"What did he mean by the dragon?"
Asked the one person who was clueless about slang, and jokes.
Of course, this person was the one that had been sheltered all of her life.
Sabrina Wellington.
Everybody looked at her. And Henry replied.
"Oh, I meant the size of hi-?!"
But before he could complete the sentence, Elijah jumped on him and covered his mouth.
"Shut up you damn pervert!"
Meanwhile, Alan Was rooted in his place.
Still questioning the question itself.
The girls walked up to Sabrina and told her.
"It was nothing."
"You know Henry, he's an idiot, He always spouts bullshit."
Answered both Elaine and Serena.
At this point, Sabrina knew these two weren't going to tell her anything. So she walked past them and walked towards the person the question was asked at.
After arriving in front of Alan, who was still questioning what the fuck he just answered, she asked him.
"What did Henry mean by Dragon?"
Alan finally regained his composure and just looked at Her, not knowing how to answer this question.
"What did Henry mean by Drag-?!"
Before she could repeat her words, She was surprised that the person she asked the question suddenly grab her shoulders, and forcibly turn her around.
She then faced the railing of the roof and could see a bit of the street.
Then she saw an orange spark going upwards towards the sky.
The hands-on her shoulder went up to her face and slowly turned her face up so that her eyes would be on the bright orange spark going upwards towards the sky.
She felt the rough hands that had calluses from holding a spear on her face and...
They were cold.
Cold as ice.
Before she could ponder what the hell and why the hell he was doing this, the spark exploded.
She saw an explosion of beauty in the sky.Soon after, Many sparks went upwards towards the sky.
And they all exploded.
It was so beautiful her gaze never wandered anywhere else.
Everybody was looking at them.
Even the two idiots who were fighting with each other stopped and gazed at the fireworks display.
It was harmonic.
It was Beautiful.
And to a certain girl who had watched them only from her room.
It was Mesmerizing enough that she forgot all about the conversation earlier and only focused on the beautiful display above her.
Many people in the streets looked toward the display.
Some Cried.
Some laughed.
Some Couples even kissed each other.
Almost Everyone was happy.
Some shed tears of sorrow for finally leaving the Academy they had been in for their late teenage years.
Some even cried out of happiness.
And she did too.
Her tears fell on the hands that were keeping her face upward towards this display.
She had always wanted to see them in person.
Not just see them from her room.
The hands that were on her face moved upwards and wiped the tears.
Yet they still kept flowing no matter what.
The hands eventually left her face and were gone.
Surprised by the cold hands that had left her face.
She turned around to see the person that made sure she didn't miss the first spark.
And she froze.
Because all she saw was an expressionless face looking at her.
Not fazed by the beauty that had occurred.
Almost as if he didn't feel anything from it.
The fireworks had ended and I thanked the gods that I had managed to catch a glimpse of the first firework going off and successfully avoid the question.
I held her face up so that she could get a good view and forget about whatever the fuck the idiot pervert asked.
Everybody had left the roof.
And only me and Sabrina we're left.
When the door to the roof shut I opened up a portal and held out my hand.
To my surprise, She didn't grab hold of it and entered the portal herself.Confused I entered after her and found that she had already opened the door of her room and went in and slammed the door shut.
'Is she that mad that I didn't even answer her question?'
That was the only thought that I could think of right now.
Not thinking about it further. I opened up a portal and entered my room.
Walking towards the couch.
I looked down at it and took out my phone and made a call.
She didn't know why she was so angry.
She slammed the door shut on his face and crouched down in front of the closed door.
It angered her.
Seeing that face her heart froze.
Because she remembered.
It was the same type of face she had when she was in the hell that was her family.
She stood up and walked towards a desk and took off the crown of ice that was on her head.
It looked beautiful, It appeared to.be finely crafted even though it was made of ice.
Yet the ice never melted.
He was still supplying mana to this crown.
She didn't understand why.
As she was contemplating what to do.do with it.
She wore it again and went to sleep.
The cool feeling the crown made of ice gave made her feel comfortable.
Comfortable to the point she almost forgot about the face that closely resembled hers when she was in her own Hell.
And because of the effect of the crown of ice, she quickly went to sleep.
There would be a big day tomorrow.
Tomorrow the academy would finally begin.
The sound of someone laughing was heard.
"Kuku...You damn crafty son of a bitch."
I was laughing because I had been marvelously fooled.
I had just called my guild and confirmed that no Spatial ring has been sold yet and had only been given to the top ten hunting team's leaders.
That Bastard Maxwell Tricked me and showed me a fake ring.
He probably got its shape from watching one of the Hunting team leaders getting out of a dungeon and seeing the ring and lack of bodies.
Adding the fact that twilight had gotten a spatial mage.
That sneaky bastard had come to this conclusion and successfully tricked me into believing he had the same ring I had made.
Damn you, Maxwell, You managed to fucking fool me and make me laugh.
I was getting more and more interested in that fucker.
I needed to do my research on that bastard as soon as possible.
Well anyways the academy is gonna begin for us tomorrow.
I should go and get some sleep.
Even while trying to sleep I still had a smirk on my face.
That bastard got me good.