Chapter 427

No one knew how difficult it was for Zhu Sihuan to utter those words.

But with this hint, people compared the famous poetic lines Sihuan had composed after passing the imperial examination to the literary style of Qingzhu Gongzi, and realized they seemed to be from the same hand.

The scholars of the world could not believe it. The one they believed to be the champion, Xu Mo, had actually ghostwritten for someone else.

Since he could ghostwrite for others, it was possible he had also hired ghostwriters for himself.

Once the seeds of doubt were planted, they could instantly break through the soil and grow into towering trees.

But this was not enough.


Letters circulated around Fengjing, written by a youth named Fufeng, conversing with Xu Mo, discussing state affairs and the common people's livelihood, sharing insights from ancient to present times.

The ideas of achieving peace through war first that Xu mentioned in the palace exam seemed to have been brought up by Fufeng first and then expanded upon by Xu.


Young Master Fufeng?

Someone stood out and mentioned that Fufeng was from the same hometown of Anshui as Xu Mo, and was also greatly talented and learned. Could it be that Xu's achievements as a child prodigy scholar were all plagiarized from him?

This claim, once raised, immediately gained the agreement of countless others.


Where there was one, there would be two, and where there were two, there would be three. Layer upon layer of "truth" circulated among the scholars in envelopes of letters, along with Zhu Sihuan's testimony against his own reputation, made people who originally supported Xu Mo become deeply resentful of him.

The distant disdain and verbal abuse that was originally directed at the other side seemed about to multiply and fall back onto Xu Mo.

Qi Huai and An Jun hurried to the small courtyard again.

Unlike last time when Xu Mo was alone, Jiang Sheng and Wen Zhiyun were also present this time, but could not get a word in edgewise because they knew so little.

"Brother Xu, Brother An was right. The Fang family is trying to frame you, they're plotting against you," Qi Huai said anxiously, his voice breaking. "And that Zhu Sihuan actually shifted the blame onto you. You have to clarify this as soon as possible, Brother Xu, otherwise..." Otherwise he would be reviled by countless scholars, or even be condemned for eternity.

"These are the envelopes I received." An Jun was so nervous his hands were dripping sweat, but he didn't dare wipe them on the letters.


Xu Mo reached out to take them. The familiar orchid-shaped small script and conversational contents met his eyes.

He remained silent as he slowly looked through them.

Jiang Sheng was so anxious she paced around the few people in circles. "Second brother's not here, third brother's not here, fifth brother's not here either. Now the Fang family is bullying big brother. What should we do?"

"Jiang Sheng, stop pacing, you're making me dizzy," Wen Zhiyun slowly said.

Jiang Sheng had no choice but to sit on a small stool, fuming.

She recalled Fang Yuan's words at the end of lychee season. Could this be the moment he was referring to?

"I should have stopped him from leaving and given him a beating, then tied him up." The young girl gave in to her wicked instincts and gnashed her teeth.

"Shh, don't talk. Listen to what big brother has to say," Wen Zhiyun covered her mouth.

The siblings looked towards Xu Mo at the same time. He put down the envelopes and was lost in thought for a long time.

If these letters had all fallen out of the Wang family's possession, did that mean that in addition to Zhu Sihuan, Wang Fufeng had also betrayed their friendship?

Could that weak and noble young man really do something like this?

As if in response, Xu Mo finally spoke. "He wouldn't do that."

Wang Fufeng did not have many worldly attachments in this world. Power and status were passing clouds to him, the Wang family was no more than dirt to be trampled underfoot. If it wasn't for the kindness in his heart, and the promise he had made to their siblings, he wouldn't even glance at this world.

"The casual conversations are in Fufeng's handwriting, but the parts about military affairs were mimicked by someone else," said Xu Mo as he put away the letters. "The impersonator has formidable skills. If I wasn't extremely familiar with Fufeng's writing, it would have been hard for me to discern."

So finding out who this impersonator was would be key.

An Jun and Qi Huai looked at each other and said in unison, "We are willing to help investigate."

Xu Mo shook his head. "Since the Fang family doesn't even care about ruining their own reputation just to frame me for cheating in the exams, how could they let us easily find the impersonator?"

Rather than that, he was more concerned with how the letters had been circulated in the first place.

He wanted to know more than anything else whether Wang Fufeng was alright.

It was only then that Xu Mo realized he had not received any reply from Anshui Prefecture for a long time. Including the letter from half a month ago, it had been a full three letters without any response.

He did not know what Wang Fufeng had encountered, or what changes had occurred in the Wang family. He only felt uneasy in his heart, yet he had no way to reach out and help.

Geographical restrictions were one reason, his current terrible circumstances were another.

"Death to the cheating scum in the exams!" Someone outside the courtyard shouted and threw in a rotten melon.

Jiang Sheng was so startled she reflexively shielded Wen Zhiyun.

Jiang San and Jiang Si hurried out but the person had already disappeared without a trace.

"The Fang family even had dog shit thrown at them back then," Qi Huai said in anguish. "Brother Xu, it's going to be your turn soon."

Fang Yuan's silence was because he had an ace up his sleeve, but they could not remain silent.

Jiang Sheng had her two Jiuzhen shops, Wen Zhiyun had his medical hall that he had built up through ability, neither could withstand any damage.

Zheng Ruqian still wanted to do business with the Court of Imperial Supplies, little fifth brother was still in secluded cultivation.

They could not endure the vilification by the scholars of the world, nor the outcome of ruined reputations and destroyed lives. Most unwilling of all was to have reached the end of the long road in the imperial examinations, only to become a stepping stone for others.

"Trampling over our siblings' corpses to climb up," Xu Mo spoke softly but with icy ruthlessness. "Fang Yuan of the Fang family, don't even think about it."

Since the source of the letters could not be investigated clearly, and he could not return to Anshui Prefecture, he would start with Zhu Sihuan. He would get to the bottom of those conscienceless words said through gritted teeth, whether they had hurt his throat or not!

In the next few days, Xu Mo repeatedly sent letters to the Zhu family, ostentatiously inviting Zhu Sihuan to meet at Wenchang Pavilion.

At first, Zhu Sihuan was still able to decline, but as the invitations multiplied, it became hard to avoid rousing suspicion.

"Since you have a clear conscience, why can't you confront me face to face?"

"Xu hopes to verify the facts with Brother Zhu, and chat about the origin of those poems."

"What is Brother Zhu afraid of? Afraid of thoroughly exposing what happened back then? Or afraid that Miss Tao will be disgusted by your despicable conduct of going back on your word?"

Zhu Sihuan's scalp tingled. He declined again, but received a message from the Fang family for him to attend Wenchang Pavilion.

Since the champion wanted to be judged by the scholars of the world, they would send him up the executioner's platform.

Right and wrong would eventually have a verdict.

A despicable thief who stole the championship would be spat upon by the scholars of the world.

"Go, Sihuan. Go and nail him to the pillar of shame, go and make him be condemned for eternity, with no hope of ever redeeming himself."
