Chapter 696 One last clash
Richard and Dawoodar collided again, and again Richard was thrown backwards without causing significant damage to either side
"How long are you going to play this game?! Don't you want to take revenge on that whore you call your mother? Come to me!!" Dawoodar shouted, stamped his feet on the ground, and jumped after Richard, leaving behind a huge crack in the ground
Richard's fighting style is completely based on consuming Dawoodar... he counters his attacks directly but does not allow him to head any direct blow to him, he may try to fly around him and annoy him with side attacks, maybe try to throw the Life Fire at him to steal a few drops of the remaining life energy in his body.
But he did not attempt to direct any fatal attack on Dawoodar, nor give him any chance to catch him
"Haha, try another way. I have tasted humiliation and shame for forty years at your hands. You will need more than this to provoke me!" A big smile appeared on Richard's face, "But I'm telling you now not to bother. I won't let my third brother's gift go to waste."
This was not a life or death fight, but rather one of them was already considered dead and wanted to drag the other along with him.
Dawoodar wants to end the fight as quickly as possible and go kill the rest of the human Martial Emperors. Only in this way will he cool the fire in his heart and give his sons and grandchildren a chance to rebuild the tribe, but Richard is simply too strong! And smart too...
His entire style now revolves around stopping him and making him exert more effort. In this fight, every second that passes, what amounts to months or years of Dawoodar's life force is burned up, If this continues, he will die before he can catch him!!
There is another problem that concerns him... A short while ago, he heard the screams of another Martial Emperor from his tribe, and that person's screams still going on until now. Then he heard screams from another familiar voice... And then another!
There is something happening in the Battle of the Emperors, something must be stopped quickly!!
He has to get rid of Richard first before he goes, but how to get rid of that motherfucker who refuses to stop for even a moment?!
"Come on!!!" Dawoodar seemed to go crazy again and started shooting blue flame attacks in every direction
*swoosh* *swoosh* *swoosh*
But Richard avoided them all and then returned to approach Dawoodar with the intention of tormenting him again, but at this moment the huge blue flame balls came back to attack Richard from different directions!
"Tch!" Richard stepped back again in annoyance and opened his mouth, emitting green flames intensely, creating a dome around him
*shhhh* *shhhh*
The blue flame disappeared the moment it touched the Life Fire, and then Richard took advantage of the opportunity and turned the dome around him to create several arrows of flame and sent them toward Dawoodar!
"This ridiculous game must end!" Dawoodar gathered all his strength and then thrust his palms forward, a huge wave of energy instantly transmitted through the air and collided with the flame arrows and instantly evaporated, then continued its path until it pushed Richard back!
Richard was pushed badly, nothing was able to stop him until he hit the rubble of the wall in a loud explosion. However, he quickly stood up and did not appear to have suffered any injuries.
But he quickly furrowed his eyebrows when he realized something. The energy wave that pushed him back was aimed at stopping him from flying and forcing him to stay at a certain point, even if for a moment. It was not intended to harm him. "What is that thing trying to do?"
Richard felt a tremendous force descending on him from above, almost forcing him to kneel, but the bracelet on his wrist immediately shone and this effect disappeared. Richard knew then that this was the effect of one of Dawoodar's offensive divine tattoos.
Richard furrowed his eyebrows even more. First, he stopped him by pushing him with an energy wave and then forced him to remain where he was. Even if all of this happened in less than a second, Dawoodar was definitely after something.
And he actually spotted something out of the corner of his eye Dawoodar, who looked like an old man in his sixties, had arrived a few steps away from him, raising his fist in a punching position... Dodging from this distance was impossible.
Richard took a defensive position. If Dawoodar did all this in order to direct a blow to him, then that's alright too, He can undoubtedly withstand a hit or two! The green flames burned around his body. If Dawoodar touched him willingly, it would be a good opportunity to steal a good handful of his life energy.
But he suddenly noticed that the dark red glow radiating from Dawoodar had grown darker. Within a fraction of a second, his features had grown older, the wrinkles on his face had increased, and the skin on his muscles had wrinkled to the point that he began to look like an eighty-year-old old man. Richard immediately understood that Dawoodar had accelerated the burning of his life energy in exchange for greater strength for this one attack, he literally rushed towards death in exchange for ending the fight!
Dawoodar knew that he only had a few minutes of life left after this sacrifice, but this did not seem to discourage him. Rather, he muttered with intense killing intent, "Come with me." Even Dawoodar's voice now has become like the voice of an old man who put half a foot in the grave
"Nah, you'll die alone." With an expression filled with arrogance and anger, Richard took a step forward and raised his fist. It was clear that he intended to confront Dawoodar's attack directly, but not with blind confidence either.
The ground beneath Richard cracked and green flames began to emerge from it as if a volcano had exploded
The momentum around Dawoodar was enough to push away anything that stood in its way, but the green flame did not intend to head towards Dawoodar from the beginning, but rather spilled over Richard's head and entered from his feet!
Richard's eyes began to burn dark green and flames began to emerge from his mouth and nose, even his long hair began to burn intensely. At this moment, his aura multiplied at least several times.
His muscles suddenly swelled, and his veins burst to the surface, and each one of them began to pulse with an audible sound. What remained of his clothes and armor had exploded away from his body, except for one or two pieces of rags covering the lower part of his body.
"KAAAAAHHH!!!" Richard shouted with all his might, this time not from excitement or anger, but from pain... Whatever he did was certainly not without consequences But Dawoodar did not leave him a way out, Either go along with him in his madness to stop this attack, or he would undoubtedly die...
They were both betting on this clash... The victor would undoubtedly be determined after that.