Chapter 3: Awakening II  


Chapter 3: Awakening II  


Now I need to have better control over my aura, I started bringing my hands over my chest area and trying to manipulate my aura to form a ball while also imagining a transparent ball covering my hands.

It wasn't very long before I felt my aura slowly changing shape, I kept concentrating until I felt it form a ball-like shape, then I let my aura return to its original form and began manipulating it again.

I kept repeating this process until my young body couldn't handle the exhaustion, I guess that's it for today, all that's left is to enter Zetsu.


I kept my eyes closed as I began concentrating on lowering my presence and manipulating the aura clock covering me to stay inside, hidden.

With all the training I did for the last year, I found it unsurprisingly easy to enter Zetsu.

It took me just about two hours to be able to get it from five seconds to one second before finding myself defeated by the need to sleep.

That's another thing that I'm working on developing resistance to, so far in the last months, I'm on an eight hours sleep limit per day and I plan to keep pushing it down one hour every year until I reach my limit if there's any in the first place. I guess next I have to focus on opening my aura nodes and also entering Zetsu instantly if possible.

And lastly, keep working on manipulating my aura before opening all my aura nodes since it'll be detrimental to if the Zoldycks can detect me when my aura starts leaking after opening all my aura nodes.

And like that a month passed, I could've opened all my aura nodes a while ago but I kept delaying and gave most of my time to training Zetsu and aura manipulation, they both are crucial to what I'm about to do.



As they say, you can never be too cautious, that's why I stayed put in my bed pretending to be sleeping for about three hours, after all, you never know who's watching.

I concentrated so much that I felt like I'm surrounded by darkness, all I could feel is my body and a sense of direction leading me to my goal.

Then I let it go, my last closed aura node, and I felt it clearer than ever, a warm, viscous fluid trying to flow out of me.

But before my aura started leaking, I did what all the training was for, 'Ten' suddenly the aura that was about to flow out started to calm down until it stabilized.

This is 'Ten', one of the four major principles which allow the user to stop their aura from leaking away.


'In' my aura started to shrink to only cover my body until it became transparent, this is 'In', an advanced form of Zetsu used to render one's aura imperceptible, effectively concealing it.

Unlike Zetsu, however, In does not stop the user's aura flow; instead, it hides it, and this is my goal and the only scenario in which I have a chance of practicing Nen under the eyes of a family of monsters.


Kukuroo mountain, In a dark room, three figures could be seen sitting next to each other, a muscular man in extremely good physical condition.

He has long, silver-blond hair with deep blue cat-like eyes, an old man of medium height with grey-white hair that stands upon his head, and a black-haired woman with a visor covering her eyes.

"what do you think about Yasuo ..." Asked Silva Zoldyck while lifting his head. Zeno Zoldyck narrowed his eyes then lifted his hand to start 'massaging' his fu Manchu mustache.

"A natural-born Assassin, also highly intelligent for his age, he also seems to be quite observant, after all, he learned to hide his presence and shadow steps from observing you two."

Kikyo grinned as she said, "I think we should start their training in about six months and make Yasuo's training plan a little bit harder as well as instruct the butler to put more lethal poisons in his food."

Silva's mouth couldn't help but twitch, "his training plan is already two times harder than Illumi but I'm sure he can handle it, though with how fond of him you are, I thought you'd be a little bit softer on him."

She let out a big smile as she said, "when I read my 'beautiful stories' to him, I can see it, I can see the interest, the passion he has for power in his eyes, this is for him."

Silva's eyes shone as he said, "After he finishes his training we can send him to the heavens arena, once he fulfills the objective and comes back, we can teach him Nen."

Zeno said, "surpassing us shouldn't be a problem for him, his potential is already proven, all that's left is to look at his mentality.", then silence covered the room...


I knew I couldn't use "Ren" since I'll be detected the moment I use it, though 'Ren' is necessary to expand my aura pool, it's just not worth the risk.

But I didn't waste the last 6 months, I focused on things I'll need once I make my Hatsu, aura manipulation, and multi-tasking.

So I focused on manipulating my aura in my 'In' state, I mostly focused on creating different shapes at the same time, which is what I'm doing right now.

I'm on my bed in a sleeping position though what ordinary people won't notice is ten different shapes that are constantly changing to different numbers.

This is the training that I persisted on, and this,'Zetsu', almost instantly my aura disappeared as I entered Zetsu, I closed off my aura nodes.

I wonder when they'll start teaching me Nen so that I don't have to be so cautious anymore.

I enjoy training and messing around with Nen so much that I think of how far I can take it all the time, I think I found a new passion of mine.
