Chapter 263   - Genius Mage

While Ray was being led to the front of the class by the teacher, he was struggling to think of who to contact, then a thought came into his mind. There was one person who had caused all these problems for him in the first place.


It was only because of Lenny that he had gotten a perfect score on the test. It was because of him that everyone in the school thought he was some genius mage, that they all paid attention to him. Then with his mind, Ray opened up the system and sent out his message to Martha.

Whatever Ray wanted to send with the system, all he needed to do was think about it and it would be sent. What amazed him was this was true for the magic circle as well. Ray just had to think about what the magic circle looked like and it would be drawn out in the message.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Springett asked, "Don't tell me you don't know how to form a simple spell like this right, Genius boy."

Just then Ray had received a message back from Martha. The message contained an image of a magic circle described from Lenny of how it should look.


The weight of Ray's shoulders was lifted and he confidently walked up to the screen and started to draw out the image in his system. Ray was slow when drawing out the circle as he was checking the diagram that had been sent to him.

When he completed the triangle, Springett's grin turned into a frown.

"I suppose even some none magicians should know of this at least,"

But Ray didn't stop there and continued drawing the diagram.

"What is he doing, wasn't the circle already finished?" The student's watching said.

"I think he's adding something."


Ray continued drawing the circle slowly copying everything Martha had sent and Springett watching the whole thing was getting an odd feeling. Why was Ray pausing so much in between?

A few moments later and the magic circle was complete. Ray stepped back from the screen and now everyone could see what he had done. The magic circle no longer looked like a simple triangle.

There were several symbols around and inside the circle. Some of these symbols other students had never even witnessed in their lives before.

Just then, Springett dropped the brush in her hand as she looked at the magic circle in amazement.

"But how, no one at his age should be able to create something like this/"

Ray had drawn not just a simple light crystal but one that had all sorts of options added on to it. It no longer just had the simple instruction of turning on and turning off. It now had dimming options, colour changes, easily chargeable by using your own mana and so on.


Although all these add ons weren't impressive on their own, to combine them all on a magic circle and make sure they didn't disturb the flow on one another was truly impressive.

The students sitting down in their seats had no clue what Ray had done, but were impressed, as they knew it had to be something special judging by Springett's reaction.

Springett wasn't an ordinary professor, although young she herself was quite well known in the academy. She had a very good understanding of magic circles. As she was the only disciple of a well-known teacher that was no longer at Roland.

With the shock, Springett decided to end the class early for the day but before she left she had an announcement to make to the class.

"Next week will be the practical assessment for you guys. All of the first years at the time will be teleported together to the hunting ground. It is important beforehand that you register your group of five for the assessment."

With that said the class had ended and Springett left the room with a huge thought on her mind. Her suspicions of Ray hadn't ended there but instead grew.

"Nes Talen just who are you?" She was going to do everything she could to find out his secret.

After hearing the words practical assessment, Van's body started to shake again. It was the same time last year that Amy had been killed and it was during that practical assessment.

"Don't worry Van," Ray said, "Join up with me and I will make sure that you won't have to use your magic abilities."

Van looked up at Ray and thought back to how he had easily dealt with the middle tier students. Just maybe if it was him, he could do it. Even if he couldn't Van wanted to believe in Ray's words.

"Okay," Van replied.

"Well, that makes three of us." Said Max, "Now we just need to find two more."

But as they looked around the room, they noticed that many people had already formed up groups of five. Max suddenly remembered that the three of them were unpopular in the class. It was only recently that people started to talk to them again but they were still afraid of what Blake would do.

That's when a female with long black hair had come and approached them instead. It was Bliss, the top girl in class before Ray had come and the one that resembled the Divine being.

"I know me and you got on the wrong foot." Bliss said looking at Ray, "But I understand now after what happened the other day, you were just worried about your friend who might have been in trouble. If possible, please I would like to join your team."

Ray looked at Bliss and he couldn't help but feel strange. She truly did just look like a younger version of the witch. Ray felt like the only right thing to do was turn her down, otherwise, he would be too distracted by this fact.

But before Ray could even answer, Max had rushed over to her side.

"Of course you can join us. It would be an honour to have someone like you on our team." Max said.

Ray huffed out a big pile of air, and just as he was about to say something, he chose not to.

"Oh well, I guess it will be fine."

Now the group just needed one more member to make the team of five.


Special thanks to Fenrir2040, DarkShadow_DS, ancientwatcher, and ShiroDN for the gifts you really help me continue my work.

If you didn't know my other works.

My grimreaper bodyguard?(On webtoon)

Virtual sword god! ()

My Vampire system ()
