"Lin Jiang, why do you question me? What does this have to do with you? " Shen Qiao takes two steps backward and keeps a distance with Linjiang.

She didn't understand what kind of infatuation soup she had been infused before. Why would she be so devoted to this man in front of her for two years, and today she found out that Lin Jiang was such a shameless person!

Was he too good at disguise, or was she always stupid?

"Of course it does!" Lin Jiang stepped forward and clasped her shoulder: "how could you go to another man after our divorce? Why is he so nice to you? He's so rich. Have you been with him for a long time? Did you stay with him before we got divorced? I always thought you were a good woman. I didn't expect you to be so vain and shameless

Shen Qiao is shocked!

She looked at the man in front of her in disbelief and found that he was really shameless to a state.

There was no point in talking to him again. Shen Qiao sneered and looked at him coldly.


"Yes, I just love vanity. I just don't want to face. I admit it. Can you let me go now?"

What a wonderful ex husband!

After two years together, the first time he saw her was to question her. He never considered whether he had done anything wrong. He could not see that she did not wear shoes, and her body was still in sick clothes and looked pale.

Shen Qiao really felt that she was really blind before.

"Let go of you? That's impossible. You have to apologize to me

Shen Qiao: Let me go. "


"After that, I'll apologize to you, and I'll give you an apology."

"Ha ha, I said for the last time, let me go!" Shen Qiao can't get angry. She slaps Lin Jiang in the back hand. Lin Jiang gets angry after she slaps her in the face.

"I didn't expect you to be a shrew. Well, since you are so shameless, I won't be polite to you!"

Lin Jiang pinched her arm and dragged her hard. Shen Qiao's strength could not defeat him. "You let me go, let go!"

"You shameless woman, I want you to go back to my house and apologize to all the people, and I want you to tell all the people what you have done without face!"

"Let me go..." Shen Qiao's arm is pinched by him very painful, and this violent drag makes her eyes gradually blacken.


All of a sudden, a tall figure blocked Lin Jiang's advance.

Lin Jiang looks at the man who suddenly appears in front of him, frowns and drags Shen Qiao to another direction. Who knows that the man has also changed his direction, and Shengsheng blocks his way.

Lin Jiang was unhappy: "who are you? Why are you in my way? "

The man smiles and his voice is very warm.

"Sorry, the lady you're dragging is my sister-in-law."

"Sister in law?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Shen Qiao raised his head and saw the cold night.

He was wearing a white shirt with no wrinkles. Although he was blocking Linjiang, his eyes were still warm and gentle, and he looked like a modest gentleman.

Therefore, Lin Jiang looked at him like this, a very good bully appearance, not afraid of him at all.

"She's your sister-in-law, so she's still my wife. I can do what I want to do to her."

"I said she was my sister-in-law, and you said she was your wife? Are you my brother? Why don't I know about it? " Cold night smile, but the eye has emerged dangerous light.

Lin Jiang: "are you upset? Don't mind your own business. It's between me and her. "

"Do you want to let people go? I'll give you five seconds. "

Speaking of this, night Lenghan took out his mobile phone and directly pressed 110.

"If you still don't let her go after the phone is connected, don't blame me for calling the police. I think The police should be very interested in trafficking people on the street. "

The night is cold and hands-free.

Du -

Du -

night Lenghan has an aura, which makes people feel that he is not joking. Lin Jiang is really scared by him. After hearing the sound for three times, he can't bear to release Shen Qiao. Then he glared at Shen Qiao: "wait for me. Next time, you won't be so lucky."

Then Lin Jiang quickly fled the scene.

Night Lenghan quickly pressed the hang up button. Shen Qiao looked at the night Leng Han, and his lips moved: "big brother Thank you

As soon as the voice fell, she fell forward powerlessly.

Night cold face a change, reach out to catch her, and then take her into the arms.

When I met her, night Leng Han found that Shen Qiao was very thin and thin. This touch could touch her bones.

"Sister in law?" Night Leng Han called her, Shen Qiao has two eyes closed, no consciousness.

Night Lenghan looked at her eyes suddenly some heartache up, he put the mobile phone into his pocket with one hand, and then stopped Shen Qiao's legs with one hand and held her up.And this scene falls into the eyes of Mo Shen and Xiao Su, who are not far away from chasing out.

After seeing this scene with his own eyes, Xiao Su felt that the breath of night Mo Shen was different from that before, and Xiao Su who stood beside him was like hell.

He stammered to explain for Shen Qiao: "well, that Little night, assistant Shen, she fainted. "

Oh, the night is not deep in my heart to sneer.

Of course he knew she had passed out.

Didn't you have a lot of strength to bite him and hit him before? Now, seeing the cold night, he fainted and poured into his arms?


What a fickle woman!

"Assistant Shen, I didn't eat from yesterday to today. I don't have any energy It's normal to pass out. " Xiao Su is still explaining for Shen Qiao.

The night is too deep to answer.

"Night, little night Let's Do you want to go up and get assistant Shen back? "

Night Mo Shen suddenly turned back, eyes sharp staring at him, Xiao Su immediately shivered: "that, not to go?"

"What did you rob her for?" The night Mo deep sneer a, the anger pours on the face: "she is willing to go who in the arms."

Xiao Su: "it's Little night, is that jealous? "

Ye Moshen shot at him with an eye knife. Xiao Su subconsciously stepped back two steps, "if ye Shao doesn't want to come out in person, then I can do it. "

"Dare you

Well, I don't want him to go.

I don't admit that I'm jealous, but I'm so angry when I see assistant Shen in my arms. Those eyes I'm so angry that I'm almost on fire. I'm not blind. Can you see it?

"That night is short, where are we going now?"

Night Mo Shen: "back to the company."

"Where is assistant Shen?"

"Try to mention her name again?"

Xiao Su successfully shut up, night Mo Shen rolled his wheelchair, but in the heart was very angry gnashing teeth.

That damned woman, the first second is still kissing him, the next second fell in the arms of other men, really shameless, fickle, morning and night!
