Chapter 38: Nanika II  


Chapter 38: Nanika II  


Then a weird smile surfaced on his face as he said his wish, "Only I can make wishes and I can do so consecutively...."

This left the people in the room stunned, and they became even more baffled as they heard the following.

"Kay" Said Nanika as Yasuo stroked her head, then the strange face turned normal as Alluka's face came to view instantly.


Yasuo looked at the look Silva is giving him just kept his casual smile saying, "This is safer for us and her, after all, anyone being able to make a wish is much more dangerous, which means that anyone can wish for our death if given the chance."

Alluka opened her eyes, she seemed confused about everyone's reactions though she just ignored it and enjoyed Yasuo's patting.

Yasuo stood up with Alluka in his arm while saying, "Send another attendant to watch over her tomorrow, I want to test something."

Once he reached the door, he stopped then turn his head staring at Illumi with a knowing smile, "And Illumi, don't try anything I won't like since the consequences will be way worse than what she can ever do."He then left...

The room was left in silence until the sound of creepy laugher broke it, its source being none other than the overjoyed Kikyo, "Hehehehehe did you see it, that look hehe, our son has grown beyond our reach heheheh..."

Silva just let out a small sigh while Illumi showed no emotions or any visible response.



After taking Alluka to the playroom leaving her playing with Killua, he flew back to his lab.

He landed and sauntered his way as he thought, 'I wonder if Killua can order her for a wish even with the wish I made active, and I wonder if I can make an order too'

He stood in front of the door to the lab then lifted his hand touching the door while releasing a bit of his Aura. As his aura made contact with it, it opened by itself, across the door, several inscriptions could be seen engraved on it.

This is a very simple inscription Yasuo came up with, it basically serves as an identification for one's aura.

Across the past year, aside from exploring ruins, he spent most of the time in his lab and he researched a few very basic inscriptions. He also engraved the whole building with a strengthening inscription. He did the usual routine, from drinking a few completed potions to preparing new ones and sending the rest to the fridge.


What could be noticed is a change to the internals of the place, two extra rooms, one is completely empty while the other one has a massively complicated machine inside.

This is something he is still working on and will be vital to his plans though he is still not sure if it will work how he wants it to be.

From a certain work table, numerous small engraved needles flew as he sat down in a vast empty area, then more than ten different metallic shapes and simple machines flew as he focused completely.

He extended his aura using 'Shu' on every needle as he started engraving the new inscription he just found on all of the shapes simultaneously.

His control over aura is beyond perfect inside his domain and that goes the same for every Nen category just like now, he is using Shu and emission shrouding every needle with his aura from a distance, and this is how he engraved the whole building in a relatively small time.

The different metallic shapes are things he usually uses to test inscriptions now he wants to test the use of the inscription he just got...


After sleeping for about an hour, Yasuo woke up completely energized, he made a coffee and drank it slowly while working at expanding his domain, this is something he does as much as he can since it's vital to him.

'I haven't come to a conclusion yet but from my observation, if the inscription really has the use I think it has then It will make my plans much easier though from the tests its effectiveness is too low.

Hmm, I need to work on increasing its effectiveness, perhaps combining it with the strengthening inscription can work' Thought Yasuo while taking another sip of coffee.

He sat comfortably on the chair though his mind was also working on other things. Since taking the weighted clothes out after creating his domain, he started another training to make up for it.

He basically increases gravity by creating pressure surrounding his body and every organ to every small sensible part of his body.

This serves as more advanced weights making his body more compacted and slim like he wants while also strengthening every part of his body that would otherwise be hard to strengthen.

This also trains his brain to be able to handle larger input which is an important part of his ability, that's why he uses it pretty much all the time.

He just continued training until a message was sent to his phone, he picked up his phone and looked at it then disappeared traveling through the air.

He stood on a tree branch just watching the bizarre scene play itself while thinking, 'The greater the wish made to Nanika is, the harder to fulfill the next three requests will become.

The one that must bear the burden of the next three requests is not the one that Nanika granted the wish to, it is the next person that Alluka makes requests to, which means according to the wish I made yesterday, then the burden on the new servant will be immense.'

The wish he made yesterday allowed him to be the only one able to ask for a wish and consecutively rendering the fifth rule ineffective against him.

However, that doesn't mean he has to face the burden, it just means the one who fulfilled the three requests can't make a wish unless that person is Yasuo.

The new servant assigned to attending Alluka is Yasuha who has no knowledge of Nanika's existence, she has short light purple hair and is seen wearing the standard Zoldyck butler uniform with Alluka holding her hand.

"Yasuha, can you kill yourself?" Suddenly asked Alluka out of nowhere confounding Yasuha. "Don't joke around with such a thing young miss!" Responded Yasuha awkwardly assuming she's just saying things without knowing what they mean.

Alluka just looked at her weirdly for a second making her nervous, then she said "Then Yasuha, can you cut yourself in half?"

Fear started to rise in Yasuha as she said stuttering, "Yoo...young miss, don't joke around!"

Yet, Alluka just looked at her with a blank look, "Yasuha, can you give me your brain" she said lifting her hands with a genuine look that only worked to make the strange happening even more terrifying.

Fear overwhelmed Yasuha as she started staggering backward before falling on her back stumbling her words, "N...n..noo"

The air seemed to change as a tense atmosphere of pure horror enveloped the area. Alluka asked one last request, "Then Yasuha, can you give me all of your internal organs?"

Panic and dread were apparent on Yasuha's face as she shouted, "stop it!!"

Time seemed to slow down as Yasuo appeared, picked Alluka up then disappeared. Not even a second from him disappearing, the servant got crushed into minced meat leaving a pool of blood.


Yasuo could be seen walking on a green beautiful hill with Alluka in his arms, she snuggled more into his arms though as she turned her head looking at him.

What appeared isn't Alluka's face but Nanika's as the hollow dark eyes stared directly into his.

The phenomenon in front of him didn't seem to faze him as he sat down on the green grass with a beautiful view facing him.

"We meet again," he said while caressing her head. Nanika just looked at him without saying anything.

"Can I call you Nanika? the name represents you well," Added Yasuo softly.

"Ai," Nanika hastily nodded, seemingly like the name or like the fact that Yasuo gave her a name.

"Soo, I will ask you a few questions, if you're not willing to answer or don't know the answer then it doesn't matter."

She just nodded, then he asked "If I wished for erasing the entire universe, will you be able to do that?"

She looked confused for a second before saying, "I don't know?"

A gleam of light appeared deep in his eyes as he asked another question, "What about erasing solely this world" Only for her to answer with the same thing.

Yasuo narrowed his eyes, "Let me rephrase it, can you make what we're living on, planet or whatever self-destruct?"

She had a blank look on her face for a while before answering softly not seeming to understand the implications of her answer, "Ai."

A small smile painted Yasuo's pale face as he thought, 'That gave me so much information... Everything is starting to interwind painting a fascinating picture. The painting of the world.'

The smile turned into a small laugher as he gently kissed her forehead, "Hahaha, your brother is so smart..."
