asking, "What was that? What you just did?"
Dylan tapped his foot softly on the elevator floor and said, "That's for them to learn that Dylan Qiu doesn't pay people who don't work for it. Haven't you read my amazing speech on the company's website?" Seeing Xiu's lost expression, he was irked, "Oi! You really didn't read it?"
"Was I supposed to?" Xiu felt like asking this for some reason.
"Now, that's where you're really careless." He rummaged out his phone from his coat inside pocket and showed the screen to her. "Read this. A positive culture in the company comes from the people working for it. Being mindful of your own work and your coworkers is also a form of empathy." He scrolled down and spoke again, "See, I even said that transforming a culture is important but staying true to your values is of utmost need in this fast pace world."
Xiu was actually paying attention to his words as she felt like he wasn't just babbling. His words had a meaning deeper than one could understand. "I do want my employees to have fun but having fun is different and making fun of another to feel good is an entirely different thing. I can't tolerate tardy, gossipy and close-minded people in my company." Xiu unconsciously agreed with his words while he went on, "I don't fire people without a warning. But if even after this warning, those secretaries didn't change their ways, I don't mind finding new people."
Dylan looked at Xiu's face and asked, "Why? Are you finally impressed? Feels like you're working for an amazing boss?"
The elevator door opened in the underground parking lot and Xiu replied, "Well... You're just all right."
Dylan's face twitched at her such a casual remark. "Can't you flatter your boss for once as others do?"
"You're fat enough with flattery, I don't need to add my share in that," was Xiu answer which made Dylan feel defeated before her. This tongue of hers was really like Darren and there was no doubt about that.
"Catch," he threw the car key towards her and when she caught it, he gave her a thumbs up and said, "Now, drive."
Xiu looked at the car key in her hand and then looked at him walking towards an elegant and classy car with his hands in his pants pockets. "What are you waiting for? Drive." He turned around to see her standing right where he left her.
Xiu trudged up to his side and gave him a fake smile saying, "Sir, do you have a death wish?"
Dylan's brows knitted together as he replied, "No. Of course not. I'm too young to die."
Xiu clicked her fingers together and said, "Let me tell you something, Sir. For your information, a man is never too young or too old for three things." Dylan's curiosity was piqued as he stared at her waiting for her to continue, "There is no age for love, dreams, and death. They come at the most unexpected moments of our lives."
"I agree with that, but why are you telling me this?"
Xiu held his hand and passed the car key back to him saying, "If you don't have a death wish, don't ask me to drive. I'm not good with mirrors."
"Aww, I like it that you worry about my safety. Silly me, I thought you're planning my murder in that cunning mind of yours," Dylan didn't even bother filtering his words as always. What was the point? She hated him anyway.
Well, Xiu's thoughts were aligned with his. She also thought he hated her and adding a little more hate won't do much damage. That's why her answer was, "Don't sweat it, Sir. I do have murder plans but slamming your car into a tree isn't one of those. My most favorite plan involves chopping you into tiny pieces and burying you in my back garden."
Dylan gulped at the way she was describing the scenario. It felt like she had some vivid imagination about his murder. Scary and dangerous woman!
Xiu patted his arm lightly and said, "Why are you looking so pale? Don't worry, I can't act upon that plan."
"Wh-Why not?" He stuttered while taking a step away from her.
Xiu smiled at him sweetly and said, "Because I don't have a back garden... Yet."Please go to