Chapter 310   - The Army Grows

Ray and Roy were both charging into the centre of the field where the large battle had just taken place. Any second now the two of them would clash and the guards feared the damage that Roy had just saved the forest from, could end up in even worse condition.

"Nobody touches my men!" Ray shouted.

"Men, I didn't realize the shadow could be so loyal, isn't that why you mainly use the beasts to do your work?"

However, before the two men could clash, Lenny stood there in the centre.

"That's enough both of you!" Lenny shouted.

Ray then paused, and so did Roy.


"Old man, what are you doing here? I haven't seen you in years, have you finally gone mad and teamed up with the shadow?"

Springett then started running "Wait!" She shouted, "Tower master Roy, there has been a huge mistake."

Springett was even in her breakthrough mode, using every bit of her energy to come over as quick as she could. She actually couldn't believe Lenny had gotten there before her.

Then she saw a magic circle underneath himself.

"Did he really create a small teleportation circle that fast?" Springett thought. "He is still amazing as always."



Springett had just finished explaining what had happened here today and how Ray and his guild were actually the ones that saved the Roland students. Lenny then went over to heal Jack and after Martha ordered the rest of the Underdog guild to start extracting the beast cores.

They could sell all of these for a profit to be used and would never have to worry about going hungry again.

"Ha, ha, I'm sorry, I nearly killed the saviour of our dear Roland students." Roy said, trying to play everything off as a joke.

"Please master Roy, if you could apologize," Springett asked.

"Of course," Roy said, "I'm sorry, the second I saw you I could tell you were strong and thought you had to be the shadow guard that the others were talking about."

Ray was still upset at the fact that he had hurt Jack without even confirming who he was attacking. Yet still hadn't gone over and apologized to him. The two of them did not get on well with each other at all.


"An eye for an eye? Right." Ray said, "You burned my man, but you think you can get away with a simple apology? Why don't we see how much it takes to burn you?"

"Alright Ray, time for you to head back." Martha said as she pulled him off to one side. "Don't you have another mission to do." She shouted, making sure she was heard.

"Ray it's best if you head back to the academy as Nes," She whispered, "It seems like Lenny knows the tower masters well and has managed to get one to help you on the inside. But if you're not back when everyone else is back at the academy, then it might cause some suspicion."

"Very well." Ray said as he took off into the forest and started to make his way the long way round back to the academy.

"He was a bit of a feisty one, wasn't he!" Roy said, laughing.

"Say's the person who charged in without confirming who the enemy was?" Lenny added.

The students were starting to head off with the guards back to the city and just before Springett went off to go with them. Lenny pulled on Springett's hand and whispered in her ear.

"You said you wanted to know why I was here, right? Well, meet me at this inn tonight and make sure you come alone and aren't followed."

Springett nodded before heading off with the other students and the tower master. As they walked off, he could see most of the students were still frightened, thinking that maybe at any second more beasts would come out and attack them.

"Don't worry kids, if anything comes out, I'll protect you guys." Roy said hoping to cheer them up but seemed to have no effect.

They had been through a lot, and it wouldn't be a surprise if a lot of the students who remained, decided to no longer pursue being a mage. Or at least not one that would be put on the front line in a war.

Back at the battlefield, the Underdog members had just finished extracting all of the crystals from the beasts. Luckily Martha was able to obtain a storage bag from the underdog's leader Osbourne.

These were quite expensive to come by, and Martha could never ask Slyvia for funds to get something like this.

When Jack had attacked him earlier, he had only been knocked out, but soon after, when the beasts had come and eaten him alive. It was a cruel way to go, but there was nothing they could have done at the time.

Martha then turned back and looked at the Underdog guild members. She could hear many of them discussing what to do now. Without their leader, they felt lost and would have to start adventuring on their own again or join other guilds.

"Ray did say he needed more men, right?" Martha thought.

She then gathered all of the men and stood Infront of them.

"I am sorry about the loss of your leader tonight, it was neither our intention to take the life of a great man. But remember you were the ones who started this attack on us." Martha said. "With just the two of us, we had no choice but to fight back today, but I want all of you to remember you did a great thing today. Because of your efforts, those children are able to go back to their families, and I thank you all."

With a speech like that, the Underdog guild members felt it hard to hate the two people in front of them. A lot of the members didn't even know why the guild war had started in the first place. But after witnessing their power, they never wanted to go up against a Redwing member again.

"So I call you all today. To ask you, if you have nowhere to go then we Redwings will take you in. Your things will be paid for, and accommodation will be given to you and your family. You saw what happened today, the shadow is able to attack anywhere, anytime and anyplace. No city is longer safe. But if you join the Redwings, we can protect you. All we ask for is complete loyalty."

With those words spoken, a queue started to form in front of Martha. As each member appeared in front of them, Martha offered them the contract of the system one by one. Some chose to accept while others didn't. Those that accepted were told to head off to Avrion to join the Redwings.

Slowly their army was starting to grow.


Author Notice: Schedule change 10:00 Am GMT+ 8 two chapters will be released. Sorry for no upload yesterday I got a puppy and wasn't able to sleep for the last two days.

Special thanks to Brandon_Ramos_3070, Ahmed_Kabir_7439, Jan_Deumel, AnubisRat, Shurikyn_13, ShiroDN, Rumtwist, and moosadeen3 for the gifts they really help me to my goal of becoming a full-time author.
