Chapter 705 Loud Silence
"I want to see you try!!" Caesar took an offensive stance and almost jumped forward
Then he heard a voice next to him, "That's enough, Caesar, we are not savages to invite our guests and then treat them like this."
"Tsk~ Yes father." Caesar extinguished the flame on the tip of his halberd and looked away, he really wanted to test that giant's strength himself since he saw him stop Richard's attack, unfortunately, the opportunity was gone now.
"...Your father?" Hulk pointed at the blond young man with his eyes open
"And who else? This is His Majesty the Emperor of the True Beginning Empire, the Third Heaven's Chosen, His Excellency Robin Burton." Caesar announced proudly
*Step* *Step*
Holak quickly moved forward until he reached Robin's side, then leaned forward until his huge face was centimeters away from Robin's, "YOU are the Third Heaven's Chosen?"
"Sorry to disappoint you, It is me." Robin spoke without much emotion, then continued after a slight pause, "I'm sorry, but I can't continue talking to you right now. As you can see, there are other things that occupy my mind currently. Why don't you sit with me and watch the battle, and then we can talk?"
Holak stood up straight again, surprise still plastered on his face, but he took two more steps and sat down on Caesar's seat, "That doesn't look bad to me." "YOU PIECE OF---"
Robin spoke quickly before his son said something reckless, "Caesar, just get another chair out." Then he fell silent again
"Arrghgh as you wish." Caesar knew that his adoptive father did not want anything to disturb his mood at this moment, he was troubled enough already. With a slight movement of his hand, another similar chair sat to the left of Robin
Silence returned again at the top of the mountain...
Robin resumed watching the images unfolding in front of him without expressions on his face, Caesar relaxed in his new chair and his slightly angry expression returned again, and his involuntary body movements made it clear that he wanted to be there with them.
As for Holak, he was watching the little banners surrounding the screen in front of them... Although he did not understand the runes drawn on them, he was able to sense some things. First, these banners form a kind of special domain within them, and that domain in front of them now has a connection between the law of Light, the law of Sound, and the law of Space, all of them are working automatically and together to produce this perfect image. This is not just the production of techniques to control the heavenly laws, This small domain is a completely new innovation that has never been heard of before!
Thinking about new innovations... That black fire a moment ago did not seem normal. When he was about to touch it, he felt the danger of death, even if it was very slight. Who could make him feel the danger of death in the first place? ...Unless it was Death itself.
When Holak thought about this, he quickly turned to Caesar again, 'Is it possible that this boy is cultivating something related to the law of Death?' After several seconds, he shook his head, smiling at how ridiculous his thoughts were... There are laws that cannot be messed with even as a Heaven's Chosen, and the law of Death is one of them.
Then he returned to focusing on the screen like them... The battle was at its end, statues made of rock and metal rods were restraining more than ten thousand giants and stabbing them with huge nails like stakes through their hearts, and on the other side there were only 5 giant Emperors left, still trying to escape, But they are all under siege now and their fate is inevitable
Three of those five tried to burn their life energy during the fight to give them a boost of strength with which to escape, but two of them exploded immediately, and the third consumed his entire life energy within four seconds and died of old age before he succeeded in escaping or even harming any human.
After watching the battle for a few seconds, Holak couldn't help but open his mouth, "Aren't the Heaven's Chosen ones supposed to isolate themselves and develop the world and things like that? Even the Second Heaven's Chosen was seeking unification after declaring that war, not Slaughter, and this does not seem like a unification battle to me... What caused all this?"
"..I have my reasons," Robin responded with a frown
Holak raised his eyebrows curiously, "Oh, what are those reasons that make you risk eternal hostility with the northern region in order to annihilate one of the tribes?"
But Robin did not respond, but rather raised a finger to his mouth, "Shhh..." then pointed towards the picture in front of him.
Caesar was the one who spoke when he noticed his father's annoyance, "Hey, my father gave you enough face and made you sit next to him. Don't ruin this moment for him. I'm sorry to bring this news but you are not the center of the universe as you think you are. Stay calm until my father finds some time for you, understood?" Holak raised his finger and almost said something, but he nodded in conviction and went back to watching the picture in front of him in silence.
Within just a few minutes, the battle was completely over and the prisoners were being organized and the injured treated, Robin finally opened his eyes normally and let out a long sigh, then opened his mouth, "Theo."
A figure suddenly appeared, emerging from the shadow of Robin's chair, "At your command."
"Holy shit, What was that? Is that the Darkness Law?!" Holak rose from his chair
Robin pretended that he did not hear anything, then he raised his hand, and the image in front of him changed. Five giants dressed in black appeared in front of him, trying to escape as quickly as possible. "What do you intend to do about the five flies?"
"Those fools? I gave the orders to the shadow swords to deliberately ignore them and lead them to places where they could see the information we wanted to leak to the northern tribes, They are among our most qualified agents, they just don't know it yet. For example, today they will go to tell the tribes of the north that The Azil tribe is finished and that we have dozens of human Emperors."
Robin shook his head, "I'm afraid this is no longer possible. The appearance of Ancestor Holak, how he dealt with the Azil Giants, and the fact that he came to see me under the threat of the Warlords should never leak out, his appearance should stay a secret for now. Kill them and find another way to spread the news."
"Consider them dead." Theo bowed slightly and then disappeared back into Robin's shadow
After Theo disappeared, Robin turned to his side, "Caesar, take the Warlords and go and help your brother lead the prisoners to the agreed-upon location. He already knows we were watching him. There is no point in sitting here anymore."
Caesar took one last look at Holak in annoyance, then stood up, gave the military salute, "Yes," and flew away. Moments later, the sound of the massive Warlords' feet was heard moving away.
"Interesting," a big smile appeared on Holak's face and he shouted, "Hey Crixus, go hunt you down for an elephant or something."
"ROAR" The wyvern roared in annoyance but then took off and flew away as well *Baam* *Baam*
Only Robin and Holak remained on the mountain.