Chapter 285   - Guild War Declared

The voice from outside sounded unfamiliar to each of them. The only thing they could think of was perhaps someone had trouble with Mia and thought she still lived here. But who would be crazy enough to go up against a tower master?

Jack was the first to stand up and answer the door.

As he opened the door, a man larger than himself stood in front of him. In his right hand a club and on his head, was the hide of a wolf. It was the Underdog guild leader called, Osborne.

After receiving information from Rick about the Red wing group stealing the king tier crystal from them, they had put out an information bounty asking if anyone had seen these people. Someone had managed to recognise and follow the three to this very mansion.

"That's him, that's the guy that took the crystal." a voice from behind said.

Then when Jack peaked through one of Osborne's arms, he was able to see a group of people standing behind him and in front of them was Rick.


Before Jack could even say anything, he was immediately whacked with the large club. The strike was powerful and had sent Jack flying back into the mansion wall.

The man then stepped through the door and onto the mansion floor.

"Stop this at once!" Lenny shouted, "You are entering the grounds of the tower master Mia. If any more property of hers is destroyed she will not be happy."

Osborne then stopped advancing, even the Tower masters frightened him and while in Roland he had to obey their command.

"Is that true?" Osbourne said as he turned his head and asked someone from behind.

A member then whispered into Osbourne's ear informing him of the facts.


"I see, well today was more of a deceleration anyway," Osbourne said, he then lifted his club into the air and slammed it down onto the ground. A large crater was formed around where the club had landed and the room shook a little from the immense power.

"I am here to declare a guild war on the Red wings guild and the Underdog guild. You stole the king tier crystal from us and we shall take it back" Osbourne said in a deep powerful voice. "We shall fight out on the fields just in front of Roland, you have a week to gather as many members as possible, or leave this city and hand over the crystals."

Osbourne then turned around to leave through the doors and his group of ten men followed behind him.

Jack had finally just recovered and had rubble from the wall all over him, blood was dripping from the side of his mouth.

"You're hurt Jack!" Martha said surprised.

Jack then wiped his mouth and stared at his hand.


"It's been a long time since I was hurt by a human, that man is strong," Jack said with a smile.

Martha had almost forgotten how Jack loved fighting and something like this only got him more excited.

"What was that all about and a guild war? What does that even mean?"

"This might be a problem, declaring a Guild war is a big deal, it's something that is also announced through the Guildhall system. At any time one guild can declare a guild war on another, during this time period the two guilds who are involved are unable to accept quests until one guild has admitted defeat." Lenny answered.

"Then why give us a week, wouldn't that mean a great loss for his guild?"

"During this time guild members are able to attack other guild members with no consequences, the city will try its best to not intervene as long as it doesn't destroy any of the property. My guess is the Underdog guild whishes to grow its fame." Lenny said. "After speaking to Mia it seems like your leader has done a good job in spreading the Red wings name, you have become quite infamous. The underdog guild has been here for a long time, even when I was still at Roland. They are a powerful group and they probably believe there Is no way they can lose."

"What should we do? We don't have the system anymore, if we try to contact Slyvia to send us some back up it will take too long." Martha said worriedly.

"Then the three of us will just have to fight," Jack said as he spat out a big glob of blood. "The three of us are plenty strong enough."

"Is there no other way?"

"I'm afraid if we don't want to give up the King beast crystal, then yes."

The group discussed the matter over the next few days, and it looked like there wasn't much they could do. Martha and Jack refused to give up the Crystal. They had both risked so much for it and felt like it was unfair, just because the Underdog guild was based in Roland they would have to give it up.

They sent out another Letter to Slyvia hoping it would reach her in time.

Lenny had said, he would not be able to get involved in the matter, He was not a member of the Red wings and actually disagreed with the two's decision to fight against the guild. It was a suicide act he felt.

But he did agree to continue to help Martha. Over the next few days, they stayed at the mansion and continued to train. Martha had finally gotten the hang of her wings and was able to perform very minimal feats of wind magic.

Adding the wind magic to her arrows with her ki, made them insanely powerful and insanely sharp as well.

The three of them rarely left the mansion for fear that they would get ambushed while outside. Lenny had informed them during the time of a guild war, they were free to be attacked and the guards wouldn't punish them for it.

Right now, the safest place in Roland for them was the mansion. Of course, Jack wanted to do the opposite of what he was told, if you told him to stay in, all he wanted to do was go out.

But Jack was not selfish and understood the importance of everything.

Finally, the day had arrived where the guild war was to take place. Jack, Martha and Lenny stood quite a distance away from Roland out on the field. The guards had also been informed of the match and had cleared out the area, informing the local citizens not to go there.

Lenny had said he would not take part but stayed on standby just in case, if the two were badly beaten and not killed, at least Lenny would be able to step in and help.

In the end, no reply was received from Slyvia so the two of them were on their own.

That's when the site of a hundred men in all sorts of beast gear started walking towards them, and leading the pack was Osbourne with his large club.

The two groups stood opposite each other around 30 meters apart.

"Are you prepared to hand over the King crystal!" Osbourne shouted.

Osbourne had already made up his mind, even if they did hand over the crystal, he would continue the war and fight them. Those that stole from the Underdogs needed to be punished.

"This is our answer!" Martha then quickly readied her bow and let out a powerful arrow. It had landed on the person stood just by Osbourne's side and had knocked him down, unsure whether he was alive or dead.

"Get them!" Osbourne shouted.


Special thanks to ShiroDN, Fenrir2040, IcyShadow2323, Crimsonkapa, and Mohsin_Mumtaz for the gifts they really help me with my goal of becoming a full-time author.
