Island country, Tokyo, the basement of the Prime Minister's Office.

  Although, the Chiyoda district where the Prime Minister's Office and the Imperial Palace are located is the target of the Luftwaffe's key air strikes. Now the entire palace and prime minister's mansion have been turned into ruins. However, Hideki Tojo didn't shed a single hair, he was just a little frightened.

   I have to admit that the underground fortifications built by the Japanese army are still very safe. At least, when the Prime Minister's Office was attacked by a 500-kilogram aerial bomb, the basement was still safe.

   Perhaps it is precisely because of this that when the Luftwaffe launched a month-long large-scale bombing of the island country, Hideki Tojo remained calm and was not frightened.

   In other words, he doesn't care about the life and death of ordinary islanders. As long as he himself is safe, then he will insist that this war continue.

"Your Excellency, the German bombing has almost destroyed the entire island country. Most of the cities were in ruins under the German bombing. The casualties exceeded two million people. And now we are seriously short of food, Medicines, etc. Many injured people cannot receive medical treatment. The current situation is very unfavorable to us." General Sugiyama Moto looked exhausted.

  During the large-scale bombing by the Luftwaffe, the island nation suffered a devastating blow. Not to mention the destruction of a large number of cities, the casualties are also very large. Not only military facilities were bombed by the Luftwaffe, but many civilian facilities were also bombed. This left many cities in the island nation in ruins. It can be said that the entire island country has been hit hard by this.


Prime Minister Hideki Tojo nodded: "It is impossible for the Germans to try to scare us in this way. They must know that we have armed a large number of troops, and they are waiting for them to land on our homeland, and then give They hit us head-on. So, they want to bomb us to bring us down. This is impossible. The warriors of the empire will never give in to the Germans so easily. We will fight on and let the Germans know, We will not be defeated so easily."

  At this moment, Hideki Tojo's eyes were red, as if he had fallen into madness.

  General Sugiyama Yuan is very clear that once they are defeated, the senior commanders of the military and the government will have a very miserable final result. If it is not done well, it will be to apologize. Therefore, Hideki Tojo had to continue to persevere.

   "Your Excellency Prime Minister, if the Germans continue to bomb like this, I am afraid that we will collapse before they launch an attack." Admiral Sugiyama Moto reminded.

"Don't worry, the Germans will launch a landing operation soon. The month-long bombing has certainly cost us a heavy price. But at the same time, the Germans also consumed a lot of bombs and other materials. They can't This has continued. Moreover, as long as we do not surrender, the Germans must land on our homeland. At that time, we can seize this opportunity and severely damage the German landing forces in one fell swoop. As long as we can give the Germans Inflict unbearable casualties, and the Germans will retreat. And that is our chance. Only in this way, our country can survive this crisis and continue to exist. Otherwise, our country will be completely ruined .As long as this goal can be achieved, no matter how high the price is, it will be worth it!" Hideki Tojo insisted.

  Hideki Tojo still believes that as long as they can cause huge casualties to the German troops who landed, they can force the German troops to withdraw from the mainland of the island country, and even reach a relatively favorable peace treaty for the island country, thus ending the war and keeping the island country.


  All the current deployments of the island countries are based on this point. Originally, General Sugiyama Moto also believed that they would be able to achieve this goal. But now, General Sugiyama Moto's confidence has been shaken. The frantic bombing by the German army allowed General Sugiyama to see the determination and confidence of Germany to destroy the island country. This naturally greatly reduces the possibility of the island country surviving this crisis.

   "Your Excellency, the Army will continue as much as possible!" General Sugiyama Gen said.

   Prime Minister Hideki Tojo nodded: "Don't worry, I won't be wrong. As long as we hit the Germans hard, we will be able to take the opportunity to propose peace talks and end this war!"

  General Sugiyama Moto nodded, but he was thinking in his heart: "I hope so!"

  If Prime Minister Hideki Tojo's judgment is wrong, then the island country will be completely finished this time.

   Manila, German Pacific Theater Command.


"Your Excellency Marshal, we are about to blow the entire island country back to the Stone Age. However, it is a pity that the islanders still have not surrendered. I have to admit that their will is very tenacious. At this point, they will continue to fight with us Confront it," said Air Force Chief of Staff General Hugo Speight.

  Marshal Manstein nodded: "Of course, otherwise, His Majesty the Emperor wouldn't say that the islanders are a crazy nation."

"Marshal Rundstedt, Marshal Bock, Marshal Keitel, Marshal Loeb, since the islanders refuse to surrender, then it is up to you. Send the last fatal blow to the islanders and make them surrender Go!" Marshal Manstein said.

   "Yes, Your Excellency Marshal." Several army group commanders replied.

   "Marshal Karls, the landing of the army requires the full assistance of the navy." Marshal Manstein said.

   "Your Excellency Marshal, the navy is ready to support the army landing. The Marine Corps is also ready. We can deploy 7 marine divisions on the coast of the island country at one time." Marshal Rolf Karls said.

"Very good, since this is the case, then prepare to land on the mainland of the island country! Three days later, that is, on October 18, land on Kyushu Island. Then, launch an attack on Honshu Island and Shikoku Island, and destroy the island country in the shortest possible time!" Field Marshal Manstein ordered.

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal!" Everyone replied.

  On October 18, the German Air Force and Navy dispatched a large number of bombers and carrier-based aircraft to attack Fukuoka in Kitakyushu. At the same time, the German Navy also dispatched more than a dozen battleships to launch a fierce bombardment of Fukuoka's coastal positions.

  The two-hour fire strike almost completely destroyed Fukuoka's coastal positions.

   Subsequently, the 1st and 2nd Divisions of the German Marine Division landed in Fukuoka.

   Immediately afterwards, the 13th Army, the 3rd Army of the German Army Group F, began to land in Fukuoka.
