Chapter 394   - The Dem's past

Russell continued to nervously hold the knife up by Rachel's neck. The fighting off the stage continued and even Jack's mother who was slightly off to the side looked worried. When looking into his father's eyes, it seemed like he was slightly going mad at everything.

"All of this shouldn't be happening. What did I do wrong?" Russell said. "Do people care when we sell cows or chickens? Isn't this exactly the same thing! And you." Russel said, looking towards Jack. "Unlike the others, you have my blood running through your veins, you should be on my side, not theirs."

"Is that why you didn't kill me??Because I was your son? Then please explain to me, perhaps if you explain it to me then maybe I'll understand you." Jack of course could never forgive his father now. It was clear that he had gone too far. But his father was beyond reason and he could see these words were starting to work.

"I grew this whole town to what it is today. When I found this place by accident, there was nothing but abandoned buildings and that strange yellow armour. However, I soon realised that the armour was different. It was a gold mine in disguise, with the ability to enhance anyone who was wearing its power."

'That sounds like the shadow plague, is it connected?' Jack thought.

"But, Fate hadn't denied and abandoned me yet, not only was their armour left behind, but also a single female. Who had been chained up on one of the walls, they were left here for whatever reason. When I started to approach her and she saw me I quickly realised why. She was a monster. She changed in an instant to that hideous form and tried to attack me. I managed to dodge but not far enough and she had caused a large cut going across my leg.


"Because of that vicious beast, I couldn't move or escape from the cave until I had healed. For at the time there was a battle going on outside. It was how I had discovered the underground town in the first place, looking for a place to hide. If I had left with the injury I would have been killed.

"Every day I came back to antagonize the women who had injured me, who forced me to find scraps to live off in the cave. I had to eat bugs and plants I had never eaten before just to get by and then one day. The women didn't attack me, and instead, she remained there still.

"I wondered why, until underneath, I could see eight children that had been born. It was a strange sight to see, for she had no large belly but then I quickly realised she wasn't human. The babies at first were small in size and they quickly grew into regular-sized human babies in front of my very eyes.

"Knowing what they would become I thought it would be best to kill them, but then I thought if I could raise them then maybe I could use them in the future. At that time during my search, I found the strange yellow armour and wrapped it around my leg to strengthen it when walking, and that was when I discovered the special properties of the armour.

"Suddenly, like a spark it hit me. These two things would make me rich. I would no longer have to be a knight on the front lines, I could live a life of luxury."

After hearing the story Jack didn't know what to think. Was he meant to sympathise with his father after that... When hearing all those words he could only think this person was pure Evil. Only an insane person would be able to understand what was going through his head.


"But I don't understand, how am I a werewolf if you're not one then?"

Then the look of shock on his mother's face came, slowly the shock started to turn to anger, and seeing the little girl even she felt like she had enough. This was all too much for her.

"I was fine with the slaves, I was fine with the selling of the wolves, but later on I found out that the thing he found so disgusting. He was sleeping with them." She said as she pointed her finger aggressively.

"Ah yes, but it wasn't out of love like for you my dear," Russell said. "It was to show her their place, to get her back for attacking me. What I didn't realise though was if a human was to breed with a werewolf, there is only a fifty percent chance of the offspring becoming one as well.

"Usually, there are certain features that are uncontrolled for werewolves when they turn five years old. Perhaps on an accident, they turn their hands out of anger, or like little Rachel here a tail appears on her behind. But you showed nothing, yet you were incredibly skilled. You showed promise, so I decided to raise you like a true son of my own.

"Still, you weren't ready to learn of the family business yet, it seemed like you were too attached to that brother of yours. He had already shown signs and we told him to keep it a secret from you. If he was to suddenly disappear at such a young age you would have asked questions. So we decided to send you away, hoping you would never learn the truth.


"Turns out you were part of them all along."

Just then from the double doors, Ray had entered the room after defeating the two captain knights outside. Russel seeing this, couldn't believe it.

"My army, how are you still here? Where are they?" Russell asked.

From the back entrance, one of the knights had entered and came from behind the curtain. "Sir, we need help immediately. The whole town. They're trying to flee the city. We can't hold them at the gate any longer. The men where are the men!" The knight shouted.

"I was about to ask you the same thing!" Russel shouted back. "Where are the men?!"

Then suddenly from the side. One of the slaves had been chucked over onto the stage. However, Russell was too stunned to notice what was happening. He was still trying to process all of the information. As the slave's body banged into Russell, the knife fell out from his hand and the whole bodies banged into each other becoming a large pile.

Jack quickly rushed over, too worried, he lifted and threw his father off to the side like a lightweight, before throwing the slave as well to the other. He didn't even know what he was doing but just wanted to know Rachel was okay.

"No, No, No…!" Jack cried.

He looked down, his hands soaked in dark black and red blood. When the bodies had collided, the blade had impaled the middle of her chest. Her eyes looked to be in pain, and small amounts of blood was dripping from her neck as well.

With her held in both of his hands, a strange feeling started to come over him. An energy boiling up stronger then he had ever felt before. This wasn't just anger, it was something else as well.

His head lifted looking at the ceiling and his eyes had completely gone red, not even the white could now be seen.

"WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Jack cried into the sky. The sound was piercing loud, it had caused the others to stop…

Then, a strange reaction had occurred. All the werewolves who were busy fighting with Steve, including Steve himself, also had the urge to howl. At once, they started to howl and now everyone was covering their ears, including Ray who was more sensitive than the others.

He had completely fallen to the floor covering his ears.

"This power," Steve said. "I knew it, brother. You are an alpha wolf."
