Shen Qiao is talking seriously. She has a sincere face.

After saying that, he found that yemoshen was staring at her. The eyes were burning, which made Shen Qiao regain his mind. After realizing what she had just said to ye Moshen, Shen Qiao's face became hot, and he said in a panic: "OK, you can move yourself now. I still have something to do today. I have to go first."

After that, Shen Qiao fled and left the room.

After going downstairs, I happened to meet the old man.

As soon as the old man saw her, he frowned and asked, "Shen Yue, did you say that thing that I asked you to mention with the Han girl?"


Shen Qiao's face changed. She almost forgot about it. She could only say, "grandfather, I seldom see Xueyou recently. I will ask for you when I see her some other day."


The old man nodded with a smile, and there was a flash of light in his eyes: "the opportunity to cooperate with the way can't be ruined any more."

Smell speech Shen Qiao head tight a few minutes, nod: "this nature."

After leaving night home, Shen Qiao thought that she had to seize the time to help contact the group today.

After going to work, Shen Qiao called the people of Fang's group.

On hearing this, the other party readily agreed to come down and said that he would like to meet first to talk about the details.

Shen Qiao and so on night Mo Shen went to work after to mention with him, night Mo deep frown: "you still really intend to manage this matter?"


After hearing this, Shen Qiao was stunned for a moment, blinked his eyes and said, "I was your assistant. It's normal to help you talk about these things."

"Do you understand?"

Shen Qiao a meal, nodded: "yes."

"Oh." Night Mo deep eyes directly at her: "understand finished, then you know what kind of person is the general manager of Fang's group?"

“…… Well. "

The office was quiet, only the sound of the shutters being blown by the wind, and the sudden drop in temperature all over the office.


"It doesn't look like you've got a brain for the last time."

Did not wait for her to answer, the night Mo deep cold voice way: "want to go, go by oneself."

Shen Qiao's eyes flashed a surprise: "but, don't you go? What the other party asked is to talk to you. "

"Oh, when did I say I wanted to work with the way?"

Shen Qiao:

So, she misunderstood herself, right? She opened her lips and said powerlessly, "the old man's side..."

"Since you follow the orders of the old man, you can talk about it, or Go and ask the old man to go in person. " Night Mo Shen's eyes and smile are very ironic, as if looking at a clown, Shen Qiao's face turned white, she bit her lower lip: "so you didn't want to cooperate with Fang in the beginning?"

"Did I say that?" The night Mo deep eyes indifference, as if looking at a dead person: "I mentioned Fang's half word?"

Shen Qiao finally couldn't help shivering. His lips trembled and said, "no, No

It's true. She told him that day, but he didn't open his mouth. Now I think it's funny. He was afraid that in his heart, she was self willed and disgusting?

With this in mind, Shen Qiao lowered her eyes, and her hand gradually lost its color, and her voice became low: "I know."

"Even if you do, I won't sign, understand?" He said again.

Shen Qiao nodded, "since you don't want to talk about it, I won't talk about it again, but the old man's side..."

"It's none of your business."

A word has nothing to do with you, completely blocked the rest of Shen Qiao's words in the lip.

"I see."

She dropped a word and turned out.

Shen Qiao goes back to her desk and looks at the numerous pages of information that she has collected in the past two days in order to cooperate with Fang. However, ye Moshen never thought about it.

She reached for her chin, her eyes fixed on the computer screen.

It seems that from the very beginning, ye Mo Shen and ye Laozi have been singing against each other. The relationship between ye and sun is particularly poor. It seems that ye Moshen doesn't like it and doesn't want to cooperate. The old man wants to cooperate very much.

Last time I heard ye Linhan say that ye Moshen didn't live with them when he was a child.

All of a sudden, Shen Qiao is curious about yemoshen's life. When she comes back to her senses, she has opened the search engine and entered Yejia in Beicheng.

The next time, Shen Qiao's eyes have been browsing the night home information.

There are a lot of information about night house, but they are all common news.

For example, after ye Moshen took over Yeshi, Yeshi began to soar like the sun. For example, ye Moshen was disabled. There was a lot of news about yemoshen, but all of them could be seen by Shen Qiao.

Finally, when Shen Qiao was tired, a special article came into her eyes.

Deep pickpocketing the original match of the powerful family and those things of Xiao San, ye Mo Shen is actually an illegitimate child?

However, the title and content are completely different.At the beginning of the topic, let everyone think that ye Moshen is the illegitimate son of Ye family, and then suddenly turns around. Suddenly, it is pointed out that ye Moshen's mother is the original match, and ye Lenghan's mother is the hateful little three.

She was forced out of the night home by junior three. After many years, she returned to Yejia and settled in Yeshi's main position in order to fight back.

Then began to plot theory, night deep disability.

He was not born disabled. Why did he become a disabled man who could only sit in a wheelchair? Although the author didn't say it clearly, the following words had the meaning of guiding.

Seeing this, Shen Qiao felt a little cold.

Although the person who published the article did not say it clearly, she could also feel the gratitude and resentment between the powerful families. Recalling the words that the old man called himself to the study the night before, you can see that ye Moshen is now in a situation of being attacked by both sides.

Think about the cold night that moist as jade.

It's cold at night It's not that kind of person, is it?

Is thinking, a cold inquiry voice suddenly came from the left side, scared Shen Qiao hand a shiver.

"That's what you look at during office hours?"

Shen Qiao suddenly side of the head, saw in her side of the night Mo deep.

Although he was sitting in a wheelchair, he was much taller than her. Now he was looking down at Shen Qiao. His eyes were like a hook, his thin lips were tight, and his whole body was emitting a cold breath,

he was caught!

Shen Qiao blinked his eyes and looked at the night with innocent expression.

How can she explain it to him?

"That I'm just looking around. "

It's really her fault. She shouldn't have seen it at work.

Words fall, Shen Qiao hand again grip on the mouse, ready to turn off the page, a pair of big hands than her action faster cover her small hand, warm big palm will cover her small hand inside.

Shen Qiao was caught off guard.

She raised her eyes and ran into Mo's deep eyes in amazement. Then she heard his low voice and asked, "do you care so much about me?"
