Chapter 1

Shen Yue often felt out of place with her family because she thought she was not weird enough.

But today, after she fell into the pond and hit her head, she suddenly felt relieved!

Well, they weren't really a family to begin with, so how could they be similar?

After hitting her head, Shen Yue's mind inexplicably gained a flood of memories, revealing her future self.

She saw someone saying that she was not the real daughter of the Shen family. She saw the true heiress of the Shen family, who despite being lost for so many years, was remarkably outstanding. She saw herself making mistakes and ending up alone and miserable in prison.

She saw... her own little muddy hand reaching out from the pond. In a moment of confusion, she recalled the taste of prison food and had an epiphany.


Those were memories from her past life! She was going to end up in prison in the future!

The food in prison was terrible, the work was dirty and exhausting, and she would be bullied. So, what should she do?

Start working hard now to change her destiny?

Being a fake heiress, how could she change anything? Should she get a whole-body blood transfusion or change her genes? She could only be reborn in the next life.

Start currying favor with influential people to increase her family's goodwill towards her?

Unless something unexpected happened, her current family members, except for her lenient parents, were not interested in spending time with her because she was too foolish to be entertaining. She couldn't even reach for someone's leg to cling onto.


Start studying hard and change her destiny through knowledge?

That seemed feasible.

She decided to take action! Shen Yue sat at her desk and feverishly wrote a paper. After checking her answers, she silently closed her books, pretending nothing had happened.

Whether in her past life or this life, knowledge could change others' destinies, but it probably couldn't change her own.

That day, Shen Yue, at the age of twelve, looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, perfectly embodying the sorrow of youth in literary works.

It was painful, so painful!


After daydreaming... no, pondering for ten minutes, Shen Yue reached a conclusion.

If she was destined to eat prison food and do heavy labor, why not enjoy herself and lie low while she still could?

Nothing is impossible in this world, as long as you are willing to give up.

Before she ended up there, she would savor every meal! She would try all sorts of dishes, with no repeats!

However, in the evening, as she looked at the plain cabbage soup in front of her, she fell into contemplation again. "Big brother, is our family bankrupt?"

Shen Yichen, who had already put down his food and was about to leave, stopped in his tracks, feeling somewhat surprised.

It wasn't because of the question Shen Yue asked, but rather her attitude.

In his memory, this sister had always been afraid of him. Every time she spoke to him, she was very cautious, as if he were some kind of monster who would devour her. Over time, he stopped wanting to talk to her.

He had come today to bring Shen Yue food, compelled by the pressure from their parents. He didn't expect Shen Yue to strike up a conversation with him.

Perhaps it had been too long since he had interacted with someone of her kind, Shen Yichen, for once, responded to Shen Yue's words, "No."

After hearing the answer, Shen Yue quickly followed up, "Then why is this all we have for dinner?"

Shen Yue swayed her bright, watery eyes back and forth between the plate of bok choy and Shen Yichen, clearly implying, "Give me something delicious to eat!"

Shen Yichen remained unmoved and conveyed the message from their elders with indifference, "You can only eat this today."

"What about tomorrow?"

"I don't know."

"What did you have for lunch, Big Brother?"

Shen Yichen didn't expect his little sister to initiate a conversation with him so naturally. He paused slightly before responding, "I haven't eaten yet."

Shen Yue's eyes lit up upon hearing his words, and eagerly she handed over her plate of bok choy, forgetting about Shen Yichen. "Big Brother, have it!"

Shen Yichen looked at the chopsticks held out to his mouth but didn't open it.

Even though Shen Yue now appeared sincere, with a look that showed she genuinely cared for him, he knew she was only trying to take advantage of him. He didn't want to be used.

Shen Yue was silently rejected by Shen Yichen.

In that moment, she recalled her instinctive fear of her older brother, but the fear was quickly suppressed.

In the face of the hardships of prison food, all fears became trivial - Shen Yue.

"Big Brother, I really don't like eating this. Instead of forcing me to eat bok choy, it would be better if I just died!" Shen Yue pretended to cry, her tears not flowing, but her voice was loud.

Shen Yichen rubbed his temples and sternly scolded her, "Stop crying, what's wrong with you?"

If someone didn't know what was happening, they would think he had done something outrageous.

However, this scolding, which usually worked on others, had no effect on Shen Yue. She even cried louder, eventually attracting the other members of the Shen family who were in the living room.

The door opened, and Shen's father walked in first. Seeing Shen Yue still wailing, he asked with a cold face, "What's going on?"

Shen Yichen was about to answer, but Shen Yue had already stopped crying and responded very normally, "Big Brother didn't help me eat the bok choy, so I'm threatening him."

Shen's father: ...

Shen Yichen: ...

Onlookers: ...

Shen's father sighed and said to Shen Yue, "Lower your voice when you threaten someone," then he closed the door and left.

Only then did Shen Yue turn to Shen Yichen and ask, "So, can I continue?" Shen Yichen didn't say anything, he just took the plate of bok choy from Shen Yue's hand and ate it all in one bite.

Shen Yue fell silent.

After finishing the bok choy, Shen Yichen asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Shen Yue's eyes brightened. She truly had the mindset of a businessperson and knew what to say, "I want to eat crayfish!"


"I want to eat Wagyu beef."


"I want to eat cured meat."


"I want to eat..."


In the end, for dinner that day, Shen Yue still had only bok choy. The only difference was that Shen Yichen ate the same dish as her.

The next day, just when Shen Yue was prepared to enjoy her morning in bed, she was forced to get up at 6 a.m. and start getting ready for school.

She let Auntie dress her with her eyes closed, arrived at the dining table with her eyes closed, ate something with her eyes closed, and finally got into the car with her eyes closed.

In a daze, she felt the car stop, so she opened her eyes and asked, "Have we arrived?"

"We've arrived at the Shang residence."

Shen Yue's rusty brain started to spin when she heard the name Shang's family. Shang Junyu, a little brat she really liked but never took seriously in her memories.

To say or not to say, that little brat was handsome from a young age, and she really liked him.

But anyway, he was a man she was destined never to have, just a bootlicker. So be it.

"Uncle Zhang, just drive, you don't need to come over anymore."

Uncle Zhang was somewhat surprised. Although Shen Yue and Shang Junyu were still young, they had seen Shen Yue's admiration and liking for him. At first, Shen Yue cried and made a fuss for a long time until the Shen family stepped in to negotiate with the Shang family and arrange for the two of them to go to school together.

Today, is it a fight between kids?

Without asking too much, Uncle Zhang quietly consulted Shen's father and then drove away.

Shen Yue looked at the familiar and yet unfamiliar surroundings, and her mind inexplicably conjured up what would happen next.

Today, someone will frame her, including Shang Junyu, and no one will stand by her side.

So Shen Yue began to think again.

Ah, how annoying. What's the use of going to school? The good times will be meaningless if not spent eating and sleeping.

After being falsely accused later, she'll take this as an excuse to stop going to school from tomorrow.

She truly was a clever little devil. Hehe.
