Chapter 118 Encounter with the enemy
Meanwhile at the hospital,
While Zhehan and his driver were being treated in the ICU. A handsome man dressed in a expensive black suit was standing just outside the operation theatre.
The man in black who had brought Zhehan to the operation theatre was standing obediently with his head down in a corner awaiting his next order.
"How is the driver? " the handsome man asked.
"Boss the driver is heavily injured and is being currently treated in another room. "
"Hmm... Check if that man has any family or not. If he does, send some money to them." the handsome man ordered.
"Okay Boss " the man in black nodded his head.
"What about the CCTV footage? "
"Eveything is destroyed, Boss. No one will be able to retrieve it."
"Good. " The handsome man smriked. Waving his hand he motioned the man in black to leave. After bowing to his Boss the man left.
Looking at the operation theatre infront of him, the man chuckled. "Zhehan my dear ex-bestfriend...
Do you like my welcoming gift?
I hope you feel the same amount of pain that I felt after your betrayal....
Don't worry, today what you are going through is just a glimpse but tomorrow what you'll suffer would be much more...
The prestigious families... Tang's, Zhang's and the Lin's... await your destruction because I am back!
You will all have to pay for destroying my family, killing my father and for snatching my everything....
Especially you ZHANG ZHEHAN... for betraying me and for breaking our friendship.
Just await your destruction!
Clenching his fist, the man turned to glance at the room. A nurse walked towards the man with a pen and a pad in her hand.
"Excuse me sir, Are you familiar with the patient? " she asked.
"No..." the man spoke curtly as he turned away from the room and left from there. He was walking down the hallways when he saw Assisstant Xue passing by him.
He stopped and turn to look back at the disappearing man. This is just the beginning! He smirked.
Walking towards the elevator he pressed the button. The door of elevator opened and he was just about to enter the elevator when suddenly a person banged into him with full force.
As he was caught unprepared, he stumbled backwards a little holding the person who banged into him in his arms. "Are you bli- " he was about to shout from anger when suddenly he frozed.
The girl in his arms was extremely beautiful even though she was crying. He had seen many beautiful girls but the beauty infront of him was on another level. For some reason, he felt like he didn't to see her cry.
"Are you okay Miss? " he asked in a gentle tone.
"I'm sorry Sir." Li Xiaolu quickly apologized distancing herself away from the man and rushed towards the operation theatre.
"Hey wait listen - " he said moving his hand to stop her but she walked away so fast that he couldn't stop her. Watching her disappearing into the hallways he frowned. The moment she moved away from his arms, he felt a feeling of emptiness.
He himself was suprised at his actions. Seeing her disappearing into the hallway, he wanted to follow her but then he stopped after realising what he was doing.
What is happening to me? His eyebrows twitched in annoyance as he turned around and walked into the elevator.
After apologising to the man, Li Xiaolu immediately rushed towards the operation theatre and saw Assistant Xue sitting outside. Upon reaching him she panted and asked, "Assistant Xue how is he?"
"I don't know Miss Xiaolu... " Assistant Xue shook his head. When he reached here, a nurse informed him about Zhehan's and that driver's condition.
"How did this happen? " she asked. "What did the docter say?"
"I don't know. When I reached here, they were already in the operation theatre. Boss was injured on the left side of his head and a fracture at his left shoulder. "
"While the driver was heavily injured. He is being treated on the opposite room. " Assistant Xue informed pointing towards the other room.
"Zhehan...." Li Xiaolu gasped falling on the chair as she sobbed. "Ma'am please don't cry. Everything will be alright. Boss is going to be fine. " Assistant Xue said trying to comfort Li Xiaolu but everything was in vain.
Taking out his phone he immediately informed Zhang Ziyi, Hu Yutian, Tang Jun about Zhehan's accident.
"Assistant Xue please inform the driver's family about this accident and pay all the fees. " Li Xiaolu said while crying. She knew she had to be strong at this moment but she couldn't stop her tears.
"Also block all the news and no information should be released about Zhehan and this accident. Talk with the docters and the nurses about it." she ordered.
While she was giving orders to Assistant Xue, Sun Yong and Fei Jia also rushed towards them. Seeing Assistant Xue the couple was a little shocked.
Assistant Xue was Zhehan's right hand and a very famous figure in the whole business world. Seeing him they immediately realised who the person inside the operation theatre was.
"Yes Ma'am " Assistant Xue nodded as he saw Sun Yong and Fei Jia walking towards them. Fei Jia sat bedside Li Xiaolu as she held her hand in order to provide some sort of comfort to Li Xiaolu.
After seeing that Li Xiaolu was not alone, he left to carry out the work. Suddenly a nurse walked towards them and asked, "Are you the family of the patient?"
Li Xiaolu stood up from her seat, "Yes, I'm his wife... "
"OK Ma'am. Please come with me, you have to fill out some forms.. " The nurse said as Li Xiaolu nodded and walked behind her failing to notice the astonished expression on Fei Jia and Sun Yong's faces.
Wife!! She is the wife of the great businessman, Mr. Zhang Zhehan!