Chapter 264   - The fith member

Walking down the halls thinking about his daily troubles, was a neatly dressed black-haired boy with his hair swept back named Kaito Molo. He was the son of a Noble who was working for the empire. He always got the best grades in class but for some reason had never been able to rank up past the lower-class tier.

Four years was the time he had spent at Roland and not once had he moved up during the assessment. Although he understood most of the theory behind magic, he could never perform it himself when he was put into a practical situation.

But other than his troubles with ranking up, he was currently faced with a new challenge. This year Kaito had been placed with a special task from his father. The Empire wanted to learn more about the group known as the Red wings that had managed to take over Avrion and fend off the shadow plague.

The news had now spread almost all of the Alure kingdom and was only just starting to reach the surrounding kingdoms and the empire. The news about the Red wings that was now coming out, was mostly positive.

Slyvia had done a good job creating a guildhall at Avrion and protecting the routes and the nearby cities. Making sure the people in the surrounding areas had a good impression of the Red wings.

Then with this, stories of the battle that took place at Avrion were told. The tales were grand and exaggerated and centred around one person, Nes. The leader of the so-called Red wings Guild and faction.


The empire didn't place great importance on this task but when his father had heard that they were starting to gain interest, he immediately contacted his son Kaito on the matter. Hoping he could find anything that would gain the emperor's trust.

But what was Kaito meant to do? For now, he had one more year at the academy and the Red wings had yet to reach Roland city. They were mainly knights after all. However, after doing research on the Red wings Kaito started to gain more and more interest.

He learnt of Nes's grand feats and learnt that the leader was not only a knight but a mage as well. With each story Kaito heard about Nes, he started to become obsessed and without even realising it, he now idolised the person and one day hoped he could meet Nes and ask him to be his tutor.

As Kaito was walking down the hallway he overheard a few students talking about an incident that happened earlier in the day.

"Hey did you hear what happened to Professor Springett?"

"Yeah, apparently she was speechless because a student showed her up in class."


"What?" Kaito thought as he heard the news. Springett was well known for not only being a magic swordsman but also for being quite knowledgeable compared to others when it came to magic circles.

Just who was able to shock her?

"It was the new student form Del's class, you know the one that was involved with all those middle-class students. Nes Talen I think his name was."

"Nes?" As soon as Kaito had heard that name his ears started ringing. It couldn't be the same person known as the leader of the Red wings. The Nes he had heard about was an a.d.u.l.t and there were mostly student's here.

Even if it was Nes, what reasons would he have to be a student? Either way, Kaito felt like he had to check out who this Nes person was.

While doing his best to gather information, he had found out that this Nes Talen student had also caused quite the stir just a few days ago, taking out a bunch of middle-class students. As he heard more and more about this student Kaito couldn't help himself but feel excited.


Then when he had finally reached, Del's classroom he opened the door and started to look around.

"Is there anything we can help with bro?" Max asked.

"Ughh yeah I'm looking for a student that goes by the name of Nes?"

"Oh well he's right here," Max said pointing to the seat next to him.

As Kaito looked at the person in the seat, his heart started to shatter. The person in front of him was just a child, like he expected. In some rare cases, there were students who were allowed to enter as an a.d.u.l.t and Kaito was hoping this might be one of them.

After hearing the rumours of this Nes student in school, he let his imagination get the better of him, just then as he was about to leave, he overheard the groups conversation.

"Man, so what are we going to do about a fifth member for the assessment?" Max asked.

"Well I spoke around and everyone else in the class has already got a teammate." Bliss replied, "Which means will just have to search for someone from another class or wait until assessment day and pick up any strays."

As Kaito heard those words a thought came to him. He had yet to find a teammate for the assessment as well. After all, he was considered a trash student by most. He was one of the very few people who had been here for four years yet still hadn't moved up to at least the middle class.

Perhaps him coming to try to meet this Nes person today might have been a coincidence but it was like fate was giving him answers telling him he needed to join this team.

Kaito then turned to the others and approached them again.

"Hey sorry to bother you guys but I couldn't help but hear that you were looking for a fifth person for the practical assessment. Well I don't really have a team either, do you mind if I join you."

Then the whole group's eyes lit up, without needing the hard work to go look for someone, another person had come right to them.
